Chapter 912
"Sister Jiudi, do you know that assassin?" Tang Huanxi looked at her with doubts in her eyes.

"It's not an assassin..." Xu Jiudi didn't even realize it, and his voice gradually began to tremble, "It's him... Huanxi, my savior is him..."

"Brother Scorpio?" Tang Huanxi was also very surprised, "Sister Jiudi, do you really recognize the wrong person?"

"No, I'm sure it's him." At this moment Xu Jiudi felt his heart beating wildly.

The man in front of him was tall and straight, with high martial arts skills.


The assassin gradually lost the wind, and the scimitar in Scorpion's hand was already aimed at his throat.

"Say, who sent you here?"

The man in black sneered, bit the poison hidden in his teeth, and died instantly.

"Empress, this person is dead."

"Check carefully, and the Great Buddha Temple also needs to be searched carefully." Tang Huanxi also gradually calmed down.

She and Xu Jiudi would come to the Great Buddha Temple, originally on a temporary basis.

The man in black was clearly aiming at her.

Someone wanted her life.

When night fell quietly, Tang Huanxi also returned to Fengluan Palace.

At that time, Xiao Baorui's face was so gloomy that water could drip out.

"How is it?"

"The assassin has been hiding in the Great Buddha Temple for many years. The assassin uses the name of a sweeping monk in the Great Buddha Temple. The assassin has been dormant for two years."

"The origin is unknown?"

"Well, the other party is too treacherous and insidious, and has never left any traces. So nothing has been discovered yet."

"Dispose of the corpse first, and then investigate the Great Buddha Temple secretly."


After Scorpio retreated, Tang Huanxi carefully looked at Xiao Baorui's face, and then smiled at him, "Husband?"

Xiao Baorui didn't speak, but the low air pressure released from his whole body made people feel very depressed.

"Student Xiao Baorui, my cutest husband, don't be so stern! If you scare your cutest baby girl, don't you feel bad?" Tang Huanxi took advantage of the situation and nestled in his arms, with a tone of voice Carefully flattering her, "I really know I was wrong, so don't be angry, okay?"

Facing her coquettish offensive, Xiao Baorui was completely defeated.

"Miss, do you know how dangerous what happened today!" Xiao Baorui looked at her with fear in his eyes, "If you...something really happened to you, you let me..."

Listening to his gradually choking voice, Tang Huanxi also knew that she was too willful this time.

In fact, Xiao Baorui did not agree with her going out to play in the palace.

"I know I was wrong." Tang Huanxi lowered her head obediently and said in a low voice.

"Ma'am," Xiao Baorui rubbed her mind, and his tone gradually softened, "I'm too nervous. In the end, it's all my fault. If I can solve all the hidden dangers, maybe you won't There will be this assassination."

"The identity of the assassin is still unclear, maybe the assassin is not after me at all..." Tang Huanxi looked at him and smiled silly, "Anything is possible!"

Xiao Baorui lost his temper immediately.

"Husband, I'm hungry..." Just as the atmosphere was suddenly silent, Tang Huanxi's stomach suddenly made a sound.

"What to eat?"

"Didn't Fu Ling prepare a hot pot..."

"You came back too late, I have already eaten all the hot pot." Xiao Baorui reached out and flicked her forehead, and said angrily.

Tang Huanxi was a little disappointed at once, and then seemed to remember something, and shouted anxiously, "Husband, I suddenly remembered a very important thing!"

"what happened?"

"Did Brother Scorpio go to the Northwest a few years ago?"

"Well, I asked him to do something."

"That's right!" Tang Huanxi said excitedly, "Xiao Baorui, can you issue an imperial decree! Give marriage to Scorpio and Sister Jiudi!"

"The two of them...know each other?"

"It's not just acquaintance!" Tang Huanxi became more and more energetic, and immediately told Xiao Baorui the story of the hero who saved the beauty.

"This fate is surprising." Xiao Baorui smiled and said softly, "Okay, it's getting late, go to bed early!"

"But I haven't eaten yet...uh..."

Tang Huanxi, who still wanted to talk, had her lips sealed, and Tang Huanxi, who was kissed, just fell asleep in a daze.

The next day, when the sky was bright, Tang Huanxi woke up.

Woke up hungry.

"Your Majesty is awake?" Seeing that she was awake, Nanny Gui asked with a smile, "Are you hungry?"

"Hmm!" Tang Huanxi pursed her lips and said aggrievedly, "Xiao Baorui is a bad guy...he won't even give me dinner..."

"Ahem, lady, don't you want to eat the freshly baked Yangchun noodles?" At that time, Xiao Baorui walked to her side with a tray.

"Why didn't you go to court today?"

"The queen is frightened, how can I have the heart to go up to court?" Xiao Baorui nodded her forehead, "Get up, wash and eat, I will accompany you today."

"Really?" Tang Huanxi immediately raised her eyebrows, her smile was beyond words.

"Of course it's true." Xiao Baorui looked at her, and his tone became more and more gentle, "Since I ascended the throne, I have been busy with government affairs every day, and I haven't been with you properly... Madam, do you blame me?"

Meeting his sincere eyes, Tang Huanxi smiled and shook her head, "I won't blame you."

"Silly lady."

After Tang Huanxi washed up, she came to the side hall.

Xiao Baorui held her in his arms and fed her himself.

Xu Jiudi, who came early in the morning, felt like a dog's face was gagged when he saw this scene.

"It's too much for you to show your affection so early in the morning!" Xu Jiudi glared at her ferociously.

Tang Huanxi laughed gossipingly, "Sister Jiudi, I heard you went to see Brother Scorpio last night?"

"Hey," Xu Jiudi's mood instantly became extremely depressed, "Don't mention it, it's really sad."

"How to say?"

"My savior, who I've been thinking about day and night, doesn't remember me at all..." Xu Jiudi said with a little disappointment, "I thought we would hit it off and burn a raging fire, and then we would be together without any effort. ..."

"Do you want Xiao Baorui to give you a marriage?"

"Too straightforward." Xu Jiudi shook his head, "Besides, twisted melons are not sweet."

"Then what are your plans?"

"Some people can only figure it out slowly!" Xu Jiudi smiled treacherously, and then glared at Xiao Baorui viciously, "I heard that you almost gave Scorpio a marriage before?"


"From now on, he's mine, you can't make up his mind!" Xu Jiudi looked at him and said firmly!
"Your Majesty, Empress, please see Princess Changle!" Without waiting for Xiao Baorui to answer, Nanny Gui said softly.

"Brother Emperor, I am willing to marry General Scorpio!"

(End of this chapter)

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