Chapter 915
Tang Huanxi was in a good mood today, so she cooked some home-cooked dishes herself.

There is Xiao Baorui's favorite stinky mandarin fish, and there is Yijin's favorite dish of chicken.

"Wow, it smells so good!" Xiao Yijin looked at the dazzling array of dishes on the Babao table in front of her, and the smile on her face never disappeared, "Mom, you are so amazing!"

"Small idea!" Tang Huanxi threw a wink at him, and the corners of her lips curled up triumphantly, "How about it, do you think your mother is super powerful?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Yijin immediately nodded like a chicken pecking rice, "Mother is the best! Yijin loves mother the most!"

"Try this big plate of chicken quickly. The free-range chicken recently acquired by the Imperial Dining Room is delicious. You can try it." Tang Huanxi picked up the chicken leg and put it in the bowl in front of Xiao Yijin. Isn't it very hard? Mother thinks your face has lost a lot of weight."

"Mother, studying is not hard. Reading is a very happy thing." Xiao Yijin replied with a smile, "Mr. said that the world is not peaceful, and many poor people can't even solve the basic food and clothing problems, let alone study? So Our generation is very happy."

"Yeah, happiness doesn't come easily, so we must cherish it." Tang Huanxi rubbed his head and said very relieved, "Mother is very pleased that Yijin has grown up."

"Don't talk when you eat, don't talk when you sleep, eat first." Xiao Baorui suddenly interrupted the conversation between mother and son.

This dinner, both father and son were full.

Fortunately, Nanny Gui had prepared hawthorn tea early in the morning, and both father and son drank a cup of tea, which made them feel much better.

After eating, Tang Huanxi leaned on the table to read the book, and occasionally cast her gaze on the father and son who were playing chess, and smiled contentedly.

The atmosphere at that time was warm and beautiful.

[Ding——Your refrigerator cutie is online, what's the master's order? 】

[Little cutie, have you made any progress after retreating for so long? 】

[Which aspect is the master referring to? 】

[Aspects,] Tang Huanxi asked softly, [Xiao Baorui had a bad dream earlier, will his dream come true?When I was pregnant with Yijin before, you said he was the chosen one, he was destined to come to this world, so what about worry-free?Or the children in my womb, will they be hurt? 】

【Master, Xiao Yijin is the chosen one.And the corpse you can use has a time limit, and each child you have will cost you ten years of life, so your end will indeed be like Xiao Baorui's dream, this is a warning from heaven. 】

[Then do you have a way to reverse this situation? 】Tang Huanxi smiled wryly, 【I seem to be getting more and more greedy...】

[I don't know either...] Little Cutie silently spread her hands.

Tang Huanxi sighed silently in her heart, and then fell asleep unknowingly.

After confirming that she had entered a deep sleep, the little cutie's voice suddenly became resolute.

[Mr. System, she wants to stay for a while, you should think of a way. 】

[Xuan Tie, Bai Rui's experience in this life should have ended long ago!You have spent half your life trying to achieve a perfect ending for her, which is enough. If she continues to be greedy for this world of mortals, when will you be able to reunite with her? 】The system gentleman said earnestly.

Accompanying her through a hundred lifetimes of reincarnation, from the cold sidelines at the beginning to the care and concern now, Xuan Tie sighed in a low voice.

[If I hadn't mistakenly believed that others misunderstood her back then, she wouldn't have to go through a hundred lifetimes of reincarnation and taste the five flavors of the world.Now I only hope that she can be happy and happy, and I am satisfied. 】

[If she continues to be greedy for the world of mortals, then when this life comes to an end, she will no longer be able to return to the immortal position!So when will you be able to reunite? 】

[Whether the soul returns to the immortal position or not, the right to choose should belong to her, not us. 】 Xuan Tie said firmly.

The system gentleman was speechless for a moment.

"Father, mother seems to be asleep." Xiao Yijin said softly.

"Yes." Xiao Baorui nodded, "Go back and rest first."

"There, the minister will leave!"

Xiao Yijin reluctantly turned around and left, but before he left, he heard what Xiao Baorui said, "The chess skills have improved a lot, not bad!"

After hearing this, Xiao Yijin's steps became much more relaxed.

Xiao Baorui walked to the vicinity of Ruanta, and carefully picked up the person who was already asleep.

Then he pulled the thin quilt over and gently covered her body.

Finally, he placed a light kiss on her forehead.

Outside the palace, aftertaste building.

Xu Jiudi looked at the blushing Scorpio, and the smile on his face became even more wanton.

"Drunk?" She stretched out her hand and shook it in front of Scorpio, "General Tian?"

"I... I'm not drunk..." Scorpio quickly denied, but the way he shook his head was just too cute.

Xu Jiudi thought for a while, then suddenly took his hand, and instantly changed his face with pear blossoms and rain.

"General Tian, ​​in fact, the little girl has admired you for a long time..."

Xu Jiudi looked at him, and confessed sincerely and sincerely.

In the end, Scorpio looked at her, his eyes gradually tinged with distress.

"Xu Jiudi, I will marry you." At this moment, Scorpio's eyes suddenly became clear and firm, "Xu Jiudi, I, Scorpio, really want to marry you."

This time, it was Xu Jiudi's turn to be stunned.

"Are...are you drunk?"

"I'm not drunk, I'm sober." The usually unsmiling Scorpio suddenly smiled, "Actually, I remember you."

"Are you really not drunk?"


Seeing her blushing like an apple, Scorpio couldn't help but kiss her...

The next morning, the palace.

Tang Huanxi, who had had enough sleep, only felt refreshed.

But when she saw Xu Jiudi with a dark face, she immediately became worried, "Sister Jiudi, you didn't sleep last night?"

"Hmm..." Xu Jiudi carefully avoided her gaze, with a guilty conscience, he knew something was wrong when he saw it!
"Sister Jiudi, be lenient when confessing, and be strict when resisting." Tang Huanxi suddenly suppressed the smile on his face, and said with serious eyes, "What happened last night, you should tell the truth!"

"It''s nothing serious..." Xu Jiudi hesitated and said, "I invited Scorpio to drink with me last night."

"and then?"

"We were both drunk. He said he actually remembered me and said he wanted to marry me. I thought he was drunk, so I didn't take it to heart... and then..."

At first it was just a simple banquet, Xu Jiudi originally wanted to know him better.

But in the end it suddenly turned into a fight between immortals... Thinking of the scene last night, she was really too shy to speak.

"Sister Jiudi, is this the rhythm of getting married first and then falling in love?" Tang Huanxi suddenly gave her a thumbs up, "Admiration!"

(End of this chapter)

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