Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 938 What a Sour Smell

Chapter 938 What a Sour Smell

A smile appeared on Tang Huanxi's face, and then she walked slowly to Xiao Wuyou's side, and gently embraced her in her arms, "Wuyou, are you tired?"

Xiao Wuyou leaned against Tang Huanxi's arms, and gently rubbed her furry head against her chest, "Mother..."

"Wuyou just said that he wants to eat snowflake crisps. I wonder if my sister-in-law has time?" Chang Le thought for a moment, stepped forward, and said softly, "It just so happens that I also want to learn how to make this dessert..."

"Do you like snowflake crisps?"


"Worry-free, I like it!"

Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, "Alright, since you guys want to eat snowflake crisps, let the Yushanfang make snowflake crisps for today's dessert. That girl Fuling recently came up with a new recipe, and the snowflake cakes she made The crisps are even more delicious than those made by Bengong.”

Chang Le nodded gently, and at the moment when she lowered her eyes, a trace of sadness quickly flashed across her eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

Nanny Gui picked up Xiao Wuyou, followed behind Tang Huanxi, and turned back to Fengluan Hall.

Probably because he was too tired from playing, Xiao Wuyou had already lay on Nanny Gui's shoulder, and fell asleep deeply.

About two hours later, Bai Wei walked in with a food box.

"Look at your complexion, it seems that you are not well?"

"Thank you for your concern, my maidservant is fine." Bai Wei forced a smile with a smile, then opened the food box and took out the snacks inside one by one, "My lady, that girl Fu Ling has been obsessed with studying the food you once said. Some pastries, look at the snowflake crisps, mung bean Buddha and Shaqima, how are they doing?"

Tang Huanxi put down the books in his hand, smiled, tasted each one one by one, and finally nodded, "Fu Ling's craftsmanship is becoming more and more delicate, these pastries are very good."

"Hey, I just tasted this Shaqima in the small kitchen. It has a dense taste and a scent of egg yolk in the mouth. It smells really good!" Bai Wei said with a smile.

"Order Fu Ling to send a plate to the Hall of Mental Cultivation."

"Isn't the empress going there in person?"

"Nowadays most of the court officials are imprisoned in the sky prison of Dali Temple. The emperor will be very busy during this period, so I won't go there to add to the chaos." Tang Huanxi said softly.

Bai Wei nodded, then turned around and went to work.

At that time, in the Wangyue Pavilion located in the Royal Garden, Chang Le looked at the man standing in front of him, hesitant to speak several times.

"Why did the princess summon the minister?" Scorpio asked in a low voice, but her eyes never fell on her face.

"I..." Chang Le smiled wryly, then looked at him, and said seriously, "I owe you an apology."

"The princess is too worried."

"At the beginning, the emperor brother wanted to give you and me a marriage, but I refused." Chang Le took a deep breath, then looked at his face, and said seriously, "At that time, I thought... I felt that your appearance was a bit fierce, so I was very scared. , will reject this engagement, but now I regret it. Can you give me a chance? "

"I know that you and Xu Jiudi are now... have a relationship, but I can promise to make her my wife, General Tian, ​​I wonder if you can... can you give me this chance?"

After Chang Le finished speaking, his expression was always a little uneasy.

Scorpio was silent for a moment, and finally looked at her, his eyes were cold and without the slightest warmth, "I thank the princess for her love, but I already have my own heart. What's more, I have promised Miss Xu that in this life, she is the only one. One person. I am a man who stands up to the sky, so I must do what I say. I am ashamed of the princess's love!"

Before Chang Le could react, Scorpio had already gone far.

Chang Le fell weakly on the stone bench, and tears began to fall down.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Xu Jiudi sighed silently in his heart.

"How long have you been watching?" The man's voice suddenly sounded, and the low tone instantly interrupted Xu Jiudi's thoughts.

"Eh..." Xu Jiudi smiled awkwardly, "I've just been here for a while."

"En." Scorpio nodded, then took her hand calmly, and walked forward silently.

Xu Jiudi looked at his silent side face, and finally just smiled with his lips drawn.

She trusts him, so she doesn't have to ask.

"During this time, the palace and the palace are very busy. I miss you a little, so I entered the palace."

"Tsk tsk, do you think I will believe your nonsense?" Tang Huanxi raised her eyebrows slightly, looking at her with a strong mockery in her eyes, "Just now, General Tian personally escorted you to this Fengluan Palace, you will miss me ? The sun will come out from the west almost!"

"Mother Gui, do you smell a strong sour smell in this hall? Which family's jar of aged vinegar has been opened?" Xu Jiudi suddenly asked with a smile.


Tang Huanxi couldn't help but smile, "Who said I'm jealous?"

"Aren't you jealous?"

"I'm too lazy to care about you."

"It seems that someone doesn't want to understand the current situation in Kyoto?" Xu Jiudi raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled smugly.

"Oh, my good sister, just tell me!" Tang Huanxi, who was able to bend and stretch, immediately hugged her arm and began to act like a baby, "What is the situation outside the palace now?"

"It's nothing special, but Lin Xiao, the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Forest Army, led a team of people to search their homes from the east city to the west city. All the homes of officials who had colluded with Tuobawei were all ransacked."

"Isn't it because people are panicking?" Tang Huanxi frowned, and said worriedly, "Lin Xiao's style of doing things has always been relatively high-profile. It seems that this time Xiao Baorui has made up his mind to cleanse the power in the court."

"Wouldn't it be a pity if such a sharp knife is not used well?" Xu Jiudi looked at her and smiled slightly, "You don't have to worry, there are people trusted by the emperor to control public opinion inside and outside the capital, not to mention Those officials involved in the case were accused of collaborating with the enemy and treason! So the common people expressed their approval of Lin Xiao's high-profile house raids, and even set off firecrackers to greet them."

"As expected of being the Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Forest Army, this method is really different." Tang Huanxi finally began to understand why Xiao Baorui chose Lin Xiao in the Dragon Guards. Sure enough, his eyes for people and his eyes for choosing his wife, The same vicious.

"The silver that has been copied out now has already entered the national treasury. The white silver and the golden gold are really going to blind the eyes of the people!" Xu Jiudi thought of the scenes of the imperial forest army raiding the house in the past two days, and he was very excited. I couldn't help admiring, "I said Huanxi, now you are also a rich man, don't cheat from me again in the future!"

"Look at what my sister said, you and I have a deep relationship, aren't you doing this to save the face of the so-called queen for me, how can you say it's cheating?" Tang Huanxi smiled, and she still didn't forget to wink at her blink.

"Okay, don't look at me like that!"

(End of this chapter)

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