Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 931 Introducing the Wolf

Chapter 931 Introducing the Wolf
Tang Huanxi hurriedly left Duke Huguo's Mansion and turned to Dali Temple.

At that time Xu Jiudi had been waiting for a long time.

"Huan... Queen Empress Wanan!" Even though Xu Jiudi was already burning with anxiety, she still did not forget the rules and saluted respectfully.

Tang Huanxi nodded to her calmly, and then set his sights on the face of Shao Qing, the Shaoqing of Dali Temple, "Master Shao, dare to ask what mistake General Tian made? Why did the people of Dali Temple Put him in prison directly?"

"Returning to the empress, General Tian is suspected of murdering the imperial court official, and the certified evidence is complete. Dali Temple also temporarily imprisoned him in accordance with the law. The specific situation will not be known until the results of the joint trial of the three divisions."

"General Tian is a close minister of the Son of Heaven, no one can put him in prison without the emperor's approval!"

"Empress, throughout the ages, the harem has not been allowed to engage in politics. Therefore, regarding Scorpio's murder of the imperial court official, I ask the empress not to get involved!" Shao Qing looked at her with clear eyes.

Tang Huanxi sneered, and asked in a deep voice, "What if I insist on taking General Tian away?"

"Please don't embarrass the lower officials, Empress Dowager!"

At that time, Tang Huanxi was already furious.

Seeing the stalemate between the two sides, Xu Jiudi took a step forward, tugged on Tang Huanxi's sleeve lightly, and shook his head towards her.

Finally, Tang Huanxi returned to the palace full of anger.

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Xiao Baorui was looking at the Minister of the Ministry of Justice who was kneeling on the ground with a headache, "Scorpio and Lin Shangshu have no grievances in the past and have no hatred in the present. If Scorpio killed Lin Shangshu, what is the motive for the murder?"

"Returning to the emperor, as we all know, during the spring hunt, General Tian almost offended Lin Jingjing, the eldest lady of Shangshu's mansion, so the veteran thought that Scorpio's motive for killing was wanton revenge. He coveted Lin Jingjing's beauty and wanted to bully Lin Jingjing , but was bumped into by Lin Shangshu, so the two sides had a dispute, and Lin Shangshu was killed by Scorpio."

"But this is just your speculation!" Xiao Baorui said in a deep voice, "What's more, Scorpio is a close minister of the emperor and has made countless military exploits. If you can't investigate the ins and outs of the matter clearly, you can decide for him with just a token." Sin is wrong."

"This truth, the old minister also understands." Xing Yuan, Minister of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, nodded hurriedly, "It's just that Miss Lin insisted that the murderer was Scorpio, and a token belonging to Scorpio was left at the scene, which can be said to be conclusive evidence. Please the emperor can make a decision early!"

"If the rumors continue, I will personally investigate the case in three days!" Xiao Baorui was silent for a moment, and finally said in a deep voice.

"Yes, the old minister obeys the order!"

After Xing Yuan left, Tang Huanxi and Xu Jiudi, who had been staying behind the screen, also walked to the front of the hall.

"My lady, what do you think about this matter?" Xiao Baorui looked at Tang Huanxi and asked with concern.

"Xing Yuan, Shangshu of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, is notoriously stubborn, so this case is very difficult." Tang Huanxi, who calmed down, carefully analyzed the current situation, and finally said in a deep voice, "Scorpio told Sister Jiudi earlier that he Seeing Murong Bo in the Shangshu Mansion, this incident is really very strange."

"Scorpio is my right-hand man, and now they have tried their best to set up such a huge situation, just to cut off one of my arms." Xiao Baorui sneered, "I suspect that all of this is aimed at me. "


"That Lin Jingjing is really weird." Xu Jiudi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "She clearly knew that Scorpio could not be the murderer, and she also drugged Scorpio. At that time, Scorpio couldn't even hold a dagger. Intentional murder?"

"Lin Jingjing, I have seen her before, she is an arrogant woman." Tang Huanxi thought for a while, then said in a low voice, "She is very hostile to me, but I can't understand why she deliberately designed to frame Scorpio. It's strange."

"Hongtao!" Xiao Baorui called out in a low voice, and a black figure quietly appeared in the hall.

"Spy on Lin Jingjing, and pay close attention to her every move!"


Fengluan Hall.

Tang Huanxi personally brewed a cup of wolfberry longan tea and handed it to Xu Jiudi, her tone was a little more apologetic, "Sister Jiudi, I'm sorry."

Xu Jiudi shook his head and said softly, "You also have your difficulties, I understand."

"I'll ask Xiao Baorui to prepare a token for you later, so that you can visit the prison." Tang Huanxi looked at her and comforted her softly, "Don't worry, Xiao Baorui will definitely find out the truth."

"Yeah." Xu Jiudi nodded immediately, "I plan to secretly contact that Miss Lin, I always feel that she is the key person in this case."

"Okay, don't startle the snake."


After comforting Xu Jiudi a few more words, Tang Huanxi finally ordered Nanny Gui to send Xu Jiudi out of the palace in person.

Leaning on the beauty couch, Tang Huanxi closed her eyes tiredly.

【Ding—Master, what are your orders? 】

[Little cutie, how did Lin Yuanshang die?Who is the murderer? 】

[Master, actually solving a case is really interesting... Wouldn't it be too boring if you found out the truth before investigating? 】

[Stop talking nonsense, how many blessing points do you need to lose before you give a clue? 】

[Uh...] The cutie who was bullied was immediately speechless.

[Lin Yuanshang was stabbed into the heart with a dagger, and the blow was fatal.The murderer is Lin Jingjing]

Tang Huanxi's eyes widened in surprise.

【It turned out that Lin Jingjing killed her biological father? 】


At this moment, Tang Huanxi could not find any adjectives to describe her feelings at this moment.

This result is really unexpected!
It's just that everyone knows that Lin Jingjing is Lin Yuanshang's favorite.

If she told everyone suddenly that the person who killed Lin Shangshu was Lin Jingjing, no one would believe it on purpose.

Maybe there will be a censor meeting to impeach her, the queen, for interfering in the government.

The more Tang Huanxi thought about it, the more she felt a headache.

At dusk, the Duke Huguo's Mansion handed over a letter of apology to enter the palace.

"The old slave stayed in the Duke's mansion today. Fortunately, Duke Su didn't care about his mother's going or staying. It's Miss Su who looks a little unhappy." Nanny Gui looked at Tang Huanxi's gloomy expression and said softly, "In addition Mrs. Tai liked the birthday gift my mother gave me very much, and kept saying thank you to my mother."

"Is there anything else special about the birthday banquet?"

"It's nothing special." Nanny Gui thought about it seriously, and finally shook her head lightly.

"Ben Gong left in a hurry, but it seems a bit disrespectful to Mrs. Tang Huanxi." Tang Huanxi thought for a while, and said softly. Frank and cute, I want her to stay in the palace for a few days."

Nanny Gui glanced at her with some hesitation, "Aren't you worried that doing this will attract wolves into the house?"

(End of this chapter)

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