Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 933 The enemy of the enemy is the friend

Chapter 933 The enemy of the enemy is the friend

Xu Jiudi, who spent two taels of silver, finally obtained information about the people in Shangshufu from a maidservant in Shangshufu.

Master Shangshu Lin Yuanshang, although he is dead, has one wife and one concubine.

Among them, his first wife is Lin Jingjing's biological mother, Qin Shi.The Qin family is the concubine daughter of the Qin University scholar who has retired.

When Qin gave birth to Lin Jingjing, she suffered from postpartum hemorrhage and died.

And his concubine is the second wife, Liang Shi, who is the daughter of a merchant, so she has not been able to be righted.

Liang's stomach is also very competitive.

Within three years of entering the house, a son and a daughter were born.

The daughter has been married away, and only one son is left under her knees.

"Ma'am, Jiu'er, the servant girl next to the young lady, is asking to see me."

"Jiu'er?" Mrs. Liang frowned immediately, "Since when did there be more people like this in the mansion?"

"I heard that she is a maid who just entered the mansion, and a distant relative of the mother who is in charge of the kitchen."

"Let her in!"

Mrs. Liang was silent for a moment, finally raised her lips, frowned and said, "I want to see what kind of tricks this bitch wants to play again!"

Xu Jiudi cautiously walked in front of Liang Shi, and seeing her bruised and swollen face, couldn't help but gasped.

"Second Madam..."

"What did that bitch Lin Jingjing ask you to do? Did you see my joke?" The furious Mrs. Liang picked up the teacup on one side, and dropped it heavily at Xu Jiudi's feet!
Xu Jiudi subconsciously took a few steps back, seeing the mess all over the floor, immediately frowned.

"Who allowed you to dodge?" Mrs. Liang didn't expect that a little maid would dare to bully others, and immediately reprimanded angrily!

"Second madam, let's calm down first." Xu Jiudi suddenly looked at her and smiled slightly, "Why is madam so angry? Isn't it not worth the loss if you are so angry? Although the eldest lady is a bit spoiled and willful, there is only The second young master is a male, and the lintel of the Shangshu Mansion still needs the support of the second young master in the future!"

Liang looked at her suspiciously, "What do you mean by that?"

"Master Shangshu's body is still alive, and the eldest lady is too sad to take good care of the wife and the second young master. But this is the lady's chance, isn't it?"

Seeing the faint smile on her face, Mrs. Liang became more and more puzzled.

"Who exactly are you?"

"A person who can help the second lady get out of the predicament." Xu Jiudi glanced at her, his eyes were dim.

"Why should I trust you, you are just a dog beside Lin Jingjing."

"It seems that madam really doesn't want to support the second young master to become the head of the Lin family?" Xu Jiudi took a deep look at her, and turned to leave.

Qin struggled for a while, finally made up her mind, and asked in a deep voice, "Can you really help me?"

"Of course." Xu Jiudi nodded heavily.

Qin thought about it, and immediately waved away all the other maids in the house.

Xu Jiudi sat across from her and said a few words.

After a stick of incense, Qin looked at her with burning eyes.

"Dare to ask who is the girl? Why do you help me like this?"

"Because Missy and I are enemies, and the enemy of an enemy is a friend, isn't it?" Xu Jiudi raised his lips and smiled brightly.
It was night, and a big event happened in Lin's residence.

Lin Lei was poisoned and is now unconscious.

Qin Shi was also frightened by the assassin and had a high fever.

Lin's residence suddenly became a mess.

In the dead of night, the shadows of the trees are swaying.

The faint candlelight swayed gently in the wind, flickering the whole room.

Lin Jingjing sat on the soft bed near the screen, smelled the fragrance in the air, and immediately smiled.

"Why so late today?"

"Some things are delayed." The man in black's voice was soft but full of charm.

After a cup of tea, two intertwined figures swayed on the screen.

After a while, the rosy-faced Lin Jingjing leaned into the man's arms, raised her eyes and asked, "Father is dead, what should we do next?"

"Bite that Heavenly General to death, no matter what, we can't let him get out of the Heavenly Prison alive." The man's voice was extremely sinister.

"I see," Lin Jingjing nodded obediently, "But that woman from the Qin family is really difficult to deal with, and Lin Lei is the only male in the house..."

"Since it is an obstacle, let's sweep it away."

"it is good."

In the early morning of the next day, Fengluan Hall of the Imperial Palace.

When Tang Huanxi received Xu Jiudi's secret letter, her brows raised slightly.

"This Lin Jingjing really has a human face and a beast's heart." Tang Huanxi sneered, her tone full of disgust.

"A person who even killed his own father is obviously selfish to the point where his relatives will not recognize him." Nanny Gui also scolded with a sneer, "It's just your mother, there is no evidence to prove that Lin Jingjing is the murderer of Lin Shangshu. !"

"Lin Jingjing killed her biological father, and then poured dirty water on Scorpio. If Scorpio and her had never met, it would be fine. The difficulty is that during the spring hunt, Scorpio tried to find out the whereabouts of Tuobawei. I almost offended Lin Jingjing. That's why Scorpio has the motive to kill." Tang Huanxi rubbed his sore brows, feeling a little anxious, "Nowadays, courtiers, everyone is staring at Scorpio's murder of courtiers. If this If the matter is not handled properly, it will definitely damage Xiao Baorui's prestige."

"Your Majesty, if something more sensational happens at this time, the general's murder case that day will no longer attract attention?" At this moment, Bai Wei suddenly said, "It's just like what Your Majesty usually does. For the puffs, if the empress made puffs from the beginning, then everyone would be attracted; but the empress also made cakes, everyone would want to share a piece of the cake, wouldn’t they?”

Although the reason is very simple, it may not be a turning point.

After thinking for a while, Tang Huanxi quickly came up with an idea and hurried to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

After listening to Tang Huanxi's plan, Xiao Baorui smiled slightly, and then gave her a thumbs up, "My lady, you are too good!"

"Xiao Baorui, before that, I want to summon Lin Jingjing into the palace."

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can help you win a hundred battles.

Tang Huanxi had a strong intuition that the person hiding behind Lin Jingjing was probably the eldest prince Tuobawei of Xiliang.

"It seems that Tuobawei didn't really love Concubine Rui at the beginning, all of this was just a part of his plan." Tang Huanxi said in a deep voice, "Xiao Baorui, I am very suspicious now. with some ulterior purpose."

"The third prince, Murong Hao, is also Murong Ze's descendant after all. If the person Murong Bo wants to support is Murong Hao, then everything can be explained. It seems that they have made a lot of plans in advance."

(End of this chapter)

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