Chapter 927
Tang Huanxi walked to the nearby table, picked up the scissors on one side, and began to build the pot of evergreens that had sprouted, "If Mrs. An was the mastermind behind the massacre of the Xiao family in Jinling, then this woman It must be a scheming person, and to deal with such a person, what is needed is a pure and simple person like Xu Pingting.

Sometimes, scheming people think too much.

So to deal with this kind of person, it is simple and immediate. "

"I still don't quite understand..." Bai Ying shook her head lightly when she heard her inscrutable words, "By the way, Ma'am, Mrs. Hu Guogong handed over a message, hoping that Madam will give her face and go to the Duke's mansion for a banquet."

"Duke Protector, Su Hu?" Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, "The old lady of the Duke's Mansion has passed her sixtieth year, right?"

"It has reached the age of seventy."

"It's been 70 years. This lady must know a lot about the past." Tang Huanxi thought for a while and said softly, "Reply to the post and say that I will go."

"Is the empress really going?" Bai Ying said worriedly, "Actually, the slaves are still a little worried. There will definitely be a lot of people going to the banquet tomorrow..."

"The Huguogong's Mansion has gone through three dynasties, and their status has not changed regardless of the weather." Tang Huanxi thought for a while, and said softly, "What's more, the emperor now relies on the Huguogong for the government, so the posts they handed over, I can't Refused. Bai Ying, you and Nanny Gui will go to the storeroom later to pick out items suitable for birthday gifts."

"The slaves obey the orders!"

A quarter of an hour later, the pot of Evergreen in front of me was almost built by Tang Huanxi.

"How?" Tang Huanxi raised her lips and asked very arrogantly, "Isn't it pretty?"

Bai Ying smiled a little embarrassed...

On the other hand, Xu Jiudi, who had just stepped into the hall, laughed mercilessly, "Which master built this Wannianqing, it's really... so ugly! Hahahaha!"

"It's me." Tang Huanxi cleared her throat and said silently.

Xu Jiudi quickly covered her mouth...

"Why did Sister Jiudi enter the palace free today?" Tang Huanxi glared at her angrily, "Sister took a token that allows her to enter and leave the palace freely, and she is becoming more and more unscrupulous!"

"Hey," Xu Jiudi twirled a piece of pastry, smiling obsequiously, "Who made the backing behind the little girl the empress, don't you think so?"

Tang Huanxi rolled her eyes silently.

"Succeed, it seems that you don't want the money you received last quarter, so I'll leave first..."

"Sister Jiudi is here to give you money?" Tang Huanxi's eyes lit up immediately when she heard the money, "Where's the money?"

"Tsk tsk, you're already a queen, and you're still so keen on money? Wouldn't it be too embarrassing if it got out?" Xu Jiudi taunted mercilessly as he took out a stack of bank notes from his chest , "Last quarter, Huiwei Building's business was very good. This is your dividend, 1 taels of silver, I have exchanged it for you into bank notes, so it is convenient for you to deposit and withdraw!"

"I know you are the best, sister Jiudi!" Tang Huanxi immediately smiled, "By the way, sister Jiudi, anyway, it's still early before you get married, why don't we think about another good plan to make money? "

"You really don't think you have too much money!" Xu Jiudi immediately poked her forehead, "You have to eat every bite, and you have to earn little by little. Don't rush everything, or you will hit the bottom. Rebound, understand?"

Tang Huanxi thought for a while, then shook her head lightly, expressing her incomprehension.

Xu Jiudi took a deep look at her, and explained softly, "At present, there are five restaurants in Kyoto, which are located in the five places in the center of Kyoto. Except for the Huiwei Restaurant in the south, the other four restaurants also have restaurants. As for the background, if the aftertaste restaurant was not backed by your name as empress empress, even if Pei Zhonghou is a business genius, he would not be able to manage the restaurant business so well in just two years, do you understand?"

Only then did Tang Huanxi wake up, "It seems that I touched other people's cheese."

"So, don't be too hasty in everything. Besides, you are the queen, so the treasury is still empty?" Xu Jiudi said with a smile while taking a bite of the cloud cake.

"Well, the national treasury is very empty." Tang Huanxi nodded very frankly, "Sister Jiudi, you may not believe it, but the current national treasury is really empty."

"Are you serious?"

"Looking into my sincere eyes, do you still think I'm lying?" Tang Huanxi looked at her with sincere eyes and sincere words.

"Well, when we have time, let's think about what other good ways to make money." Xu Jiudi patted her on the shoulder lightly, and comforted her softly, "It seems that you, the queen, are really good. It's very bad!"

"Yes." Tang Huanxi immediately nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "Today, Duke Hu sent me a post, inviting me to attend the [-]th birthday banquet of the Duke's wife's [-]th birthday tomorrow. I'm the queen. If you come to the door empty-handed, I think there will be a mountain of impeachment papers on the Yushitai!"

Xu Jiudi looked at her suspiciously, "Why do I think there is a trap in your words?"

"Hey," Tang Huanxi looked at her with a flattering smile, "Sister Jiudi, you are the richest woman in the country, as my girlfriend, should you help me out of your heart? "

"Well...let me think about it!"

"Do you still have to think about it?" Tang Huanxi bit her lip, the expression on her face was very hurt!
"Tsk tsk, I admire this acting!" Xu Jiudi immediately gave a thumbs up, "Succeed, leave the birthday gift to me. For Xiao Wuyou's sake, I won't be as fussy as you are!"

"That little girl is really grateful!"

"Then repay my kindness to you with delicious food!"


After the conversation, the two looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

"Ah, by the way, I almost forgot a very important thing." Xu Jiudi looked at her, and his expression gradually became serious, "That Miss Lin from the Shangshu Mansion has made another moth."

"What's up with her?"

"I heard that she had been having an affair with her bodyguard for a long time, and was bumped into by the cook in the mansion two days ago... Lin Jingjing hanged herself yesterday!"

"No way?"

"She didn't die, she was just stimulated, and now the Shangshu Mansion is closed to thank guests." Xu Jiudi looked at her and said with some concern, "There have been a lot of rumors in the market, and some people deliberately told the story of what happened during the spring hunt. It has been publicized, so people who don't know the truth think that Lin Jingjing's fate is because you, the empress, have no tolerance and deliberately did it!"

Tang Huanxi was completely at a loss!
This is really like a person sitting in the palace, and the pot comes from the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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