Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 904 Someone Will Go First

Chapter 904 Someone Will Go First

If it was just an ordinary dream, Xiao Baorui would naturally not think about it.

But the dream last night was so realistic.

Now, as long as Xiao Baorui closes his eyes, he can recall the scene from that nightmare.

"Lady, we don't want this child, okay?" Xiao Baorui suddenly touched her forehead, and said softly, "We already have Yijin and Wuyou, this child, let's give up first, okay?"

"Why?" Tang Huanxi tried hard to suppress the anger deep in her heart, looked at him, her eyes were full of doubts, "Xiao Baorui, you said that you like children very much."

"Well, I like children."

"Then why not him?"

"He will hurt you." Xiao Baorui looked at her with worries in his eyes, "Lady, do you know why I had that strange dream?"

"Just because of a dream, you want us to give up this child?"

"I dreamed that you had postpartum hemorrhage during childbirth, and finally...leaved me." Thinking of that dream, Xiao Baorui's eyes were already red, "Lady, I can't let you take risks, let alone lose you! We already have Yi Jinhe is worry-free, if this child is destined to hurt you, then I would rather give up early."

"But I don't want to give up on him." Tang Huanxi looked at him and said firmly, "I won't let anyone hurt my child, including you, Xiao Baorui."


"Okay, I'm a little tired, let's go back." Tang Huanxi didn't want to dwell on this issue any longer, and said with a frown, "There is no room for negotiation on this matter, and I will not give up."

Xiao Baorui had already guessed that such a situation would happen, he lowered his head and said nothing
After returning to the tent, Tang Huanxi paused, turned around and looked up at the man in front of him, "Let's talk."


"That dream was just an introduction. What happened later?" Tang Huanxi looked at him and asked softly, "You have to tell me everything that happened later."

Xiao Baorui took a deep look at her, and finally smiled bitterly, "You have a hemorrhage after giving birth, and your body is so cold, I ordered someone to make an ice coffin and put you in it. I get drunk every day, and that's it. After three years of being in a daze, when you died for three years, I was drunk by your side, and suddenly felt dizzy, and then I went to a strange world.

The lights there are bright and colorful; the roads there are also wide, and the carriage seems to be replaced by a tool called a car.And you were lying in a place called a hospital, looking haggard. I walked up to you and called your name, but you just glanced at me quietly. That look was so strange.

Xiao Baorui never thought that one day, Tang Huanxi would look at him with such strange eyes. He didn't know how to describe the heartache.

"The place you went to should be where I lived in my previous life." After listening to his explanation, Tang Huanxi understood, "Xiao Baorui, even if this dream will come true, I don't want you to become so decadent. People are mortal, even if I die in the future, you can't... um..."

Before Tang Huanxi could finish speaking, Xiao Baorui sealed her lips forcefully.

Two people, lips and teeth depend on each other, lingering for a long time.

Finally, Xiao Baorui reluctantly let go of her shoulders, "My lady, you are not allowed to talk nonsense, and you are not allowed to leave me."

"But when we get old, one of us will leave first." Tang Huanxi nestled in his chest, and said in a muffled voice, "Sooner or later, between the two of us, someone will leave this world first. I don't want to be The one that was left behind."

"My lady..." Xiao Baorui's eyes turned red when he heard these words, "My lady, don't say that..."

"I'm serious, Xiao Baorui." Tang Huanxi looked at him, and gently pulled the corners of his lips, "Life, old age, sickness and death are all human nature, even if I leave before you in the future, I don't want you to give up on yourself."

"My lady, it's late at night, and the wind is a bit chilly, let's go back." Xiao Baorui didn't want to continue this topic, and frowned.

Looking at his stubborn profile, Tang Huanxi sighed silently in her heart.

After returning to the tent, seeing Bai Wei's red and swollen face, Tang Huanxi felt anger welling up in her heart.

"Your Majesty..." Bai Wei looked at her and said cautiously, "This servant seems to have gotten into trouble..."

"What's the matter with your face?"

Just after Tang Huanxi and Xiao Baorui left the bonfire dinner, Bai Wei went to find Fuling.

Fu Ling specially left a lot of lamb chops for her, and the two of them drank sake, and when they were having fun, someone came to spoil the fun.

"That Huan'er is Lin Jingjing's maidservant, clamoring for Fuling to make Lin Jingjing another grilled lamb chop. The servant has already said that Fuling belongs to the empress and does not serve other people. That Huaner has a hot temper. I couldn't help but slapped the servant girl. The servant girl didn't want to do anything at first, but everyone bullied her, so the servant girl and Fuling beat her together..."

"and then?"

"Huan'er was bruised and swollen by the servants, and then she left in a hurry. But just half an hour ago, Lin Jingjing and her... Anyway, the scene at that time was too... Lin Jingjing was clamoring to commit suicide, and Huan'er insisted It was the servants who put something in the lamb chops, and now the imperial doctor has also found out that there are indeed hallucinogenic ingredients in the grilled lamb chops..."

Originally, the people from Dali Temple wanted to take Bai Wei and Fu Ling away directly, but considering that the two of them belonged to the queen, they just sent people to monitor them.

"I know about this matter." Tang Huanxi said blankly, his eyes became colder and colder.

I thought Lin Jingjing was smart, but I didn't expect her to be so brainless.

"Your Majesty..." Bai Wei looked at her with a bit of guilt in her eyes, "Did the maidservant cause you trouble?"

"Bai Wei, Bai Wei, tell me what to say! No matter how you say it, you are still the big palace maid next to me, but now your face has been beaten like this, isn't it embarrassing me?" Tang Huanxi looked at her, with a bit of hatred in her tone, "Where is Poria? Where did it go?"

"Poria is going to boil eggs."

Tang Huanxi was immediately speechless, and when Fu Ling appeared in front of her eyes, she was even more speechless.

"If you don't know the ins and outs of the matter, you will think you had a fight with the giant panda!"

"Ma'am, what is a giant panda? Can it be eaten?" Fu Ling looked at her and asked curiously.

Tang Huanxi raised his forehead immediately, "Forget it, let's not talk about pandas. But you two, how do you plan to solve the problem in front of you? And what happened to the grilled lamb chops that were sent to Lin Jingjing? "

(End of this chapter)

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