Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 932 Convinced!

Chapter 932 Convinced!
Tang Huanxi smiled indifferently when she met Nanny Gui's worried eyes.

"I believe in my own sunshine, Su Xinci is pure and kind, and I like her very much." Tang Huanxi said softly, "Besides, the Duke's Mansion loves Su Xinci very much. If this is the case, then why doesn't this palace give her a favor? Woolen cloth?"

"Your Majesty, do you want to personally arrange a marriage for Miss Su?"


"Old slave understands."

When night fell quietly, Xiao Baorui, who had finished handling government affairs, stepped into Fengluan Palace.

At that time Tang Huanxi was standing near the desk, practicing calligraphy seriously.

This scene is warm and beautiful.

"My lady's handwriting has improved a lot." Xiao Baorui quietly walked to her side and commented very pertinently.

"I always feel a little restless, so I want to practice calligraphy to calm myself down." Tang Huanxi silently put down the wolf hair in his hand, then raised his eyes to look at Xiao Baorui, and said softly, "Xiao Baorui, you look very handsome. exhausted."

"En." Xiao Baorui nodded, with complicated emotions intertwined in his eyes, "The Scorpio case is a bit tricky."

Tang Huanxi didn't answer, but pulled him to the current beauty couch and sat down.

Then she reached out her hands and carefully massaged his temples.

After a quarter of an hour, Xiao Baorui felt his headache relieved a lot.

"Are you more comfortable?"

"Well, it's much more comfortable." Xiao Baorui immediately took her hand and hugged her in his arms, "Lady, I plan to go to the Dali Temple Heaven Prison tomorrow. There are too many doubts about Lin Shangshu's death."

"Xiao Baorui, if I told you that the murderer of Lin Yuanshang was his daughter Lin Jingjing, would you believe me?" Tang Huanxi decided to tell the truth after careful consideration.

Meeting her eyes, Xiao Baorui pondered for a moment, then nodded.

"I believe what the lady said, but I still have doubts. If the person who killed Lin Yuanshang was Lin Jingjing, what was the motive for the murder? Lin Yuanshang dotes on this daughter-in-law very much, so it is difficult to find out the motive for the murder."

"This is also something I can't figure out." Tang Huanxi frowned with some annoyance, "Now all the evidence is against Scorpio, so we must carefully investigate the scene, but I'm worried that the scene has been destroyed."

"If Lin Jingjing really killed Lin Yuanshang, there must be some clues left behind." Xiao Baorui thought for a while, and soon made a decision, "Shao Qing, the Shaoqing of Dali Temple, is upright and clear. So I plan to Leave this matter to him."

"Alright." Tang Huanxi nodded, and said softly, "I just hope that sister Jiudi can find evidence sooner."

Xu Jiudi, who was missed by Tang Huanxi, has now become a little maid in Shangshufu.

Lin Yuanshang was the head of the Shangshu Mansion, so when he died, the atmosphere in the whole Shangshu Mansion was very depressed.

Now the head of the Lin family is Lin Jingjing.

Two days ago, the Lin Mansion just released a group of aged maidservants, and Xu Jiudi got mixed up with the new maidservants.

With her brilliant tongue and a lot of money on her body, Xu Jiudi, whose pseudonym was Jiu'er, became Lin Jingjing's dressing maid in just three hours.

"Go and get the face powder." Lin Jingjing, who was sitting in front of the dressing table in her middle coat, looked at the ruddy face in the bronze mirror and called out in a low voice.

Her father had just died, so she, the only legitimate daughter, naturally had to express her heartbreak.

So her complexion shouldn't and can't be so good.

"Miss, Second Madam, please see me."

"It must be because of her son. She is not greedy enough to swallow an elephant, and a concubine wants to inherit the entire Shangshu Mansion. How ridiculous?" Lin Jingjing sneered, with undisguised disgust in her eyes, "Let her wait Bar!"

Xu Jiudi raised his eyebrows suspiciously, and inadvertently caught a glimpse of Lin Jingjing's scrutinizing eyes, and immediately lowered his head cautiously.

"Are you new here?"

"Yes, Numaid Jiu'er is the distant niece of the kitchen steward who is related to my mother. I am honored to be able to serve the eldest lady. I am very honored to serve you!"

"This small mouth is very clever." Lin Jingjing stared at her face for a while, and finally smiled, "Okay, let's make up for Miss Ben! Remember to make Miss Ben look extremely haggard ,do you understand?"

"The servant understands."

Half an hour later, looking at the haggard and pale face in the mirror, Lin Jingjing nodded in satisfaction.

"well done."

"Miss has won the prize."

Lin Jingjing changed into plain clothes again, and then ordered her maid to open the door unhurriedly.

At that time, a woman in filial piety was standing under the steps. The moment she saw Lin Jingjing appear, she was immediately furious.

"What is the second lady's order?"

"Lei'er is the only son of the master. I don't believe that the master will leave all the property of the Shangshu Mansion to you, a daughter who cannot be married!"

Lin Jingjing became angry when she heard the four big characters that she couldn't get married.

Angrily took a step forward, without hesitation, he shot right and left at the second lady's face!
"You dare to hit me?"

The second wife, Mrs. Liang, immediately wrestled with Lin Jingjing, and the scene became very chaotic for a while!


Seeing this, Xu Jiudi immediately took a step forward, pulled the two of them apart, and then exerted force deliberately, causing the second wife to fall heavily to the ground!

"Slut!" Lin Jingjing pointed at her nose and cursed, "Liang Chunxue, I warn you, I am the eldest lady of the Shangshu Mansion, and you are just my father's concubine! If you dare to be so presumptuous again, I will immediately send someone to Blast you out!"

"Lin Jingjing, you bitch, you will have retribution!"

In the end, the second wife, Mrs. Liang, was persuaded away by her own maid.

In the mourning hall of Shangshu Mansion.

Lin Jingjing knelt obediently on one side of the futon, the pear blossoms were raining, I felt sorry for her.

If it hadn't been for the fact that he had just seen her playful side just a second ago, Xu Jiudi would never have believed that the well-behaved girl in front of him would be the same person as the crazy woman just now.

Xu Jiudi really admired her thoroughly, this is simply a proper acting school!
Lin Yuanshang was modest and gentle, and his temperament was all-round, so many officials came to express their condolences.

Seeing Lin Jingjing crying so many times that she was about to faint, Xu Jiudi really wanted to applaud her.

Xu Jiudi thought about it, found an excuse and left the mourning hall.

The second lady who was wrestling with Lin Jingjing just now should be a key person.

An hour later, Xu Jiudi finally found the second lady.

"Lin Jingjing, a bitch, dares to seize all the property of the Lin family because of the master's death, she is shameless!" Liang scolded angrily, "Lei'er is the heir of the Lin family, what is she! "

(End of this chapter)

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