Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 920 1nd time

Chapter 920 The first time

Plum box.

Caihuan poured two cups of tea obediently, then retreated cautiously to the screen.

"That—" Xu Jiudi lowered his head and kept holding his two little fingers, "Actually, what happened last time was a misunderstanding..."

"For the first time." Scorpio suddenly interrupted her, his eyes were heavy, "I, for the first time."

Xu Jiudi's face was so red that it couldn't be any redder...

She was so coquettish that she was about to bleed.

"A manly man, he must do what he says, and keep what he says." Scorpio suddenly said, "I said I want to marry you, are you willing?"

Without waiting for her to respond, Scorpio suddenly took out a small gray box carved with lilies from his arms and handed it to her.

"This is?"

"A engagement token."

Xu Jiudi looked at the jade hairpin lying quietly in the box, suddenly choked up and couldn't speak.

She lowered her head and remained silent.

The inarticulate Scorpio was also silent.

The atmosphere was eerily silent.

"Scorpio, do you know my past?" Xu Jiudi took a deep breath, "Are you really going to marry... a woman with a bad reputation? You may not know, my reputation is in Jinling, really It's terrible..."

"I know." Scorpio suddenly interrupted her, "Xu Jiudi, Jinling family, the daughter of Jinling's richest man Xu Wanjin, once married."

"You, you, you..." Xu Jiudi didn't expect that he knew everything about her past, "You know everything?"

"Well, you all know."

"Since you know it all, why bother to mock me?" Xu Jiudi suddenly smiled wryly, his eyes filled with tears, "I used to have a bad reputation, and after reconciling with Jia Zhengjing, I only thought of someone Afterwards, I got to know Huanxi, and learned that there is another way for women to live. Women don’t have to cling to men to live... But I didn’t expect that when you saved me that time, I would actually touch you My heart has been out of control since then..."

Xu Jiudi originally thought that she would never be easily tempted again in this life.

But she didn't expect that she would meet Scorpio.

He is not only handsome, but also a close minister of the emperor, and his future is unlimited.

"Me too." Scorpio suddenly looked into her eyes and said sincerely, "I'm also moved by you."

"But my past..."

"The past is in the past." Scorpio looked at her and said bluntly, "I only blame myself for not meeting you sooner."

Xu Jiudi's eyes were already red, and he couldn't speak anymore.

After a while, Xu Jiudi suddenly smiled in relief, "Okay, I'll marry you!"

"Okay." Scorpio nodded, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

Because Xu Jiudi contributed a large part of his financial resources to Xiao Baorui's great cause a few years ago, he was awarded the title of Anping County Lord.

The Holy Majesty personally bestowed a marriage on the head of Anping County and the left commander of the Yulin Army Scorpio.

The wedding date was set for early September.

Fengluan Hall.

Looking at Xu Jiudi's shy face, Tang Huanxi couldn't help laughing and joked, "How could I remember someone saying that they would never marry again in this life? Sure enough, everyone can't escape the law of true fragrance!"

"You naughty girl, how dare you make fun of me? Be careful that I bully your son!" Xu Jiudi rubbed Xiao Yijin's hair while glaring at him angrily.

"In the whole world, the county magistrate is probably the only one who dares to treat the prince like this!" Bai Wei said with a smile.

"Hey, that's it." Xu Jiudi nodded arrogantly.

"Since the wedding date is set in September, how about seeing your house?" Tang Huanxi looked at her and said softly, "Fate is really wonderful. When I was in Jinling, who would have thought of you?" Will it be a couple with Scorpio?"

"Yeah, the fate is really wonderful." Xu Jiudi nodded in agreement, "I'm just happy. There is something that makes me feel uneasy all the time."

"what happened?"

"A few days ago, a letter came from Jinling, saying that Jia Zhengjing visited Xu's house again, and wanted to remarry me." Xu Jiudi said with some regret, "I used to be in a daze, and my behavior was so overbearing. There is no cure, and when I think about it carefully, Jia Zhengjing may not have had some real affection for me back then. After all, I was notorious at that time..."

"Sister Jiudi, if Brother Scorpio hears your words, I might be so angry!"

"I'm just telling the truth." Xu Jiudi smiled, "But everything in the past is gone, and I just want to be with Scorpio in the future."

"Well, then I'll replace the wine with tea, and wish you a happy union for a hundred years!"

"Thank you!" Xu Jiudi boldly raised the teacup in front of him and drank it down.

After chatting with Tang Huanxi for a while, Xu Jiudi reluctantly left the palace, and before leaving, he did not forget to sweep the freshly baked egg rolls on the table.

"Miss Xu's temperament is becoming more and more frank." Nanny Gui smiled softly.

"She deserves it."

People who have struggled in the silt know better the preciousness of the heart of a child.

So I will keep this frankness and sincerity even better.

Good eyesight, Scorpio!

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Xiao Baorui looked at Scorpio and smiled slightly, "I still don't know your name."

"Scorpio was originally just a code name. In fact, Weichen can't remember his own name clearly. He only remembers that his surname is Hu."

"Since the surname is Hu, Hu Kuo, what do you think? The sky is high and the sea is wide, I think it's a good name!"

"Thank you my Majesty for the name!"
Luoyang City.

An Xiuhui looked at Pei Zhonghou who had rushed over, her eyes were full of gratitude.

"Shopkeeper Pei, you've worked hard all the way!"

"No hard work, no hard work!" Pei Zhonghou smiled honestly, "It is Pei's blessing to be able to work for the princess!"

"I've already sent someone to clean up in the wing room in the backyard. Brother Pei will go back and rest for a while, and we'll catch up for you later!"

"it is good!"

"It seems that the Empress really wants to help you." He Yihang looked at the smiling An Xiuhui, and couldn't help laughing, "Xiuhui, you look so pretty when you smile."

An Xiuhui's face turned even redder, and she said coquettishly, "Slick!"

"No," He Yihang said with a smile, "This is what Yihang said from the bottom of his heart!"

An Xiuhui only felt that the heart was filled with honey, and the sweet taste permeated her heart.

"I'm still a little hesitant about the two places I chose earlier, I'll let Shopkeeper Pei take a look at them later." An Xiuhui directed towards Lu Yin behind her.

"Yes, the servant knows."

He Yihang looked at An Xiuhui, repeated several times, hesitant to speak.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing." He Yihang smiled slightly, his downcast eyes covered the emotion in his eyes, "Now with the strong support of Shopkeeper Pei, I believe we will be able to gain a firm foothold in Luoyang soon."

"Well, speaking of it, it's all the kindness of the empress. After two days, you can go out with me for a walk, and take a look at the customs and customs of Luoyang."

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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