Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 930 Su Xinci

Chapter 930 Su Xinci

"Get up." Tang Huanxi glanced at her with curiosity, "Why did Miss Su hide behind the screen and spy on me?"

Su Xinci bit her lip, then mustered up the courage to look up at her, "Madam, if my servant tells the truth, can you promise me not to be angry?"

"You will ask this, which means that your answer will make Bengong very angry?" Tang Huanxi smiled, her tone full of jokes.

Su Xinci was speechless for a moment.

"Do you still want to hear the truth..."

"Presumptuous!" Nanny Gui, who had been suppressing her anger, scolded in a deep voice, "How dare you play tricks in front of the Empress?"

"The ministers dare not."

Su Xinci hurriedly knelt down on the ground, a layer of sweat instantly appeared on her forehead.

Tang Huanxi drank two more sips of tea, smiled and said, "Get up, it's not Lixia yet, kneeling on the ground for too long will hurt your knees."

"My daughter, thank you, Empress Dowager." Su Xinci, who had been dismounted, finally realized the reality.

She shouldn't be so smug in front of the queen.

"The reason why the courtiers are so bold and want to peek at the face of the empress is because they want to see whether the appearance of the empress is as beautiful as a fairy or ugly and faceless..."


Tang Huanxi couldn't help laughing out loud.

Hearing her laughter, Su Xinci was at a loss for a moment.

Standing there numbly.

"And then? Now that you have seen Ben Gong, have you found the answer?"

"I found it." Su Xinci nodded obediently, "The empress is so beautiful, the servant girl sighs that she is not as good."

"What you said is a bit too modest." Tang Huanxi looked at her appearance carefully, and then smiled.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean, the minister's daughter is also good-looking?"


"Then dad keeps complaining about the ugly appearance of the courtiers, so it's obviously a lie!" Su Xinci suddenly said dissatisfied.

Tang Huanxi couldn't help laughing at her innocent posture like a little girl.

Although this was the first time she saw Su Xinci, she was sure that the girl in front of her was pure and beautiful.

"Today is your grandmother's birthday banquet. Your mother needs to entertain a lot of guests. Otherwise, you can accompany me to wander around, so that I can introduce the appearance of your Duke's mansion to me. I wonder if I can have this How about honor?" Tang Huanxi raised her lips and asked with a smile.

Su Xinci nodded hastily, and said with a smile, "Of course I am willing!"

Tang Huanxi thought for a while, and then told Nanny Gui, "Madam can stay in the flower hall. If Mrs. Su comes later, tell her the truth."

"This..." Nanny Gui was still a little hesitant at first, but she met Tang Huanxi's firm eyes, and finally nodded slightly.

Su Xinci walked beside Tang Huanxi, not forgetting to look back at her from time to time.

"Why do you keep looking at Ben Gong?" Tang Huanxi looked at her and asked curiously, "Could it be that there are flowers on Ben Gong's face?"

"No, it's just that my daughter can't understand that your mother's appearance is as beautiful as a fairy, but why are there such rumors in the market?" Su Xinci frowned, her eyes were full of puzzlement.

"I don't know either." Tang Huanxi spread his hands helplessly, "Everyone in the world believes in rumors, and in the end they spread rumors and distorted the true face of the truth. Ms. Su, I actually have a question, and I really want to ask you."

"My lady, please tell me!" Su Xinci said curiously.

"You are the apple of the eye of the Su family. According to the past, most of the noble and beautiful women like you will enter the palace as a concubine. But now the holy majesty has issued an edict that he will never accept concubine during his enthronement. .Do you feel unwilling?"

"Your Majesty, do you think the imperial palace is very good?" Su Xinci looked at her with a look of surprise, "Not to mention that my servants have never thought of that, besides, my servants have always liked to live a free life. It feels very hard! You must be careful everywhere in the palace and follow the palace rules, there are too many restraints, and the courtiers don't like it."

Her frank and straightforward words made Tang Huanxi like her even more.

"Yes, everyone only thinks that life in the harem is full of flowers and flowers, but sometimes it's a raging fire. Human nature is to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. This has been the case throughout the ages."

"Empress, you don't seem to be happy at all?" Su Xinci heard what she meant, and raised her eyebrows in doubt, "But the emperor loves you, and now you have both sons and daughters, and you are under one person and above ten thousand people." Empress, aren't you happy?"

"I am very content with the life in front of me." Tang Huanxi glanced at her and smiled, "What I said just now was just a feeling in my heart. But you really don't regret not being able to enter the palace as a concubine?"

Su Xinci shook her head. After looking around, she cautiously lowered her voice and said, "In fact, my daughter thinks exactly the same as my mother in some aspects! Didn't your mother say something to Sister Lin during the spring hunting before? My daughter I also deeply agree that I would rather be a poor man's wife than a rich man's concubine. Besides, with the family background and appearance of a courtier's daughter, the person I will marry in the future will definitely not be too poor!"

Hearing her charming tone, Tang Huanxi immediately smiled.

"You are frankly cute."

"Hey," Su Xinci blushed a little shyly, "Your Majesty, look at the corridor over there, isn't it beautiful? It is the most beautiful place in Duke Huguo's Mansion. , all kinds of flowers are in full bloom, and a few days ago, peonies bloomed."

Following the direction of her finger, Tang Huanxi immediately looked over, and finally nodded slightly, "It's really beautiful."

"That was designed by Mrs. Tai in the past. It is warm in winter and cool in summer." Su Xinci's tone became very proud, "Madam, do you want to go over and have a look?"


Su Xinci thought for a while, walked to her side, gently supported her shoulders, and involuntarily looked at her swollen abdomen.

"Your Majesty, is there really a little prince or princess in your belly?"


"Ma'am, speaking of it, I haven't seen Princess Wuyou yet!" Su Xinci said with a smile, "I heard that the princess looks like a jade carving from ice, so cute!"

"If you want, you can often enter the palace to chat with me to relieve boredom in the future!"

"I can't ask for it!"

Tang Huanxi felt a little tired after watching the characteristic corridor of the Duke Huguo's Mansion.

Su Xinci immediately brought her to a stone bench in the backyard.

"It's still more than an hour before the banquet begins. Madam, would you like to have some pastries first to pad your belly?" Su Xinci looked at her and asked with great concern.

Although she has only been with this empress for more than an hour, she has already become a fan of her strength.

The Empress is really beautiful!
He is beautiful and kind-hearted, and his voice is as crisp as an oriole!

Another half an hour later, Nanny Gui hurriedly found Tang Huanxi.

"what happened?"

"Your Majesty, something happened to General Tian."

(End of this chapter)

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