Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 921 The Potential of Being a Faint King

Chapter 921 The Potential of Being a Faint King
In Fengluan Hall, Tang Huanxi was looking through the blueprints handed over by the court painter, and lost interest after a while.

"My lady, what's the matter?" Nanny Gui looked at her listless look, and asked curiously, "These are the noble girls who want to participate in the blind date meeting, and there are many of them who are outstanding in appearance, and some of them are also good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Everything is fine. The empress doesn't like it?"

"I don't like it." Tang Huanxi said bluntly, "Although the artist's fine brushwork is very good, these paintings are too stereotyped."

More importantly, Tang Huanxi had already told these ministers directly and clearly the importance of this blind date meeting.

However, most of the powerful officials of the noble families reported that most of the lists were concubine daughters, or daughters who were not favored in the mansion...

Xiao Baorui has decreed that he will no longer accept the harem, but these people still do not give up...

"Why don't you find a chance for the empress to meet these noble girls?"

"No need." Tang Huanxi shook her head with some disinterest, "Forget it, since these people are not sincere, then I won't waste my time planning for them."

"Then this blind date meeting..."

"Let's just say that Ben Gong is unwell, so cancel it."

Kindness is like a donkey's liver and lungs, since these people are unwilling to let her arrange the marriage, then she is happy to be at ease.

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

When Xiao Baorui heard that Tang Huanxi insisted on canceling the blind date meeting, his eyes flickered, and he immediately put the memorial in his hand and went to Fengluan Hall.

It's just that when passing the imperial garden, I accidentally caught a glimpse of the paper kite floating in the sky.

It's in the shape of a swallow.

"Mother! High! High! Fly high!" Wuyou, who was hugged by Bai Wei, looked up at the paper kite in the sky, smiled happily, and kept clapping her hands!

Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, and pulled the kite string in her hand again. Seeing that swallow was about to fly to the blue sky, her mood seemed to be much clearer and brighter.

Tang Huanxi, who had enjoyed playing to the fullest, passed the paper kite in her hand to Gong'e who was beside her, but the palace woman was a little panicked and didn't catch the kite string for a moment, and the paper kite disappeared quickly.

"Damn this slave! Damn this slave! Please forgive me, Empress!" That Gong'e knelt down anxiously, begging for mercy.

"Get up." Tang Huanxi's voice became more ethereal, "It's human nature for Yan'er to yearn for the sky, so what's wrong with you? Get up!"

"My servant thank you for your kindness."

Xiao Baorui, who had witnessed the whole process, walked to Tang Huanxi's side at this time, with a warm smile on his face, "Why are you so interested in letting the paper kites out today, my lady?"

"Wuyou was a little noisy, so I came to the Imperial Garden for a walk." Tang Huanxi shrugged helplessly, and said softly, "By the way, why do you come to the Imperial Garden when you have time?"

"I've been staying in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and I feel a little breathless." Xiao Baorui smiled, and then quickly made a decision.

After half an hour.

Tang Huanxi, who was blindfolded, asked curiously, "Husband, where are you taking me?"

"Go to a place." Xiao Baorui kissed her forehead gently, and smiled softly, "Don't worry, lady, you will know soon..."

Tang Huanxi felt that she was sitting in a carriage, and the carriage was moving forward in an orderly manner.

About half an hour later, when she felt that she was about to fall asleep in a daze, Xiao Baorui finally lifted the cloth strip covering her eyes.


Tang Huanxi, who was wondering, was suddenly picked up by his waist, and then stepped out of the carriage.

Looking at the scenery in front of her, she lost her voice for an instant.

The air is filled with a strong aroma of peach blossoms, and everything that catches the eye is pink peach blossoms.


"here it is……"

"My lady guess?" Xiao Baorui said with a smile.

Tang Huanxi thought for a while, and then asked in surprise, "Is this another courtyard in the suburbs of Beijing?"

The other courtyard in the suburbs of Beijing is now also known as Taohuawu.

It used to be the dowry Zhuangzi of Concubine Lan Gui.

They had lived here for a while before.


"But I remember that there are not so many peach trees here!"

"It was I who sent someone to move the peach blossom forest in the Great Buddha Temple." Xiao Baorui raised his eyebrows and smiled, "I just smiled for Mrs. Bo."

Tang Huanxi raised her eyes, looked into his eyes seriously, and finally couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at, lady?"

"There used to be King You of Zhou who made a smile for Baosi, and the princes of Fenghuo! Now you have forcibly occupied the peach blossom forest of the Great Buddha Temple in order to make me smile! It seems that those censors are right, I do have the potential to be a demon queen !"

"I will not become a foolish emperor. About this point, my lady can rest assured." Xiao Baorui hugged her from behind, and breathed in her ear, "Although I have transplanted the peach blossom forest of the Great Buddha Temple, But I also paid an equal value, so the lady doesn't have to worry, not to mention that although the Baosi in history is beautiful, I think it is not as good as one-tenth of the lady."

"Slick tongue!" Tang Huanxi glared at him angrily, "You left the government affairs behind and brought me here, so you won't be afraid that when you go back, all the imperial court cases will be filled with impeachment notes from the imperial censor!"

"My lady, Yijin is already four years old."

"and then?"

"You can learn how to deal with government affairs..."

"Are you serious?" Tang Huanxi's eyes widened immediately, his eyes filled with disbelief, "Yijin is too young now, it's really too..."

"There is Wang Yibo, the crown prince, and the tutor to assist, not to mention the group of academicians from the Imperial Academy to tutor, so you can rest assured, lady."

Tang Huanxi immediately gave him a thumbs up, "I admire."

"There's nothing going on in the hall during this period of time, why don't you stay with me in Taohuawu for a few days?"

"Taohuawu?" Tang Huanxi raised an eyebrow and asked, "The new name here?"

"Doesn't the lady like it?"


Hearing that she said she liked it, Xiao Baorui felt that the whole person was about to bubble with joy.

"By the way, lady, there are a few guests in Taohuawu today, do you want to meet them?"



Tang Huanxi went to the front yard out of curiosity.

When she saw those familiar people standing in front of her, tears seemed to glisten in her eyes.

"Sister-in-law... Zihan... Mu Sheng... Sister Pei..."

"Women (students) have met the emperor and the empress!" When those present saw Tang Huanxi, their eyes turned red, but they immediately knelt on the ground and began to salute!
"There are no outsiders here, so all these rules will be exempted!" Xiao Baorui said with a smile.

Tang Huanxi looked at Qian's face that had obviously lost a lot of weight, and asked with some distress, "Sister-in-law, you've lost weight again..."

"No way!" Qian touched her face subconsciously, "Happy, sit down and talk, you have a big belly now, so don't be troubled!"

"I am not tired."

Tang Huanxi smiled and said, "I'm really happy to see you."

(End of this chapter)

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