Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 926 Available People

Chapter 926 Available People
"Speaking of which, I'm really curious about the An Mansion in Yun'an City." Tang Huanxi thought for a while, and then expressed her doubts, "Baorui, do you think that the looks of Xiuhui and Jingyuan are really too beautiful?" Are they similar? There is also An Xionghu's attitude towards the two of them, the difference is too great."

An Xiuhui is An Xionghu's biological daughter, but he regards this only daughter as a pawn and sacrifices everywhere.

On the other hand, Xiao Jingyuan, An Xionghu took her away for another purpose, but these years he actually cultivated Xiao Jingyuan into a very arrogant young lady, which is really weird.

"Miss, I have already sent someone to investigate what you suspect." Xiao Baorui said softly, "I also feel that this incident is always revealing a bit weird, but An Xionghu is dead, and we have no way to follow him. I found out some useful news from my mouth."

"He's dead, what about Mrs. An? We seem to have ignored this important person all the time!"

One word awakened the dreamer, and Xiao Baorui's eyes quickly flashed a touch of astonishment.

"It seems that the matter about Yun'an City's An Mansion still needs to be investigated carefully."

"Husband, I have a suggestion." Tang Huanxi thought for a while and said softly, "With Hanjie's qualifications, he can stay in the capital directly, but now that Princess Yu has passed away suddenly, and King Yu is in prison for a crime, it is better Sending Hanjie to Yun'an City to take over the position of the prefect of Yun'an, what do you think?"

"But Princess Yu passed away suddenly. According to the rules, Hanjie needs to observe mourning for three years."

"If the court is stable, then he will naturally observe the filial piety for three years according to the rules. But what about now? The government is unstable now, and more importantly, there are too many cancers hidden in the dark. Haiyan Heqing will inevitably touch the bottom line of some so-called rules!" Tang Huanxi looked at him and said sincerely, "But these are just my suggestions, how to do it depends on your husband wishes."

"En." Xiao Baorui nodded immediately, and began to seriously consider this matter in his heart.

Maybe the dangerous person hiding in Yun'an City is not An Xionghu, but Mrs. An who has never met before.

Prince Yu's Mansion.

Concubine Yu's first seven days have passed, but Murong Hanjie is still in a state of intoxication.

Xu Pingting looked at him again as drunk as mud, her eyes were full of distress, "Hanjie..."

"Drink! Keep drinking! If you don't get drunk, you won't go home, hahahaha!" Murong Hanjie closed his eyes and shouted loudly, "Xiao Er! Xiao Er, bring me another jug... oh, no, ten more jugs of wine! "

"Hanjie, you're drunk." Seeing his dejected appearance, Xu Pingting was full of worry, "Hanjie, drink the hangover soup first, okay?"

"I won't drink! I won't drink!"

During the dispute between the two, Murong Hanjie knocked down the bowl of hangover soup that Xu Pingting was holding.


The crisp sound woke Murong Hanjie completely awake.

"Pingting... are you okay?" Murong Hanjie rubbed his aching head and gradually regained consciousness, "Pingting, are you injured?"

Xu Pingting's hand was accidentally slipped by a piece of debris.

"I'm fine-"

"I'm sorry," Murong Hanjie thumped his head and looked at her with tears in his eyes, "Pingting, I'm sorry!"

Xu Pingting shook her head lightly, then approached him, took his hand, and handed it to her lower abdomen, "Hanjie, I know that many things have happened in the palace during this period, and they have hit you hard. , but Hanjie, although you lost your mother, you still have me and our child..."

Xu Pingting looked at him, her tone became more and more gentle, "Hanjie, don't be sad anymore, cheer up early, okay?"

Hearing her gentle voice, Murong Hanjie lowered his head silently, and finally responded with a muffled voice.

"Pingting, I will take good care of you and the child from now on!"


Seeing that he had completely pulled himself together, Xu Pingting smiled slightly, "I will enter the palace to meet the Empress Empress tomorrow, and check her words to see when we can leave the capital."


Murong Hanjie, who was completely awake, carefully picked up her injured hand, and blew gently.

"Does it still hurt?"

Xu Pingting smiled and shook her head.

Murong Hanjie immediately found the medicine box and carefully applied medicine to her wound.

"I promised you that I will cherish you in this life. Pingting, my promise will not change."

"Well, I believe you."

In the early morning of the next day, Fengluan Hall of the Imperial Palace.

Tang Huanxi looked at Xu Pingting who was obviously thinner, her eyes were full of pity.

"I haven't seen you for a while, the princess has lost a lot of weight."

"The mansion is full of chores, that's why I lost some weight for a while." Xu Pingting smiled and responded respectfully.

"Come on, give me a seat."

"Thank you Empress Empress for your kindness!"

"Now that you are pregnant, you still have to take good care of yourself." Tang Huanxi looked at her and advised softly, "Princess Yu is the spirit of the sky, and will definitely protect you well."

"Well, Pingting also believes that mother will have a good life in heaven." Xu Pingting smiled, and the worry in her tone was obviously reduced a lot.

"I heard that the son's will was very depressed some time ago. Fortunately, he still has you by his side. Now it seems to be gradually getting better." Tang Huanxi looked at her and said softly, "The emperor gave the son of Prince Yu and the Shangshu Palace earlier. The eldest lady bestowed the marriage, and originally wanted Lin Jingjing to be the side concubine of Prince Yu's mansion, but the princess made a request to the emperor in her last words, she asked that the prince should only have you as his wife in this life. This is the last wish of the princess, So the emperor also nodded and agreed, the previous marriage will not be counted, and the emperor will give another marriage to Miss Lin after a while.

This is also the reason why this palace summoned you into the palace today. "

Xu Pingting's eyes were already red, she stood up, and bowed respectfully, "Pingting thanked the emperor for her kindness, and thanked the empress for her kindness!"

"Get up," Tang Huanxi immediately took a step forward, helped her up herself, then looked at her, and said softly, "Hanjie is just at the prime of his life, and he has already established himself on the battlefield before." He has made a lot of contributions, so the emperor intends to let him go through a lot of training. As an official, he has gone through countless trials and hardships before he can become the pillar of the country! Pingting, can you understand what I mean?"

Xu Pingting nodded lightly, "Your Majesty, don't worry, Pingting understands."

After a few more words with Xu Pingting, Tang Huanxi finally ordered Nanny Gui to send her out in person.

Seeing that there was no one else in Fengluan Hall, Bai Wei looked at Tang Huanxi and asked curiously, "Your Majesty wants to reuse the Crown Princess?"

"Xu Pingting is a kind, simple and intelligent person. With a few words from Bengong, she can understand what I mean. Such a person is the most convenient to use."

"But after all, the concubine Shizi has not been involved in the world deeply, can she really figure out Mrs. An's secret?"

(End of this chapter)

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