Chapter 936

"If you have a grievance, you can go to Dali Temple to beat the drums and sing far away. I am just a harem woman, and I can't file a case for investigation. Don't you ask the wrong person for what you have done?" Tang Huanxi looked at her with an expression on her face. Always with a faint smile.

Lin Jingjing was speechless for a moment, she never expected that the queen would have such an attitude.

"Then empress...why did empress summon the servants to the palace two days ago?"

"Because I don't believe that the person who killed your father was General Scorpio." Tang Huanxi stared into her eyes and said seriously, "Besides, I also know who the real murderer is."

Lin Jingjing, who heard this, avoided her sight with some guilt.

A layer of cold sweat broke out on the back.

Although Lin Jingjing knew very well that this was just a trick used by the empress, she felt panic when thinking of what happened in the mansion during this period.

"Miss Lin is hot?" Tang Huanxi looked at her constantly changing expression, and the sarcasm in his eyes deepened, "It's not yet summer, and the weather is still sunny, if Miss Lin is very hot, why don't you drink more chrysanthemum tea, It is the most suitable for clearing the heart and reducing the fire."

"My daughter is not hot!" Lin Jingjing hurriedly shook her head and said, "My daughter... My daughter just thinks that the Empress Dowager is aggressive, that's why she's a little... a bit out of control, please forgive me, Empress Empress!"

"Since you know that you have lost your composure, then accept the punishment." Tang Huanxi said calmly, "Gui Nanny, please invite Miss Lin into the back hall, so that I can serve you!"


Lin Jingjing only felt that her mind was blank.

She never expected that the queen would punish her directly.

She was really surprised.

At this moment, Lin Jingjing felt extremely anxious.

"Mummy, may I ask where we are going?"

"Miss Lin will know when she goes."

After half an hour, Lin Jingjing looked at the golden Buddha statue in front of her and became more and more panicked.

"Mommy, this, this, this..."

"The empress is kind-hearted, and never punishes those who have committed mistakes. As long as the girl can copy twenty copies of Buddhist scriptures here, she can leave." Nanny Gui turned and left after saying this.

Lin Jingjing also wanted to leave, but before she could go out, she was invited back by two expressionless guards with knives.

In the end, Lin Jingjing had no choice but to resign herself to the desk to the left of the Buddha statue.

Start to grind ink.

At that time, a room next door.

Xiao Baorui lowered his voice to look at Tang Huanxi, and asked softly, "Madam, by doing this, can Lin Jingjing stop calling herself?"

"Well, everything is ready now, and I only owe the east wind." Tang Huanxi thought for a while, and explained softly, "Sister Jiudi has already made a full preparation in Lin's residence, and now it's time to close the net."

In the past half a month, everyone in Lin's mansion has been 'ill' once from top to bottom.

Among them are some servants who were frightened by wronged souls.

Mrs. Liang, who had a persistent high fever, firmly believed that she had dreamed of the deceased Lin Shangshu.

They even invited Gao Shi to set up a formation in the mansion, so the result is that there are grievances in Lin's mansion.

In the end, Xu Jiudi bribed the cook to poison Lin Jingjing's food, causing her to stay sick for five days.

So now Lin Jingjing is already a frightened bird, as long as she uses a little tricks, she can reveal her true colors!
"What if she is really mentally strong and has finished copying the Buddhist scriptures as required? The lady is going to let her go?"

"She won't finish copying it." Tang Huanxi smiled and said firmly.

"Why are you so sure, my lady?"

"Don't worry, read it slowly and remember."

At this time, Lin Jingjing, who was concentrating on copying Buddhist scriptures, had no idea that her every move was under the supervision of others.

She worked hard to calm down her emotions, and finally calmed down.

Suddenly there was a cold voice, the tone was very similar to Lin Yuanshang!

"Jingjing... Jingjing... why are you doing this to me?"

Lin Jingjing panicked when she heard the voice, and the wrist holding the wolf hair kept shaking.

"Father... is it really you?"

"Jingjing, I'm's really cold..."

"Father, I didn't do it on purpose. I really didn't know that there was poison in that bowl of soup...I didn't know...I didn't know anything...I wasn't the one who killed you! Dad, I'm your daughter, you Don't come to me, don't come..."


The door of the Buddhist hall was kicked open by the guards, and the loud noise brought Lin Jingjing back to her senses in an instant!
"My lady, my lady! There are ghosts in this Buddhist hall! There are ghosts here!"

Lin Jingjing, who had completely collapsed, burst into tears, kept pulling her hair and started howling.

"Miss Lin, there are no ghosts in the Buddhist hall. The real ghost is in your heart. Not only did you kill your biological father, you even blamed the murder on the innocent General Scorpio! For your own selfish desires, you did not hesitate to sell yourself. Help Tuobawei win over the courtiers together, Lin Jingjing, you are not only a woman, but a human!"

"I'm not... I don't have a ghost!"

At this moment, Lin Jingjing's spirit has completely collapsed.

Xiao Baorui gave her a look of disgust, "Come here, take the criminal Lin Jingjing into the prison of Dali Temple. After two hours, I will personally interrogate her!"


An hour later, Fengluan Hall.

Tang Huanxi frowned after listening to the imperial doctor's words, thoughtful.

"Just now the imperial physician has seen Lin Jingjing, because of her long-term drug abuse, now her spirit has completely collapsed, which is the so-called insanity."

"What drug?"

"My Chao's forbidden drug, Wushi Powder, at the beginning of taking it, I just felt ecstatic. After taking it for a long time, I will become addicted, and I will be intoxicated in the illusion. Now I no longer produce this kind of Wushi Powder, but I am from Xiliang. , and often use this thing as an anesthetic to treat horses injured on the battlefield." Tang Huanxi frowned, his eyes became sharper, "I suspect that Tuobawei used this thing to bribe Lin Jingjing and someone in the court. officials."

"Tuobawei!" Xiao Baorui roared angrily, "It's really insane!"

"People's patience is limited. Once they take Wushisan to a certain extent, they will be deeply trapped and unable to extricate themselves. And if they can't take it regularly, people will cry uncontrollably and have a nervous breakdown."

"We must immediately find out the hiding place of Tuobawei, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous." Xiao Baorui frowned and said, "It's just that we still don't know who in the court has been addicted to taking Wushisan."

Tang Huanxi also felt that the problem in front of her was a bit tricky, but no matter how much she threatened and lured Cutie, she was unwilling to tell the truth.

In the dead of night, the atmosphere in the huge Qianyuan Hall was very tense.

Sitting on the dragon chair, Xiao Baorui lowered his head slightly, his eyes swept across the many ministers kneeling down one by one.

His eyes became more and more cold.

"I'm sure you've been puzzled by letting all my lovers go to court so early!" Xiao Baorui suddenly smiled, but that smile made people shudder!

(End of this chapter)

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