Chapter 925
When Murong He learned that the relationship between Chen Rui and Tuoba Wei was unusual, he originally wanted to kill her directly.

But considering that she is Murong Hao's biological mother, she still saved her life after all.

Now she has come to Luoyang?

"It seems that she is coming for Madam." Lu Yin frowned tightly, her eyes were full of worry, "Madam, now that the enemy is lurking in the dark, this servant is really worried."

"If she really came to Luoyang, then even if I want to turn Luoyang upside down, I have to find her." An Xiuhui lowered her eyes to cover the killing intent in her eyes.

If she had known today, she should have left her mother and kept her son in the first place, so as to save so many hidden dangers.

"Don't worry, if we want to find someone, we will definitely find someone." He Yihang looked into her eyes, silently comforting.


At that time, Kyoto, the Imperial Palace.

When Tang Huanxi received An Xiuhui's reply letter, she was a little surprised.

When she read the contents of the letter, she was even more surprised.

What is the intention of Chen Rui deliberately revealing his identity?
"Chen He is dead, and most of the Chen family have been sentenced to exile. Isn't she throwing herself into a trap by doing this?" Tang Huanxi frowned and analyzed, "And the child in her womb, isn't it Tuo? Is it Ba Wei's flesh and blood? Why is Tuoba Wei willing to let her go through the wind and rain outside?"

"Your Majesty, the royal family has been ruthless since ancient times. At the beginning, the eldest prince of Xiliang deliberately approached Chen Rui. Presumably it was not purely because of Concubine Rui's outstanding appearance. After all, Concubine Rui was behind the Chen family. The power behind him cannot be underestimated."

"Could it be that Chen He is not dead?"

"The person who supervised and beheaded Chen He was King Yu. Although Chen He was taken to the vegetable market and beheaded, we can tell whether it's true or not." Nanny Gui thought for a while and said softly, "This old slave thinks Regarding this matter, His Majesty must have made a conclusion in his heart."

Tang Huanxi pondered for a moment, and finally nodded slightly.

"Since this is the case, then don't ask about this matter. I believe Xiao Baorui will handle it properly."

"It's a great thing for your majesty to think like this." Nanny Gui smiled very gratified.

"Nurse, I heard that Wuyou is going to play in Changle Palace these two days because of the noise?"

"Well," Nanny Gui nodded, with a bit of doubt in her tone, "It's strange to say that the princess has always been very good, but she really likes Princess Changle, and the old slave also went to her yesterday for being intimate with her involuntarily." A trip to Changle Palace, Princess Changle, seems to have changed a lot."

"After all, Dou Kou is her maidservant who has accompanied her for many years. Now before she leaves, Dou Kou told her that she was a spy from another country who planted beside her. For Chang Le, this matter is indeed a big blow." Tang Huanxi raised her forehead He said, "If Wuyou wants to find Changle tomorrow, please invite Changle to Fengluan hall first."

"Your Majesty wants to..."

"If she is really willing to change herself, then I am willing to give her a chance. After all, she is someone Xiao Baorui cares about. If that is the case, then I will not be fussy."

"Your Majesty is open-minded and wise."

"Mammy is boasting again."

"The old slave is just telling the truth!"

Tang Huanxi smiled and waved his hands, then walked to the desk and picked up a pen to practice calligraphy.

During this period of time, she was always in a difficult mood, and always felt that something was going to happen. This feeling was really bad.

April [-]th, the spring rainy season is finally over, and today is a rare sunny day.

Tang Huanxi cooked some puffs herself, and sent a copy to Changle Palace.

Half an hour later, Xiao Jingyuan came to thank her.

"Since we are all a family, why are you so polite?" Tang Huanxi looked at her and smiled slightly.

Xiao Jingyuan could tell that she was smiling sincerely.

But for a moment, she also smiled in relief.

The two looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing.

All the unhappiness in the past disappeared in this rare and sincere smile.

"I have already sent someone to inquire about Doumao's family." Chang Le suddenly mentioned, "Doukou is the son of Anfu's family, so I really can't think of when she became the eyeliner of others."

"The Yong Dynasty had a large population. If the people of Xiliang wanted to buy them, there would be people who couldn't stand the temptation and sold their souls in the end." Tang Huanxi sighed, "I can't blame you for this, so you don't have to. brooding."

Chang Le shook his head lightly, his tone was full of guilt, "If you didn't want to make every effort, I'm afraid I'd already be dead..."

He offended the queen several times and even almost hurt her.

Thinking back now, Changle is still a little scared.

"You were just blinded by the villain, so I really don't blame you." Tang Huanxi looked into her eyes and said sincerely, "Besides, knowing your mistakes can make a big difference, so I really don't blame you. I won't hate you either."

"Thank you."

"As I said just now, since we are a family, why should we be polite?"

"I... what I said at the beginning, please don't take it to heart. I only have a brother-sister relationship with the emperor's brother, and I have never had any other thoughts. The reason why I said those nonsense words at the beginning was because I wanted to I want to force you to abdicate." Chang Le bit her lip and said in a low voice, "At first I felt that your status was unworthy of virtue. But now I understand why the emperor's brother insisted on only you alone, because you are really it is good."

"I'm very happy to be recognized by you." Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, "By the way, the previous blind date meeting was canceled by me. What do you think about your own lifelong event? It's just that you are Princess Changle after all, so I don't want you to lower yourself to become a concubine."

Chang Le shook her head hastily, "I don't like General Tian, ​​so I won't become a concubine!"

"Then what kind of person do you like?"

"Actually... Actually, I don't know..." Chang Le said with some distress, "Can I stay in the palace for a while longer? When I meet someone I like, I will move to the Princess Mansion, is that okay?"


Chang Le, who had untied the knot in his heart, breathed a sigh of relief.

Tang Huanxi was kinder than she imagined.

So this sister-in-law, she approves!

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Xiao Baorui was overjoyed to hear the news that Tang Huanxi and Xiao Jingyuan had resolved their suspicions.

Looking at his radiant smile, Tang Huanxi couldn't help joking, "It seems that the emperor is in a good mood today, why is there a lot less money for impeachment of concubines today?"

"Miss, you are virtuous and virtuous, and you have given birth to children for me. Who dares to impeach you?" Xiao Baorui immediately stepped forward, with a flattering smile on his face, "The tolerant lady forgave Changle, yes no?"

"Well," Tang Huanxi nodded and smiled slightly, "After all, she is someone you care about, so why should I continue to haggle over every detail with her? What's more, Changle is just wayward, but her nature is still pure and kind."

(End of this chapter)

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