Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 907 The Strong Concubine Yu

Chapter 907 The Strong Concubine Yu
Tang Huanxi lowered her eyes slightly as she looked at Princess Yu's anxious expression.

"This marriage was bestowed by the emperor himself, and the concubine should know it too. You are not joking."

"My wife knows, it's just that Hanjie and Tinger have a very deep relationship, but now they want to insert Lin Jingjing in..." Princess Yu said with some regret, "Tinger is very filial, and I like her very much. , but now... Empress Empress, to tell you the truth, Ting'er has just been pregnant for a month..."

"Concubine Yu," Nanny Gui suddenly interrupted her, and said in a deep voice, "Please allow me to say a word, this common saying is good, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and in the future, if you marry Miss Lin, you will enjoy What's wrong with the blessing of Qi people?"

"This..." Princess Yu wanted to say something more, but she held back in the end.

Tang Huanxi saw that she no longer mentioned this matter, and the smile on her face became brighter, "A few days ago, I got a string of tourmaline and glass necklaces from Fanbang. I think the color should be very suitable for the princess, Baiying, you go Go to the warehouse and give that necklace to the princess."

"This is too expensive..."

"Could it be that the princess doesn't want this palace's reward?" Tang Huanxi raised her eyebrows and asked with a smile.

"My wife dare not."

About half an hour later, Nanny Gui sent him away in person.

"How is it?"

"Concubine Yu is a smart person, but this old slave just hinted a few words in secret, and she suddenly understood."

"Bengong and Wangfei have had some kind of friendship in the past. Looking at her, she doesn't seem to know the truth. I hope she won't let me down." Tang Huanxi sighed softly, with a tinge of tinge in her tone. A little sad.

"Your Majesty, don't be sad." Nanny Gui quickly comforted her, "My Majesty is pregnant now, so don't worry too much."

"Mother, don't be nervous, I'm just feeling a little emotional." Tang Huanxi looked at her, smiled with crooked eyebrows, "Mother, I want to bring Wuyou to Fengluan Hall, I always feel that this huge Fengluan Hall is a bit deserted."

"It's the time when the princess is making a fuss, and the old slave is worried that the empress will work too hard."

"Isn't there still Nanny and Bai Ying to help take care of it?"

"Since that's the case, the old slave will arrange it."

"it is good."

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Xiao Baorui looked at Murong Hanjie who was kneeling down, with the same serious and cold expression on his face.

"My humble minister implores the emperor to take back his order!"

"You have no jokes."

"But Weichen and Pingting have made an oath long ago, and Weichen doesn't want to accept a side concubine."

"Hanjie, I'll say it again, you are not joking! If you still dare to say that you don't want to accept the marriage offer, then I have no choice but to ask the Imperial Forest Army to invite you out!"

"Wei Chen..."

"Come here, see off the guests!"

Prince Yu's Mansion.

Xu Pingting, the concubine of Prince Yu, was crying.

She and Murong Hanjie met when they were young, and they made a marriage contract early on.

Now that she has just married into the palace, less than half a year later, Murong Hanjie is going to marry another wife...

"Good boy," Princess Yu looked at her sad and self-pitying expression, and felt distressed, "Mother Concubine knows that you have been wronged, and Mother Concubine also entered the palace today to meet the Queen, but unfortunately the Queen's attitude is also very firm. .”

Not only Xu Pingting, but even Princess Yu was puzzled.

The emperor thinks highly of Han Jie, and will never mess up the mandarin ducks for him again.

At that time, the words that Nanny Gui had said suddenly sounded in Princess Yu's mind.

"Wang Concubine, although children and grandchildren have their own blessings, sometimes we, as elders, always think about our own descendants, don't we? There are some things that the queen empress doesn't know. I only heard that King Yu always has feelings for the emperor... Oh, the warehouse is here, this old slave is going to find you that necklace!"

"Pingting, don't worry, my concubine will not let you be wronged!" Princess Yu immediately thought through everything, and said with deep eyes, "Now that you are just pregnant, don't think about it, listen to the doctor's words, Take good care of your body and don't be sad! As for Hanjie's concubine, you don't have to worry about it, as long as the concubine is still alive, no one will destroy the relationship between you and your wife!"

"Mother Concubine?" Xu Pingting picked up the silk scarf and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and asked in a daze, "Mother Concubine, what are you going to do?"

"Pingting, listen to my concubine, you go back to pack your luggage first, and go back to the princess's mansion for a few days, after a few days, my concubine will let Hanjie pick you up."


"Good boy, be obedient."

Knowing that Xu Pingting had returned to the princess mansion with her maid, Murong Hanjie hurried back to the palace.

It's just that the atmosphere in the palace today is a little weird.

The study room of Prince Yu's Mansion.

Princess Yu looked at King Yu with scarlet eyes.

"I've said it long ago, no matter what you want to do in the future, I don't want to interfere! But you can't involve Hanjie!"

"You are a woman, what do you know?" King Yu said angrily, "From now on, you can't enter the study room without my king's consent!"

"Murong Jing! Do you really think I don't know anything? I know exactly what you're thinking!" Princess Yu roared angrily, "You've lost your mind, and you actually believed Murong Ze's words, you and your father have been deceived by lard, and now the world is already ruled by Emperor Yuanchu, put away your unrealistic fantasies for me!
Hanjie and Pingting have a deep relationship, but now it's because of you!Because of your infidelity, the emperor deliberately granted such a marriage!Then Lin Jingjing is the eldest lady of Shangshu Mansion, why should she be Han Jie's side concubine?Do you really think your wishful thinking is playing out loud? "


The furious Murong Jing slapped her without hesitation!

"Murong Jing! How dare you hit me?"

"Ignorant crazy woman, talking nonsense! You are the one who hit you!"

"Father, mother..." When Murong Hanjie who just came over saw this scene, his eyes were full of disbelief.

Everyone knows that King Yu and Princess Yu have a deep relationship, they are like glue, they are a model loving couple.

But the scene in front of him was really shocking.

"Hanjie, bring mother and concubine into the palace, I want to make peace with your father!" Princess Yu has always been a straightforward character, she looked at Murong Jing with very cold eyes, "When you sincerely proposed to marry me, you promised If you pass me by, you will treat me well for the rest of your life, but now you are able to hit me, Murong Jing, I will never be used to your bad temper again!"

When Princess Yu said that she wanted to reconcile, King Yu was instantly dumbfounded.

He looked at Princess Yu, hesitant to speak.

"Mother Concubine..." Murong Hanjie never thought that Mu Concubine's temperament would be so strong.

"Hanjie, now that you have grown up, it's time for you to be independent. I will enter the palace later, and I implore the emperor to divide you up!"

"Liu Mingyue, you're crazy!" Murong Jing's eyes turned red with anger, "If you want to get out, get out, don't try to encourage my son here!"

"Heh, your son? Could it be that Hanjie was conceived in your womb? Murong Jing, if you are a man, clean up now, we will enter the palace immediately, and I will make peace in front of the emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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