Chapter 937

Facing the low pressure deliberately released by Xiao Baorui, Manchu civil and military dared not speak.

Almost everyone lowered their heads, not daring to make a sound.


Angrily, Xiao Baorui threw down the roster in his hand, furiously, "I remember that 30 years ago, I banned anyone from taking Wushisan, but I never expected that it would happen." Some people dare to know the law and break the law, and even dare to collude with the enemy and betray the country in order to enjoy the five stone powder on time!"

"The emperor calms down! The ministers are terrified!"

All the officials immediately knelt down with one voice, pleading guilty anxiously!

"Afraid? The person who should be terrified the most is me! The courtiers I trust, the ministers of the Humerus of the Great Yong Dynasty, have... rotted to such an extent in their bones! What should I do? I just want to be good. To take care of the government, to govern my Dayong to the point where Haiyan River is clear and the people live and work in peace and contentment, but now, I simply can't do it!"

"This roster is a gift from a nobleman by chance and coincidence, but I never expected that half of the civil and military courtiers in the Manchu Dynasty have already sold their souls! Eunuch Fu, you will kill these court moths , List all the scumbags of Dayong!"


Eunuch Fu hurried forward, picked up the roster, and opened it carefully.

Before Eunuch Fu read out the list, some of the lower courtiers started to tremble in their legs.

"Zhao Yucheng, the magistrate of Huaiyuan Prefecture;
Bai Fan, magistrate of Jinyang Prefecture;
Liu Bin, minister of the Ministry of Industry;


It took a whole stick of incense for Fu Gonggong to read all the lists on the roster.

The officials whose names were read were like sparrows whose tails had been trampled on, and they all knelt on the ground in panic.

Xiao Baorui looked at the scene in front of him coldly, and finally said with a sneer, "I didn't expect that the courtiers whom I trust and love are loyal to me like this!"

"The imperial army Scorpio listens to the order!"

"Wei Chen is here!"

"Put all the officials who have read their names just now into the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice!"

"The minister obeys the order!"

After a while of hustle and bustle, the sky was already pale.

Xiao Baorui looked at the few remaining courtiers and smiled slightly, "I don't know if any of you are addicted to and take Wushi powder. If you are willing to plead guilty at this time, I may consider giving you a chance." ! But if you still don’t change your mind until now, then I won’t give you another chance in the future!”

The few remaining courtiers looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally lowered their heads in unison.

Xiao Baorui smiled slightly, "Okay, I understand!"

Eunuch Fu took a careful look at Xiao Baorui's expression, and then took a step forward, "Play if you have something to do, and retreat if you have nothing to do!"

From midnight to dawn, nearly one-third of the courtiers in the court were imprisoned in the prison of the Ministry of Justice.

It was like a drop of oil falling into a pot of boiling water.

Harem, Fengluan Hall.

Tang Huanxi handed the freshly made almond walnut cake to Xiao Baorui's lips, and smiled softly, "Try it?"

Xiao Baorui took a bite, and his frown relaxed a little at this moment.

"My lady, is there any way to help those courtiers get rid of their addiction to Wushisan?" Xiao Baorui said anxiously, "I have sent Scorpio to investigate secretly. Most of these officials who took Wushisan were killed by cronies. gone."

"People tend to be defenseless against their relatives." Regarding this case, Tang Huanxi was also a little disappointed, "It's just that even if those courtiers who are addicted to Wushisan can get rid of their addiction to Wushisan, do you still plan to reuse them? "

"It depends." Xiao Baorui thought for a moment, then said in a deep voice, "If they can restrain themselves and reflect on their past, I will consider giving them a chance. Among the officials involved in the case this time, there are many former Qingliu people. It’s a shame it’s ruined.”

"Knowing your mistakes can make a big difference," Tang Huanxi thought in the same way. "The scientific examination in September is only a month away. Is your husband planning to conduct the scientific examination in person?"

"Yeah." Xiao Baorui nodded, "I plan to let Wang Taifu assist me, and I will definitely select talents for the imperial court and Dayong."

The matter of scientific research is a major event in the court, so we must be cautious and meticulous in everything.

What's more, this is Xiao Baorui's first scientific examination after he ascended the throne, so it is even more important.

"The biggest hidden danger now is Tuobawei. We must find him out early, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable." Tang Huanxi thought for a while, her eyes filled with worry, "Have you ever searched the Shangshu's mansion strictly?"

"Scorpio has led a team to search the Shangshu Mansion, but there is still no clue." Xiao Baorui said with some distress, "What's your opinion, lady?"

"I remember that Lin Jingjing had two personal maids. Now Lin Jingjing has lost her mind, so these two maids should know a lot of secrets that are not known. Let's start investigating from this point first."


The two had an in-depth conversation on the situation between North Korea and China.

Finally, Xiao Baorui, who drank ginseng tea, couldn't resist the drowsiness and fell into a deep sleep.

Tang Huanxi took advantage of the situation and sat on the soft side, raising her hand to caress his eyebrows and eyes.

During this time, Xiao Baorui was really exhausted.

Everyone envied the person sitting on the dragon chair, and felt that he held the power of life and death, and could act according to his own will in every move.

But others can only see the bright flowers on the bright side, but they cannot know the difficulties and obstacles inside.

When Xiao Baorui fell asleep, Tang Huanxi gently covered him with a thin quilt on one side, and then left carefully.

"Your Majesty has lost a lot of weight during this time." Nanny Gui looked at Tang Huanxi and comforted her softly, "Your Majesty has also lost a lot of weight recently, and this old slave specially ordered the imperial dining room to stew bamboo fungus and old duck soup. At dusk, the empress should also remember to drink a bowl."

"Mammy has a heart."

"It's not entirely due to the old slave. I heard that Princess Changle recently ordered the imperial dining room to make more tonic soup."

"Changle?" Tang Huanxi raised her eyebrows slightly, then smiled slightly, "She really has a heart."

"Originally, the old slave also thought that the country is easy to change and the nature is difficult to change, but Princess Changle has indeed changed a lot during this time. Recently, I often visit the princess. The princess likes Princess Changle very much."

"I didn't expect Wuyou to stick to her. The fate is really wonderful."

In the royal garden.

Tang Huanxi looked at Chang Le who was walking with Xiao Wuyou, his eyes flickered slightly.

It was a sunny noon, Changle squatted down, looked at Wuyou with extremely gentle eyes, "Wuyou is really amazing! He even learned to walk alone, that's great!"

"Wuyou, amazing, awesome!" Xiao Wuyou smiled very happily.

The sunlight coated this scene with a faint light, making the whole picture soft.

(End of this chapter)

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