Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 909 Believe in Fate

Chapter 909 Believe in Fate
The imperial palace, Fengluan Palace.

Xu Jiudi hugged Xiao Wuyou and refused to let go.

"Huanxi, otherwise you can give me Wuyou. I don't need to marry again in this life. When Wuyou grows up in the future, all the property under my name will be given to her as a dowry. How about it?" Xu Jiudi turned to Tang Huanxi Blinking his eyes, he smiled flatteringly.

"Wuyou is Xiao Baorui's life. If you want to take Wuyou away, don't you want to take my husband's life away?"

"Hey..." Xu Jiudi sighed with great regret, and his words were full of regret, "Tell me, why did you marry Xiao Baorui? Now you have transformed into a queen, and there is another baby in your stomach. I'm so envious!"

"Are you really envious?" Tang Huanxi immediately raised his eyebrows, and asked with a smile, "If Sister Jiudi is really envious, why don't I point you to a marriage, what do you think?"

"Great family, which prince or nobleman doesn't have three wives and four concubines? Do you really think that everyone will be like your Xiao Baorui?" Xu Jiudi rolled his eyes angrily, "You just have to laugh!"

"Sister Jiudi really doesn't want to find someone to grow old with?"

"It's not that I don't want to find..."

"Empress, in fact, our young lady has already found someone she likes!" Caihuan, who had been crazily eating cakes, couldn't wait to say when she heard this topic, "A few days ago, I went to the Northwest with my accompanying lady. Well, it's just a pity that the young master was not found."

"Caihuan!" Xu Jiudi stomped anxiously, blushing shyly.

"Sister has someone she likes?" Tang Huanxi immediately asked with a gossip smile, "Could it be that sister doesn't plan to tell me about it?"

"It's not that I don't want to say it, but I really haven't figured out how to say it..." Really unable to resist Tang Huanxi's questioning eyes, Xu Jiudi lowered his eyes a little disappointed, "It's just a one-sided relationship. I still don't know that person's name, and I don't even know if he is married."

"Huanxi, do you believe in love at first sight?" Xu Jiudi recalled the scene at that time, smiling slightly, "If he hadn't rescued me that day, maybe you wouldn't have seen me today..."

"What happened?" Tang Huanxi grabbed her hand nervously and asked eagerly.

Two months ago, it was winter.

Xu Jiudi took care of all the messy affairs of the Xu family, so she wanted to visit Tang Huanxi in the capital, and take a look at the more prosperous capital than Jinling City, but she didn't want to encounter robbers when she just arrived in Spring City.

Thanks to the warrior in armor who stepped forward, she and Caihuan were able to save their lives.

"It seems that you are very impressed with that warrior?"

"Well, later I inquired about his whereabouts and heard that he went to the northwest direction, so I hurriedly chased after him. I just stayed in the northwest for more than a month, but I still haven't found the whereabouts of that person."

"If you and him are really destined, I believe we will meet again in the future."

"En." Xu Jiudi nodded hastily, "Huanxi, what you said really touched my heart, and I also believe that we will meet each other by fate."

"I've sent someone to clean up the side hall of Fengluan Hall, sister Jiudi, you can stay here."

"Huanxi, I may have to disappoint your good intentions." Xu Jiudi smiled a little honestly, "I have already booked a restaurant at Yipinxiang in Kyoto, and I will go out of the palace after dinner, how about it?"

"Yeah." Tang Huanxi nodded lightly, feeling a little lost in his eyes.

When it was time for dinner, looking at the delicious food on the table, Xu Jiudi immediately moved his chopsticks.

"It is said that the imperial cuisine in the palace tastes the best. Now that I taste it..." Xu Jiudi frowned, with a little anger in his eyes, "Huanxi, the imperial chef should not be of such a standard."

"Sister Jiudi, please try this goji berry and yam pork ribs soup. I asked Fuling to prepare it early in the morning." Tang Huanxi smiled, "As for other dishes, if you don't like them, I'll ask them to quit immediately."

Xu Jiudi suppressed the anger deep in his heart, and nodded gently.

This dinner was a bit unsatisfactory.

"Huanxi, it seems that in this huge harem, there are still people who are very dissatisfied with you as a queen!"

"There are too many people who are not convinced by me."

"I admire!" Xu Jiudi was speechless after hearing her nonchalant tone.

"The Xu family is the richest man in Jinling, so the mansion also hired one or two former imperial chefs. I am very aware of the craftsmanship of the imperial chefs. The dinner table just now is not of the standard of the imperial chefs."


"Then how do you plan to solve this problem? You can't just let it go like this forever?" Xu Jiudi frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Nowadays, the two hottest talking points are you, the empress, and Lin Jingjing."

"I used to envy you and Xiao Baorui for life as a couple, but now I feel a little sympathetic to you." Xu Jiudi looked into her eyes, his eyes were full of worry, "Huanxi, being in a high place, you will often be incapacitated." By myself. Now Xiao Baorui can withstand the pressure for a while, but can he really resist this pressure all the time?"

"Sister Jiudi, I trust him."

Seeing the confident smile on her face, Xu Jiudi suddenly understood.

"Happy, I hope you can live happily ever after."

"I will." Tang Huanxi raised her brows and nodded confidently.

"By the way, I'm going to visit Huiwei Building tomorrow," Xu Jiudi said with a smile, "Huiwei Building's business has always been good, and it's all thanks to Brother Pei. I want to meet him. I heard you lent him An Xiuhui?"

"Well, An Xiuhui plans to start a business. Now that she is too young as King Hexi, if they want to gain a firm foothold in Luoyang, strength is also very important." Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, "Three months, so these three months Well, I’m going to trouble Sister Jiudi to stay in the capital.”

"It seems like I'm going to be arrested when I come here?" Xu Jiudi looked at her and asked jokingly.

"How can there be? After all, you are still the biggest shareholder of Huiweilou, so sister Jiudi, it is your duty to take care of Huiweilou!"

"Tsk tsk, I just admire your thick skin!"

Tang Huanxi couldn't help smiling.

The two sisters joked again and went back to rest.

At midnight, Xiao Baorui finished handling government affairs and returned to Fengluan Hall.

At that time, Tang Huanxi was holding a book, reading it with great interest.

"Why are you still up so late?" Xiao Baorui immediately walked to her side, took the book from her hand, and smiled slightly, "Are you waiting for me?"

"Thinking too much." Tang Huanxi rolled her eyes at him angrily, "This is the book that Sister Jiudi brought over. It's really interesting, so I got absorbed in reading it and forgot the time."

"Aren't you waiting for me?" Xiao Baorui kissed her cheek involuntarily, "I miss you very much, lady."

(End of this chapter)

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