Chapter 918

Pei Zhonghou is a smart person, seeing Xu Jiudi's embarrassed expression, he immediately changed the subject.

"During this period, the sales of egg tarts have been very good, and the sales of slobbering chicken are also growing linearly. So I haven't had time to make the dividends for this quarter." Pei Zhonghou said softly, "The urging from Luoyang is a bit urgent, so The rest of the project at the Kyoto Reminiscence Building will be handed over to Shopkeeper Xu!"

"Yeah." Xu Jiudi was very serious about his work.

So for the next two days, she stayed in the Huiwei building to calculate the accounts for the past years. After everything was handed over clearly, Pei Zhonghou packed her bags and went to Luoyang at the end of March.

And in the harem these days, people are also panicking.

The eunuchs and maids serving in the harem did not expect that the seemingly weak queen's acting style would be so vigorous and resolute!
All affairs in the harem are managed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is further divided into four divisions and twelve branches.

The four divisions are in charge of all aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation in the harem.

There are a total of five stewards in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Except for the chief steward Yuan Gonggong, the other four are in charge of the four divisions.

Tang Huanxi didn't intend to destroy this kind of administrative organization in the palace at first, but the sudden disappearance of Wuyou in the palace set off a wake-up call for her.

Some things cannot be broken.

So she punished the two bureau chiefs one after another, and injected new blood into all the staff inside.

Hong Fu, Hong Rong, Bai Wei, and Bai Ying are now the deputy managers of the Fourth Division.

Nanny Gui handed the freshly cooked tremella pear lily soup to Tang Huanxi who was practicing calligraphy, and said softly, "Your Majesty has worked too hard these days, and her complexion is not as good as before. Wei went to ask the imperial physician."

"Nurse," Tang Huanxi shrugged helplessly, "I'm really fine."

"Anyway, wait until you've seen the imperial physician," Nanny Gui walked around behind her, gently rubbing her temples.

Tang Huanxi immediately closed her eyes comfortably.

"Nowadays, the harem is much clearer, and this is all thanks to the empress." Nanny Gui smiled softly, "It's just that the empress insists on holding the banquet ten days later, is she too anxious?"

"It can't be delayed any longer." Tang Huanxi said in a low voice, "Now the memorials on the imperial case proposing that the emperor accept the harem are as numerous as snowflakes in winter. Seeing the emperor's increasingly ugly face, I Gong is really worried."

"The emperor has his own opinions, so how could he be influenced by those people? Compared with these trivial matters, this old slave thinks that the health of the empress is the most important thing." Nanny Gui's tone was full of distress.

During this period of time, Tang Huanxi was busy dealing with affairs in the harem, and even her plump round face lost a lot of weight.

"You have nothing to deal with today. Let's go to the imperial dining room later. I want to cook lunch myself and share it with the emperor."

"Okay, the old slave will make arrangements later."

It has entered April, and the spring breeze is blowing, which is very refreshing.

Hundreds of flowers are blooming in the imperial garden, and the air is filled with bursts of floral fragrance.

Tang Huanxi changed into lighter clothes and went to the imperial dining room.

At that time, Fuling was busy in the kitchen.

"Why did your empress come here in person?" The moment Fu Ling saw Tang Huanxi, besides surprise, there was more surprise in Fu Ling's eyes.

"Whatever the empress wants to eat, just order people to send slaves and maidservants!"

Fu Ling really likes Tang Huanxi. To her, Tang Huanxi is not a high-ranking empress, but her good teacher.

She is interested in cooking, and it is the empress who paved a broad road for her, so that she can develop it to her heart's content.

This feeling is really happy.

"If you're not busy, how about helping me?"

"Naturally, I wish for it! This is a servant's honor!" Fu Ling smiled with crooked eyebrows, which was really cute.

During this period of time, Tang Huanxi's diet was very light, but now she wants to change to something spicy and delicious.

After thinking about it, she decided to make a dish of spicy diced chicken, a dish of boiled fish, a dish of spinach with sesame seeds, and a dish of radish and ribs soup.

The practice of spicy chicken diced is very homely. First, all the meat on the chicken legs should be cut into cubes, and then the corresponding seasonings should be prepared.

When the smell of the old godmother was in the air, those who worked in the imperial dining room felt that the gluttons in their stomachs were about to be hooked out!
The chili sauce and diced chicken are constantly stir-fried in the pot, and finally they are combined into one, and the aroma is overflowing.

When the dish came out, Tang Huanxi tasted it and nodded with satisfaction.

After staying in the kitchen for an hour, Tang Huanxi finally made lunch.

"At dusk, send this radish rib soup to Fengluan hall." Before leaving, Tang Huanxi looked at Fuling and smiled slightly.

"Slave remembers!"

"After half an hour, switch to a simmer and continue to simmer, and add the corresponding seasonings according to Ben Gong's instructions. If you feel that the taste is still a bit weak, continue to add some salt."

"it is good."

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Xiao Baorui, who was reviewing the memorial, smelled a vague fragrance, and suddenly felt that the gluttons in his stomach were about to be hooked out.


"Husband is still busy?" Tang Huanxi frowned, and said with some dissatisfaction, "Didn't I already tell you? No matter how busy you are, remember to eat well! Improper diet can easily hurt your stomach!"

"Today's memorial is too much..." Xiao Baorui looked at her and smiled innocently, "What did the lady prepare? It smells so good!"

"I have been free for the past two days, so I went to the imperial dining room." Tang Huanxi raised her lips gently, "You don't even have time to eat with me, do you?"

"Of course not!" Xiao Baorui immediately put down the memorial in his hand, and walked to the nearby desk with a smile on his face.

"There is also a cup of radish rib soup, but it's not hot enough. I'll bring it to you at dusk."

Xiao Baorui was deeply moved when he saw her bustling figure.

He suddenly reached out and pulled her into his arms.

"No meal?" Tang Huanxi asked softly, looking back and smiling.

"Miss, thank you for your hard work."

"Since you call me my wife, then you are my husband. Taking care of your food and daily life is what I should do." Tang Huanxi turned around and held his face in his hands, looking into his eyes and said sincerely, "Besides I feel very lucky to be able to take care of you."

"En." Xiao Baorui nodded and leaned into her arms.

"what happened?"

"Miss, I always feel that the day when you are going to leave is getting closer and closer." Thinking of the previous nightmare, Xiao Baorui still felt uneasy.

He was really worried, worried about that dream, becoming a reality.

"What nonsense!" Tang Huanxi smiled, reached out and pinched his earlobe, and said with sincere and firm eyes, "Xiao Baorui, I swear, I will spend the rest of my life with you."

(End of this chapter)

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