Chapter 919

Xiao Baorui nodded vigorously, then looked at her, and grinned.

"Let's eat!"


The husband and wife finished their lunch together, and Xiao Baorui continued to review the memorial.

Tang Huanxi picked up a book and leaned on the beauty couch not far away.

But half an hour later, Tang Huanxi fell asleep vaguely.

[Ding, your refrigerator cutie is online! 】

[Little cutie? 】 Tang Huanxi frowned, and asked curiously, 【Little cutie, I always feel restless and sometimes weak. Am I sick? 】

【Master, Tang Huanxi, who belongs to this era, has reached the end of her lifespan. 】

[So... I will die? 】 Tang Huanxi didn't realize that her tone was full of fear.

【Um. 】

【I don't want to die—cutie, I haven't lived enough yet! 】

The cutie was silent.

Unknowingly, two lines of clear tears fell from the corners of Tang Huanxi's eyes.

Xiao Baorui, who was about to hug her up, felt distressed when he saw her burst into tears.

"Miss?" Xiao Baorui held her in his arms, carefully kissing the teardrops in the corners of her eyes.

The warm touch made Tang Huanxi wake up instantly.

"Ma'am, what happened?" Xiao Baorui looked at her with an increasingly nervous expression, "Did you have a nightmare?"

Tang Huanxi thought for a while, then nodded slightly, "Well, I had a nightmare."

"Miss, don't be afraid, I will always be with you." Xiao Baorui caressed her soft hair lovingly, his voice was as warm as jade, "Miss, do you still want to sleep?"

Tang Huanxi nodded lightly, "Well, I still want to sleep for a while."

"I'll accompany you."

Leaning in his arms, listening to his steady and powerful heartbeat, Tang Huanxi gradually closed her eyes with peace of mind.

[In addition to this life, you have already experienced the reincarnation of a hundred lives, and you can be ranked in the immortal class. 】The moment Tang Huanxi just closed her eyes, a familiar deep voice suddenly sounded in her mind.

[Mysterious iron? 】 Tang Huanxi hesitated for a moment, then asked cautiously.

[Well, it's me. 】

[What does it mean to be in the immortal class? ] Tang Huanxi's heart was full of doubts, 【I made a mistake back then, didn't I already get kicked out of immortality? 】

【You are Bairui, the Fairy of Hundred Flowers, the most beloved young girl of the Emperor of Heaven. Even though you made a mistake a hundred years ago and were expelled from the immortal status, you are still a fairy, and your immortal body and soul are still in the heaven.It is your heavenly soul that has gone through a hundred generations of reincarnation. 】

[Tang Huanxi is the last life of your reincarnation. In this life, you have also tasted the love of the world and the joy of men and women.Now it's time for your immortal body to return to the immortal class, not to mention that Tang Huanxi in this life has long since died, and the time he can use this body is limited. 】

[Why can't you give me a chance to accompany Xiao Baorui to grow old together? ] Tang Huanxi was silent for a long time, and asked a little unwillingly, 【You said before that every life I have experienced has a crippled ending.Can't you give me a chance to be happy? 】

Xuan Tie was silent.

[The reincarnation of a hundred generations is a punishment, and the ending will not be changed easily. 】

【What if I insist on staying? 】

【Do you love Xiao Baorui that much?He was always just a mortal. 】

[What about mortals?Loving someone never cares about status. Before he decided to marry me in this life, I was still a fool, and he never treated me harshly. 】

【Bairui, this is different. 】

[Nothing is different. 】Tang Huanxi said in a deep voice,【If I have to say something different, it is that I am Tang Huanxi, the wife of Xiao Baorui, not Bairui, the fairy of Baihua. 】

This time, Tang Huanxi fell into a deep sleep.

For a moment, Xiao Baorui really thought that she would sleep like this forever.

If it weren't for her still breathing evenly and powerfully, Xiao Baorui would really...

"My lady, wake up quickly, okay?" Xiao Baorui held her hand and pressed it to his cheek, his words were full of begging, "Do you know that you have been sleeping for a day and a night?"

Tang Huanxi, who was sleeping, seemed to have heard Xiao Baorui's call. She tried desperately to open her eyes, but she couldn't.

Tang Huanxi finally woke up at dusk the next day.

"Xiao Baorui..."

"Miss?" Hearing her voice suddenly, Xiao Baorui was ecstatic, "Miss, you finally woke up!"

"I...have I been asleep for a long time?"

"Well, it's been a while." At that time, Xiao Baorui had blue stubble growing near his chin, and his complexion became thinner and thinner. Even those beautiful eyes were sunken in their sockets now. haggard.

Looking at him like this, Tang Huanxi's eyes were full of distress.

"Fool." Tang Huanxi raised her hand and gently touched his face, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."


After a quarter of an hour, the imperial physician confirmed that Tang Huanxi was safe and sound, and Xiao Baorui was completely relieved.

"Miss, you have slept for a long time, are you hungry now?"

"It's okay." Tang Huanxi nestled in his arms and smiled softly, "It won't be like this again in the future."

"Can you tell me what happened?"

Tang Huanxi looked into his eyes, and finally nodded slightly.

About half an hour later, Xiao Baorui, who had heard the ins and outs of the incident, was already in tears.

"A boy doesn't cry easily!"

"My lady, am I... worth so much for you?"

In exchange for this life's life together, the lady even sacrificed the chance to re-enter the fairy class.

"What's the point of being a fairy? Although you can live forever, you can't experience all kinds of happiness in the world. The seven emotions and six desires, every taste is extraordinary, I don't want to be like a puppet, Life is meaningless. What's more, there is still you in the world of mortals, how can I let go?"

Xiao Baorui at this moment has lost his voice.

He didn't know what to say to express his mood at the moment.

He could only use his strength, and then hugged the person in his arms tightly.

"Lady, I swear, in this life, I will never let you down!"


The two embraced tightly, feeling each other's heartbeat.

The tranquility of this moment is reassuring.

But at this moment, the aftertaste building is very lively.

Since the fairy fight happened that night, Scorpio has been looking for Xu Jiudi's whereabouts everywhere.

Xu Jiudi deliberately wanted to avoid him, so she rarely appeared in front of people during the day.

For three consecutive days, Scorpio stayed in the Huiwei Building for three consecutive days, but he never found Xu Jiudi.

So on the night of the fourth day, he didn't show up again.

Xu Jiudi also breathed a sigh of relief, then sneaked out of the private room and started to reconcile the accounts.

But before she could go down the stairs, the scorpion suddenly fell from the sky and blocked her way.

"Well... Excuse me?" Xu Jiudi, who was wearing a veil on her face, tried to suppress her heartbeat, and said with a smile.

"Let's talk." Scorpio looked at her and said in a deep voice.

It's over, it's recognized.

Xu Jiudi only felt a headache.

(End of this chapter)

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