Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 916 Isn't it tasteless?

Chapter 916 Isn't it tasteless?

Xu Jiudi silently rolled his eyes seeing her acting out of order.

"What's the matter?" Sensing her depression, Tang Huanxi immediately retreated from the crowd, poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to her, "Come back so busy early in the morning, have you had breakfast yet?"

"No," Xu Jiudi shook his head, and felt himself come back to life after drinking a quick bowl of porridge, "Hey, I sneaked back here, and when I left, he was still asleep..."

"That is to say, you ran away after ruining the reputation of Big Brother Scorpio?"

"Isn't it tasteless?" Xu Jiudi rubbed his nose with some guilt, "To be honest, I didn't expect things to develop so vigorously..."

Xu Jiudi never dreamed that she would miss someone so much in her lifetime.

"Seriously, sister Jiudi, what are you thinking? You can't just ignore the current situation like this?" Tang Huanxi looked at her and said earnestly, "Xiao Baorui once told me that Scorpio is actually a A very stubborn person, now that he has recognized you, he will propose marriage sincerely, will you or should you not?"

"Happy," Xu Jiudi took a deep breath, his eyes slightly flushed, "I'm not good enough for him."

When that incident happened last night, she could feel the jerky movements of Scorpio.

Obviously, before meeting her, Scorpio has never had a woman beside him.

But what about yourself?

A few years ago, she was a person who was deeply mired in the mud. Now, even though she was struggling to be pulled out by Tang Huanxi, the memories of the past were still vivid in her memory.

She is indeed not worthy of a Scorpio.

"Sister Jiudi, what does it mean to be worthy?" Tang Huanxi looked into her eyes and said sincerely, "Loving someone is actually a very pure thing, which has nothing to do with status, wealth, or even Life and death have nothing to do. Love is love. If you are in love, why can't you be together? You two, male and female unmarried, he can't participate in your past, don't you even have a chance to participate in your present and future Are you even refusing to give it to him? Then why do you say that you are moved? "

Tang Huanxi's words were like enlightenment.

It completely woke up Xu Jiudi who was still inferior and cowardly.

It's just that Xu Jiudi, who has suffered from low self-esteem for a long time, still hasn't developed enough courage.

After finishing breakfast with Tang Huanxi, she left in a daze.

"Let Caihuan take good care of her, and let Hongfu secretly protect her." A moment later, Tang Huanxi instructed in a low voice.

Nanny Gui nodded and went to give orders.

Another quarter of an hour later, Bai Ying walked in with an anxious expression on her face.

"what happened?"

"My lady, the princess is gone!" Bai Ying cried, "My lady..."

"What's going on?" Tang Huanxi stood up from the chair in a hurry, only to feel black in front of her eyes, and almost fainted, "Bai Ying, don't worry, tell me in detail, what is going on?" What's going on?"

"The princess was clamoring for egg custard in the morning, so the servant sent someone to the small kitchen, but the girl Cui'er had gone for half an hour and hadn't come yet. When the servant was anxious, she went out with the princess in her arms, but she hadn't left yet. At the gate of the palace, I just felt a sudden pain in the back of my head, and when the servant wakes up again, the princess... the princess is gone..."

Bai Wei hurriedly stepped forward to help Bai Ying up. At that time, blood was gushing out from the back of her head.

That scene was really scary.

"Bai Wei, you take Bai Ying to the imperial hospital first." Tang Huanxi commanded in a deep voice, calming down, "I will pass on the order of my palace to seal off the entire harem, not allowing a fly to fly out!"


Princess Wuyou is the jewel in the palm of the Holy Majesty, and now she suddenly disappeared in the palace, causing panic in the entire harem.

Only Changle Palace, as always.

Xiao Jingyuan looked at the pink and tender Xiaotuanzi sitting in front of her, with complicated emotions in her eyes.

"Do you know who I am? You even ran up to me? Are you afraid that I will bully you?"

"Googoo..." Xiao Wuyou is only about one year old now, so she doesn't speak very well, but her eyes looking at Changle are so cute and sparkling.

"Who is your aunt?" Chang Le said angrily, "I don't like your mother, so I can't like you either!"

"Cuckoo... Float... Float..."

"What ticket?"


"Princess, Princess Wuyou seems to mean to say that you are beautiful?" Doukou said cautiously, "Princess, will Princess Wuyou suddenly appear in front of the gate of Changle Palace, will it cause unnecessary misunderstanding... "

"Whether she misunderstood it or not! Now she already has the eldest son, the prince, and she has another one in her belly, and she doesn't even care about her only daughter." Xiao Jingyuan complained angrily, "She should be anxious Save her from not caring about her children..."

"But the servant is worried..."

"What is there to worry about? Bengong can still bully a small dumpling?" Chang Le didn't bother to talk nonsense, and directly hugged Xiao Wuyou, "Let's go, I'll take you to find your father!"

At that time, it was the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Scorpio half-kneeled in front of Xiao Baorui, and said in a deep voice, "Wei Chen has led the Imperial Army to search the entire palace, and there is still no trace of Princess Wuyou."

"Is there anything missing?"

Scorpio thought for a while, then nodded lightly, "There is also Changle Palace, but Princess Changle is thrown in the confinement period, so..."

"Don't look for it, Wuyou is with me." Just when Tang Huanxi was about to faint in anxiety, Chang Le walked into the hall with Xiao Wuyou, and said loudly

"Jing Yuan, why is Wuyou with you?" Xiao Baorui frowned, with a little more doubt in his eyes.

"Brother Emperor, your tone is a bit strange." Xiao Jingyuan frowned, and her tone was also slightly unfriendly, "The maids of Changle Palace found Wuyou wandering around the palace gate early in the morning, so they brought him in. I see She was hungry, so I asked someone to prepare breakfast, and after finishing the breakfast with her, I came to the Hall of Mental Cultivation."

"The distance between Changle Palace and Shun'an Palace is very far, how could the princess..." Nanny Gui blurted out subconsciously.

"What do you mean by that?" Chang Le instantly heard what she meant, and roared angrily, "You mean that this palace deliberately took away Wuyou, and even hid Wuyou so that the emperor's brother and The empress is in trouble..."

"Changle!" Xiao Baorui scolded in a deep voice.

Xiao Jingyuan's eyes turned red instantly.

Tang Huanxi hugged Xiao Wuyou in her arms, and gently stroked her fluffy hair.

When the atmosphere was tense, Tang Huanxi suddenly said, "Changle didn't take Wuyou away, I believe she would not do such a thing."

Xiao Jingyuan, who had already shed tears because of her aggrievedness, said angrily, "It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, anyway, I will not admit to something I haven't done!"

"It wasn't you, it was your personal maid Dou Kou who took away Wuyou." Tang Huanxi looked at her and said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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