Chapter 906

Xiao Baorui's tone was very calm.

But it made Lin Yuanshang break out in a cold sweat.

"Prince Yu's son... is very good, but the girl's face is terrible, she is really not worthy of the son... The old minister thinks that this marriage should be let go..."

"Lin Shangshu's words are wrong, but I think this marriage is very good."

Lin Yuanshang wanted to say something else, but he didn't expect Lin Jingjing to nod in agreement, "The emperor bestowed a marriage, how dare the courtiers resist the order?"

"Since that's the case, let's make an order after I return to the palace. I think the eighth day of March will be a good day."

"Is this time too hasty..." Lin Yuanshang said in a low voice.

"It's all about keeping it simple."

The matter has become a foregone conclusion, so Lin Yuanshang had no choice but to take Lin Jingjing to give thanks, and finally left.

Tang Huanxi immediately looked sideways at him, and asked with some doubts, "Why did you marry Lin Jingjing to Hanjie?"

"The Prince Yu's Mansion also participated in this matter." Xiao Baorui clenched his fists, his eyes grew a little more angry, "Since they have put in so much effort to play such a big game of chess, how can I prevent them from getting what they want?"

"Prince Yu's Mansion?"

"That Huan'er used to be the one who served Old Princess Yu." Xiao Baorui sneered, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes, "Lady, you don't have to worry about this matter, I will handle it properly."


Xiao Baorui suddenly married Lin Jingjing and Murong Hanjie, and this incident caused quite a stir.

After the spring hunting was over, it was rumored that all of this was deliberately planned by the empress, in order to prevent other women from entering the palace.

For a moment, Tang Huanxi was pushed to the forefront.

Hearing these inexplicable news, Bai Wei turned around anxiously, "Mother, these people are really too much, how can they speculate about you so maliciously?"

"The mouth grows on other people's bodies. Could it be that you still want to seal the other people's mouths?" Tang Huanxi, who was reading the storybook, smiled nonchalantly, "Let them talk."


"Bai Wei, step back first." Nanny Gui took a deep look at her, her eyes filled with dissatisfaction.

Bai Wei lowered her head in self-blame, then responded with a muffled sound, and backed out.

"Mommy, this matter has nothing to do with Bai Wei, so don't blame her too much."

"As the empress's eldest maid, not only can she not help the empress to solve her problems, she even caused troubles to the empress. If the old servant hadn't cared about the old relationship, she should have stayed in the Department of Shenxing instead of staying with the empress as an errand. .”

"Don't you think I'm being too serious?" Tang Huanxi looked at her and smiled.

"Your Majesty, don't you feel that you are being too tolerant?" Nanny Gui looked at her and said earnestly, "The matter of Lin Jingjing this time is just an introduction, and now there are piles of papers on impeaching Your Majesty on the Yushitai. Is the empress really not worried at all?"

"Mommy, Xiao Baorui has already said that I don't need to get involved in this matter." Tang Huanxi smiled and said, "Mommy, where is Wuyou?"

"Bai Ying took the princess to the Imperial Garden, do you want to go to the Imperial Garden as well?" Nanny Gui looked at her and asked softly.

"Alright, let's go out for a walk while the weather is still sunny outside, and feel the bright sunshine by the way." Tang Huanxi nodded lightly, cleaned up, and left Fengluan Hall.

It was the beginning of February, and the scenery in the imperial garden was still a bit gloomy.

Bai Ying was leading Xiao Wuyou along the path.

"Wuyou, come to mother." Tang Huanxi stopped not far away, then squatted down, and opened his arms towards Xiao Wuyou who was far away.

The moment Xiao Wuyou saw his mother, he was very happy, that tender little face was full of smiles.

Xiao Wuyou walked steadily in front of Tang Huanxi with steady steps, and then threw herself into her arms.

"Mother's worry-free, awesome!" Tang Huanxi hugged her in his arms, kissed her cheek affectionately, squinted his eyes and said with a smile, "Worriless, you look prettier than your mother! "

Xiao Wuyou looked at his mother, his eyes were full of ignorance.

"The empress is beautiful, the princess is also smart and cute." Bai Ying smiled, and then hugged Xiao Wuyou.

"Your mouth is getting smarter." Tang Huanxi glanced at her and smiled.

At that time Changle Palace.

When Xiao Jingyuan learned that Tang Huanxi was taking Princess Wuyou to play in the Imperial Garden, a flash of anger quickly flashed in her eyes.

It was getting closer to noon, and the sun was getting hotter.

Tang Huanxi tugged on the thread in his hand, and the kite in the shape of a bunny was also pulled back.

"Your Majesty, the princess doesn't seem to have enjoyed herself to the fullest." Bai Ying saw the disappointment on Wuyou's face, and said worriedly.

Tang Huanxi stretched out her hand to hold Xiao Wuyou in her arms, pressed her forehead against her forehead, and smiled affectionately, "Mother promised Wuyou, let's release paper kites tomorrow, okay?"

Xiao Wuyou nodded obediently, then hugged Tang Huanxi's neck and refused to let go.

"Your Majesty..." Bai Ying looked at her with a look of embarrassment on her face.

"It's okay, I can hug Wuyou." Tang Huanxi smiled slightly at her.

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Xiao Baorui looked coldly at the group of censors who were making noise, and finally sneered, "Have you finished?"

The noisy ministers gradually quieted down.

"You mean, I have to accept the harem? If I don't want to, the queen is jealous? Or should I abolish the queen first and then the prince, and it is better to accept the harem first, so that you can be satisfied? I think It's too troublesome to do so, why don't I abdicate directly to the virtuous? I don't know which love minister wants this dragon chair under me?"

Xiao Baorui's voice was very soft and cold.

"I'll say it again, I won't accept the harem! The queen has been with me for many years, and I won't let her down easily! As for the rumors that have been circulating during this period, I have ordered the Imperial Forest Army to investigate. If I find out, this Everything was done on purpose, and I will not let it go!"

Originally, there were still people in Yushitai who wanted to impeach Tang Huanxi.

As a result, Xiao Baorui quickly took off the hats of several officials with thunderous means, and also reprimanded two censors.

This matter is over.

March is the season when the grass grows and the warbler flies.

During this period of time, Tang Huanxi often accompanied Xiao Wuyou to release paper kites in the imperial garden, and occasionally took time to visit Xiao Yijin in the Imperial College.

So life is busy and fulfilling.

Until Princess Yu entered the palace to ask for an audience, this peaceful day was broken.

"Empress, my wife wants to ask my mother one thing." Princess Yu looked at Tang Huanxi, her eyes were full of begging, "My lady, Hanjie doesn't want to marry Miss Lin, my lady, can you play around..."

(End of this chapter)

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