Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 910 You Are A Ruthless Person

Chapter 910 You Are A Ruthless Person

Tang Huanxi raised her hand to touch his face, and smiled, "Your husband is tired?"

"Well, I'm a little powerless." Xiao Baorui sat down beside her, frowned a little tiredly, "Xiliang is eyeing, although there is General Qin sitting in Dongyang City, General Qin has been in the battlefield for many years, and his body is seriously ill. For a long time, I was still a little uneasy. In addition, before Tuoba Wei left, he bribed and recruited many officials. Even King Yu was bewitched by him."

"The person behind Prince Yu is actually Tuobawei?" Tang Huanxi said in surprise, "The former Prince Yu and Murong Ze were siblings, but I thought the person behind him was Murong Ze, who is so vicious!"

"Murongze is dead." Xiao Baorui said in a low voice, "I just imprisoned him in the clan's mansion. If I really killed him, the King of Hexi would definitely create a estrangement with us. But I didn't expect him to Hit the wall in the clan mansion and died."

Tang Huanxi sighed, "When did it happen?"

"Three days ago."

"I didn't expect him to die like this. It's really surprising."

"I have already sent someone to transport his coffin to Luoyang. His funeral still needs to be handled by King Hexi."

Tang Huanxi walked around behind him, reached out and gently pressed his temple.

"Is it better?"

"Well, it's much more comfortable." Xiao Baorui looked at her and smiled naively, "It's better to be a lady."

"For government affairs, if you feel that you are too tired, you should distribute the right amount of power. You have just ascended the throne, and your power is unstable. You still need to rely on those humerus ministers, so don't push yourself too much."

"Well, I know all about it."

"That's good." Tang Huanxi nodded, "I want to discuss with you about the harem draft."

"I won't expand the harem, my lady, don't worry." Xiao Baorui looked into her eyes and said firmly.

Looking at his straightforward and sincere eyes, Tang Huanxi moved slightly in her heart, and leaned on his shoulder, "I will not share my husband with others, but the gang at Yushitai are always stubborn. Yes. Instead of always singing against them, it is better to follow the trend, maybe the ending will be very optimistic!"

"What does the lady mean?"

"When the new emperor ascends the throne, all the attractive young girls in the civil servants' and generals' mansions want to enter the harem. Because the harem of the former court is closely connected, but this kind of interest relationship based on marriage is actually not reliable." Tang Huanxi After thinking for a while, he smiled slightly, "Why don't you change the draft into a blind date, I think there are still many good men in the Yong Dynasty."

"Well, then follow what the lady said."

"It's late at night, let's go to bed early." Tang Huanxi looked at him, and tenderly raised her lips.

"it is good."

The two lay side by side on the bed, Xiao Baorui looked at her, smiled softly, then stretched out his hand to embrace her in his arms, and closed his eyes reassuringly.

Tang Huanxi, who was held in his arms, also slept peacefully this time.

March is the season when all kinds of wild vegetables grow, and Tang Huanxi suddenly remembered the dish of sauerkraut dumplings.

"This sauerkraut is too sour..." Xu Jiudi frowned and asked, "Huanxi, is your sense of taste bad? It's so sour, you can eat it..."

"It's delicious, sister Jiudi, let's try it too!" Tang Huanxi picked up another dumpling with chopsticks and put it in his mouth. "Eat it with vinegar, it's very delicious."

Seeing her appetizing appearance, Xu Jiudi was also a little moved.

So she also picked up a chopstick and threw it into her mouth, and instantly... her complexion changed drastically!
Xu Jiudi drank several sips of water before completely recovering, "Huanxi, you are a ruthless person!"

"Isn't it delicious?"

"It's really sour! I feel like my teeth are not my teeth anymore..."

Tang Huanxi raised her eyebrows, and after eating all the dumplings in front of her without changing her expression, she patted her swollen belly contentedly, "I'm a little full, sister Jiudi, you can go out for a walk with me. "

"Going to the Imperial Garden again?"

Tang Huanxi shook her head and smiled slyly, "How about we sneak out of the palace?"

"Are you sure?" Xu Jiudi pointed at her protruding abdomen and asked softly, "Xiao Baorui is really willing to let you out of the palace?"

"Of course I'm willing, after all, I'm the queen!" Tang Huanxi smiled arrogantly, and then gave some instructions to Nanny Gui with a smile.

So, on this sunny day, Tang Huanxi took Xu Jiudi to disguise himself and left the palace immediately.

Aftertaste floor.

Pei Zhonghou, who was sorting out the restaurant's accounts for this season, thought he was delusional when he suddenly saw the two people who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Until Tang Huanxi smiled and shouted, Brother Pei!
"It's really you?" Pei Zhonghou hurriedly greeted the two of them to the private seat on the second floor.

"Huanxi, why did you leave the palace?"

"I want to eat the fried chicken from Huiweilou, Brother Pei, give us some later!" Tang Huanxi quickly ordered with a smile, "Isn't there a temple fair in the east of the city today? That's why I wanted to come and see."

"But now you are pregnant..."

"Brother Pei, don't worry, Xiao Baorui has sent someone to secretly protect me."

"That's it!" Pei Zhonghou breathed a sigh of relief, and then gradually relaxed, "I'll go get the ledger first, we'll reconcile the accounts later, and I'll leave for Luoyang after a while."


After Tang Huanxi's guidance, the fried chicken in Huiweilou now has several flavors.

Spicy, salt and pepper, cumin, and plum flavor.

"Ever since you sent someone to hand over the fried chicken recipe, I asked the chef to think about it over and over again, and now the fried chicken in the aftertaste building has become a must in Kyoto." Pei Zhonghou couldn't close his smile when he mentioned fried chicken mouth, "By the way, Huanxi, there is something I want to discuss with you."

"Brother Pei, tell me!" Tang Huanxi said with a smile while eating the chicken chop with relish.

"The fried chicken in Huiweilou is selling very well, so Yuanwai Liu from the west of the city wants to sell us his chicken farm. The location and the conditions in all aspects are not bad, but..."

"Just how?"

"It's just that I heard that Liu Yuanwai has some entanglements with the former Wenzhou University scholar, so I haven't been able to make up my mind."

Thinking of Wen Huairen, Tang Huanxi thought of Concubine Xian and Murong Hao, whose whereabouts are still unknown.

At the end of last year, Wen Huairen was sentenced to death for being suspected of collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country and using disaster relief funds without authorization.As for the rest of the Wen family, all the men were exiled, and the old and weak women and children were sold.

"Brother Pei, don't be in a hurry to buy that chicken farm. This matter needs to wait until I find out who Liu Yuanwai is."

(End of this chapter)

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