Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 913 5 Steps to Laugh

Chapter 913
If you haven't seen him, hear his voice first.

Before Chang Le entered the hall, the sound had already spread throughout the hall.

"Who is this?" Xu Jiudi raised his brows, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes, "Huanxi, there are still such bluffing people in the harem? You, queen, really worked too hard."

Tang Huanxi smiled and introduced softly, "Sister Jiudi, this is Princess Changle."

"Oh!" Xu Jiudi nodded, and suddenly realized, "It's the Princess Changle who has no direct blood relationship with you but got the title of princess!"

"Who are you, how dare you be so presumptuous in the palace!" Xiao Jingyuan heard the sarcasm in her words, and her eyes became colder and colder, "I am Princess Changle, and you, a scumbag, are so arrogant when you see this palace. Can't you be polite?"

Seeing her angrily pointing at her nose, Xu Jiudi couldn't help laughing.

"why are you laughing?"

"Fifty steps laugh at a hundred steps! Princess Changle said that I don't understand the rules, what about you? Seeing that the emperor and the queen didn't salute, is it possible that you haven't even learned the palace rules? It's too embarrassing to pretend to be a princess, it's simply unnecessary face!"

"What face? Even if I don't want face, what does it matter to you?"

Xu Jiudi did not speak, but cast a wink at Tang Huanxi, "This word is very good, I like it!"

Tang Huanxi just felt helpless.

"You just said that you want to marry General Scorpio?" Xu Jiudi didn't want to waste any more time, and went straight to the point, "You can't marry him, you choose someone to be your son-in-law."

"Why do you dictate my marriage?"

"Just..." Xu Jiudi suddenly walked in front of her, stretched out his hand and lifted her jaw, "Scorpio is the man I like, if you want to grab me, don't blame me for being cruel!"

"Go away!" Chang Le angrily knocked off her hand, glared at her viciously, and then cast her pitiful eyes on Xiao Baorui's face, "Brother Emperor, she bullied me!"

"She is the one who bullies even the queen." Xiao Baorui silently lowered his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Didn't you want to marry Scorpio before? Why are you willing now?"

"I..." Chang Le hesitated for a while, and finally said with a blushing face, "I want to understand, all the decisions made by the emperor's brother are for my own good..."

"Hypocrisy." Xu Jiudi interrupted her forcefully, "The most important thing in a marriage is to be in love with each other. General Scorpio and I have a deep childhood sweetheart, so it's possible that Princess Changle, who is superior and superior, wants to be the third person who meddles in other people's feelings." Those who fail?"

"You and Scorpio..."

"Changle, you have already rejected the emperor's offer of marriage before you came. Just now, before you came, the palace has issued a decree to marry Miss Xu and General Tianxie." Looking like she was about to cry, she said with a smile, "Changle, after a while the blind date meeting starts, I will assign you a good marriage, what do you think?"

Chang Le gave Tang Huanxi a cold look, and then turned his gaze back to Xiao Baorui, "Brother Emperor, I want to marry General Scorpio as my wife. As for that woman, let her be my concubine!"


Xu Jiudi smiled.

"Princess Changle, you are so naive."

"This princess let you marry a man at the same time as me, it is already extraordinarily gracious, don't be shameless!"

"Enough!" Xiao Baorui became a little annoyed seeing their words getting more and more outrageous, "Scorpio's marriage, I will let him decide for himself!"

Xiao Baorui walked away, and Xiao Jingyuan had no choice but to turn around and leave.

Tang Huanxi picked up a piece of pastry and handed it to Xu Jiudi, "Try this snowflake crisp, it's very frustrating."

"Unexpectedly, in my lifetime, someone would dare to snatch a man from Xu Jiudi!" Xu Jiudi was instantly ablaze, and his eyes became deeper and deeper, "Tang Huanxi, I'm going to chase a man, let's go first!"

Seeing her leaving in a hurry, Nanny Gui frowned worriedly, "Ma'am?"

"Sister Jiudi is a measured person." Tang Huanxi smiled and said, "Besides, I also think that sister Jiudi is more suitable for General Tian than Changle."

"Your Majesty, the prince has not been in a good mood for the past two days, may your Majesty go and have a look?"

"During this time, my palace has indeed neglected Yijin." Thinking of little Yijin, Tang Huanxi felt a little more guilty, "When he finishes school, let him come to Fengluan Palace to pay his respects."

"The old slave knows."

On the other hand, after Xiao Jingyuan returned to Changle Palace, she was always depressed.

She is a dignified princess, and she is willing to marry a general, which is already extraordinarily gracious, but there is an unknown Xu Jiudi who wants to rob her of a man. She really can't bear it!
"Princess, that Miss Xu and the Empress seem to have a very good relationship..." Xiao Jingyuan's confidant, Dou Kou, said cautiously, "I always think that Miss Xu has an unusual background..."

"No matter what her background is, if she wants to compete with this princess for a husband, it's like hitting a stone with an egg." Chang Le sneered, his eyes became sharper, "Doumo, send someone to find out where General Tian is now!"

"The princess wants to..."

"Didn't Brother Emperor want Scorpio to choose his own wife? Then I always have to meet this future husband first, don't I?"

At that time, it was Fengluan Palace.

"Sister Jiudi left the palace?"

"Well, I heard that there is something wrong with the Huiwei building." Nanny Gui said softly, "Your Majesty, don't worry, Miss Xu has her own ideas, and she will definitely be fine."

"Yeah." Tang Huanxi replied, but her heart was a little gloomy.

After thinking about it, she turned around and went to the small kitchen. After making two pastries, she went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

When Xiao Baorui saw her appear, the corners of his lips curved slightly, "Why are you here?"

"Elder-in-law Xiaofu said that you forget to eat when you get busy." Tang Huanxi glanced at him a little reproachfully, her voice full of distress, "Didn't I say it before? Even if you are busy with government affairs, you still have to eat! So I personally cook and make pastries for you, freshly baked peach blossom cakes, eat them while they are hot!"

Hearing this, Xiao Baorui's heart moved slightly, "Miss, how about feeding me?"

"Why are you becoming more and more self-willed?" Tang Huanxi stepped forward, pinched his earlobe, smiled, then twisted a piece of pastry, and handed it to his lips, "Taste it!"

"Sweet to the heart." Xiao Baorui said with a smile.

"Husband, what is the origin of the assassin who assassinated me in the Great Buddha Temple earlier? Can the investigation be clear?"

"The assassin used to be a cook in Prince Yu's Mansion." Xiao Baorui's voice gradually became colder, "I have already summoned King Yu to come and see him!"

"Prince Yu?" Tang Huanxi raised his brows, feeling a lot of doubts in his heart, "I always feel that many things are directed at King Yu recently."

(End of this chapter)

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