Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 903 A Dream

Chapter 903 A Dream
"My queen is naturally the most beautiful person in the world." Xiao Baorui opened the tent, with a hearty smile on his face.

"Slaves see the emperor, and the emperor is blessed."

"You go back."


Tang Huanxi looked at Xiao Baorui's radiant and confident appearance, and couldn't help but raise his lips, "The emperor sent away the concubine's maid, what do you want?"

Xiao Baorui took a step forward, stretched out his hand to embrace her, and kissed her hard on the face involuntarily.

"My lady, you are so pretty!"


"Is the lady sleeping well?" Xiao Baorui subconsciously kissed her lips softly, then wrapped her in his arms, and said with a smile, "The bonfire party will start later, lady, do you want to eat mutton?" ?”

"Okay." Tang Huanxi nodded impatiently, "By the way, how was the hunt today?"

"Very happy." Xiao Baorui said softly, "But I also saw some monsters and monsters clearly."

"It seems that your husband has gained a lot?"

"En." Xiao Baorui nodded with his eyes closed, "Lady, I think at the bonfire party tonight, someone will make so-called suggestions about the emptiness of the harem."

"Then what does your husband think?"

"I don't want anyone else except you." Xiao Baorui looked at her with sincerity in his eyes, "Besides, I've already said that I can't tolerate other women in my eyes."

"Me too."

"By the way, I forgot to tell you something. Xu Jiudi has entered Beijing today." Xiao Baorui looked at her with doubts in his eyes, "Didn't she just write a letter a few days ago?"

"Sister Jiudi said that she is going to the northwest, but I don't know what it is for. Why has she already entered Beijing?"


"I'll go find her after the spring hunting is over." Tang Huanxi thought for a while and said softly.

"it is good."

At Xu time, the bonfire dinner officially began.

Xiao Baorui took the lead in toasting, and after speaking some exciting words, the dinner officially began.

"The taste of the grilled lamb chops is very good." Tang Huanxi tasted the lamb chops carefully, and then smiled and said, "Is Poria also here?"

"Your Majesty, you are really amazing." Bai Wei, who was standing behind her, said in a low voice, "Fu Ling's craftsmanship has been inherited from you, so the emperor specially ordered her to be in charge of the dishes for this dinner. Look, everyone They all eat with relish."

"Sit down and eat together."

"No, this is unreasonable." Bai Wei shook her head righteously, "Madam Gui told the servants that when they go out, every word and deed of the servants represents the face of the master, so the servants cannot embarrass you."

"Then ask Poria to save some delicious food for you, and you can eat it after the dinner party is over."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, this servant has already told Fu Ling about it."

"Little greedy cat."

After Tang Huanxi ate a lamb chop, she lost her appetite.

"Your Majesty, I have a daughter in my humble honour, who is twenty-eight years old. Thanks to God's blessing, the little girl can see the emperor's face, so the little girl wants to dance a dance to express her heart, and I ask the emperor for permission!"

The first person to speak was Lin Yuanshang, then Minister of Rites, and his words were sincere and sincere.

Xiao Baorui did not speak, but silently glanced at Tang Huanxi.

"Eating alone is too boring." Tang Huanxi smiled brightly at him.

This smile completely shook his mind.

"Since that's the case, let's go."

Lin Yuanshang's daughter, Lin Jingjing, is twenty-eight years old, with a handsome appearance and a perfect figure.

With the sound of silk and bamboo, Lin Jingjing suddenly stretched out her wrist, intertwined her hands, and danced non-stop to the music.

That dancing posture is indeed beautiful and outstanding.

Tang Huanxi looked at it with gusto, but Xiao Baorui never looked over from the beginning to the end.

While dancing enthusiastically, Lin Jingjing carefully looked at Xiao Baorui's expression.

Seeing Xiao Baorui who was still unmoved, she was suddenly discouraged.

It seems that the rumors are true, in the heart of the emperor, the queen is always the only one.

After the song was over, Lin Jingjing's dance also ended.


Surprisingly, the first person to applaud turned out to be the empress!

"Miss Lin's dancing posture is really outstanding!"

"The empress is overrated, and I'm ashamed to be a courtier." Lin Jingjing responded obediently, but her words were always tinged with a layer of disappointment. Finally, she couldn't help but cast her gaze on Xiao Baorui's face. She suddenly asked Said, "I don't know what the emperor thinks about this dance performed by my courtiers?"

"I haven't seen it clearly." Xiao Baorui glanced at her, and said in a deep voice, "But to be able to make the empress praise you, Miss Lin must have practiced hard."

"Yes, my daughter has been practicing dancing for ten years."

"Miss, try this dish, it tastes very good." Xiao Baorui deliberately exchanged a few words, and then his eyes fell on Tang Huanxi's face.

Lin Jingjing, who watched this scene, was a little out of her wits.

The following tracks are all a bit mediocre.

"Xiao Baorui, I seem to be too full." Tang Huanxi looked down at her swollen belly, and said with some annoyance, "It's all your fault, you keep feeding me, look how fat I have become? "

"The lady is not fat at all." Xiao Baorui smiled, and then held her hand, "I heard that the night view of Xiangshan Mountain is very beautiful, shall I go out for a walk with you?"

"What about here?"

"If I don't, maybe they can have more fun."

"it is good."

After Xiao Baorui left the table with Tang Huanxi, the originally quiet crowd suddenly boiled up.

It's so lively to push a cup and change a cup.

"Where are you going to take me?" Tang Huanxi looked sideways at the man beside him, and asked curiously, "Xiao Baorui, have you ever been to Xiangshan?"

"Well, I've been here." Xiao Baorui smiled at her, "A month ago, I secretly left the palace once."

"Why haven't I heard you mention it?"

"At that time, you were busy with the affairs of the harem, and I was busy with the affairs of the court. To be honest, I didn't know anything about the affairs of the court, so I often felt very hard during that time." Xiao Baorui said softly, "Sometimes I feel very tired, so tired I was a little out of breath, so I thought about leaving the palace, I rode alone to Xiangshan, and stayed on the top of the mountain for two hours."

"and then?"

"I figured out a lot of things." Xiao Baorui took off his cloak and put it on her body, "Huanxi, I had a dream last night."

"What dream?"

"I dreamed that you left and you came back to a very strange place, where the eyes are all white, everyone wears strange clothes, and you don't recognize me anymore..."

"How come..." Tang Huanxi grabbed his hand nervously, and comforted him softly, "It is said that dreams and reality are opposite, so Xiao Baorui, stop thinking about it."

(End of this chapter)

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