Chapter 914
When Yu Wang Murongjing entered the palace again, he was very anxious.

Although he has always been somewhat dissatisfied with the current emperor Xiao Baorui, those thoughts in the dark are not ready to be brought to the surface.

But at this time, an assassin appeared to assassinate Xiao Baorui's most beloved woman, and that assassin was also involved in Prince Yu's Mansion.

Even the dull-tempered King Yu also discovered the unusualness of the matter. The recent incidents were clearly aimed at Prince Yu's mansion.

It wasn't until he reached the center of the Hall of Mental Cultivation that Murong Jing's mood eased slightly.

"The old minister has met the emperor, and the emperor is blessed!"

"Prince Yu is free." Xiao Baorui said blankly, and then continued to review the memorial.

After about half an hour, King Yu couldn't bear it anymore.

"Dare to ask the emperor to summon the veteran, what is the so-called?"

"A few days ago, the queen was disturbed by an assassin when she was playing in the Dafo Temple. Now the people in Dali Temple have found out that the assassin was a cook who was favored by King Yu in the past. Should the lord give me an explanation for this matter?" Xiao Baorui His tone was very ordinary, but every word he said was like a heavy boulder, weighing heavily on King Yu's heart, making it difficult for him to breathe.

"Your Majesty," King Yu lifted up a corner of his court clothes, and knelt heavily on the ground, "I've heard about the assassination of the Empress, but this matter really has nothing to do with the old minister! The assassin was indeed a cook in the manor. But later he told the butler that something happened to his family, and he had already left the palace two years ago..."

"Your Majesty, don't be nervous." Seeing a layer of cold sweat on his head, Xiao Baorui comforted him, "I didn't mean to question the lord, but just wanted to know the origin of this assassin. This man named Hu Shuang Assassin, he used to be the cook of the palace, but later changed his identity and has been dormant in the Great Buddha Temple, so I am very curious, does King Yu know about this assassin?"

"The old minister really can't remember..."

"If that's the case, that's all." Xiao Baorui silently put down the memorial in his hand, and then smiled slightly, "By the way, regarding Princess Yu's desire to reconcile and leave, what is King Yu's thinking?"

Murong Jing's eyes widened suddenly, and after a moment of silence, he shook his head lightly, "I don't want to. I have been married to the concubine for many years, and I really can't bear to divorce her."

"But Concubine Yu insists on reconciling, and the prince can't continue to ignore it!" Xiao Baorui said earnestly, "But this kid Hanjie has a good prestige in the military camp now, and I also intend to train him. If the prince and the princess are really It's a pity that we left..."

Murong Jing silently lowered his head and stopped talking.

Looking at his appearance, Xiao Baorui felt a little more angry in his heart, "It is said that a misstep will cause eternal hatred. I still hope that the prince can carefully consider the matter of reconciliation. Now there are many rumors in the market. For the prince, even It has a bad influence on the royal family."

"The old minister will handle this matter properly!"


After he left, Tang Huanxi, who had been sitting behind the screen, came out.

"My lady, what do you think?"

"It seems that Prince Yu is still stubborn." Tang Huanxi sighed with some regret, "It's just a pity that Princess Yu is such a good person."

"I have already drawn up the imperial decree granting them reconciliation. Do you want to see it, my lady?"

"Okay." Tang Huanxi nodded, read it carefully, and finally put forward some suggestions, "Since the emperor trusts Hanjie, he still has to give some of the dignity that should be given. Princess Yu used to be the princess of Changning, but now she suddenly Heli, this status is not very good, why don't you add the imperial concubine, as it happens that Hanjie made military achievements a few days ago? It's not bad to be conferred by the mother, what does your husband think?"

"Well, very good, then follow the lady's wishes!"

After the two discussed, Xiao Baorui was dragged by Tang Huanxi to the Imperial College.

Above the royal carriage, Xiao Baorui looked at Tang Huanxi, who was drowsy, with distressed eyes, "Since you are tired, why don't you go back and rest?"

"I promised Yijin that I would pick him up from school today." Tang Huanxi smiled and said, "Since we entered the palace, we have rarely accompanied Yijin. I also hope that my parents will love me more."

The two years after Tang Huanxi gave birth to Yijin were the most difficult times for their husband and wife.

So Yijin suffered a lot with them.

"No matter how busy you are on weekdays, you will take the time to hug Wuyou, but Yijin is also our flesh and blood! Xiao Baorui, I always feel that you are too strict with Yijin." Tang Huanxi looked at him and couldn't help saying Out of dissatisfaction in my heart, "The palms and backs of the hands are full of meat, you treat them differently, it is really hard to see..."

"My lady, Yijin is the prince. As the prince, he shoulders a heavy responsibility." Faced with this accusation, Xiao Baorui really wanted to cry.

"Even if he is a prince, he is still our son. He became a prince because he became our son, and thus he shoulders so many responsibilities. Therefore, I disagree with you on this point. I think we should Love him more." Tang Huanxi looked into his eyes and said sincerely.

Xiao Baorui nodded thoughtfully.

Guozijian is located in the southwest corner of the palace.

When Xiao Baorui's driver arrived, Tang Huanxi deliberately stopped Eunuch Xiaofu.

"Since we're all here, why don't you secretly surprise Yijin!" Tang Huanxi looked at Xiao Baorui, with crooked eyebrows and a bright smile.


So the couple walked into the Imperial College cautiously without alarming others.

Since Xiao Baorui came to the throne, Wang Yibo has been named Prince Shao Fu, and concurrently served as the deputy director of the Imperial Academy.

The moment the crisp and clear sound of reading suddenly rang in his ears, Tang Huanxi suddenly felt a little stunned.

Some images flashed through my mind quickly, and then disappeared.

At dusk, the master finished today's lesson and said that school was over.

A moment later, Xiao Yijin walked out of the classroom, and seeing the two people who suddenly appeared in front of her, her eyes immediately turned red.

"Royal father, queen mother..."

"Stupid boy." Tang Huanxi probably hadn't seen her son for a long time, so she immediately took him into her arms and rubbed his hair affectionately, "Mother's Yijin seems to have grown taller again!"

"A man does not shed tears lightly." Xiao Baorui felt very uncomfortable seeing him holding Tang Huanxi and did not let go, so he said coldly, "As a prince, how can you be so cowardly?"

Tang Huanxi glanced at him immediately, Xiao Baorui had no choice but to shut up embarrassingly.

"Don't pay attention to your father, he is hard-spoken and soft-hearted. In fact, he misses you too, otherwise he wouldn't take time out of his busy schedule to come pick you up with me, right!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Yijin nodded happily, holding Tang Huanxi's arm, and still refused to let go.

"Yijin, what do you want for dinner?"

"As long as it's made by my mother, it's delicious no matter what!"

"Hey, the young man is very discerning!"

The mother and son chatted happily, and then left in unison, leaving Xiao Baorui standing there helplessly!
(End of this chapter)

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