Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 939 What a headache

Chapter 939 What a headache

Every time, Xu Jiudi was completely defeated by Tang Huanxi's coquettish offensive.

"You are already a high-ranking queen, and you still use this method to act like a baby, isn't it a little too much?" Xu Jiudi said with a serious face.

"Sister Jiudi..." Tang Huanxi deliberately changed her tone, the tone was so crisp.

"I was wrong!" Xu Jiudi immediately begged for mercy, "Huanxi, I was wrong!"

The two chattered wildly for a while, Xu Jiudi suddenly looked at her and said, "Liu Bin, the servant of the Ministry of Industry involved in this case, seems to be Su Guogong's distant relative. So I have only been two days, and the young lady of the Su family may want to Entering the palace."


"Otherwise?" Xu Jiudi looked at her and rolled his eyes silently, "The wife of the Su family is already so old, and she was the one who recommended her distant nephew to the Duke. I heard that Mrs. Liu already asked Mrs. Tai yesterday."

"The harem doesn't care about government affairs." Tang Huanxi understood what she meant, and said with a slight smile, "What's more, I am pregnant now, and I often feel weak, and I don't always see guests."

"But because of Scorpio, you left before the Duke's mansion's birthday banquet was over. No matter what, you owe the Duke's mansion a favor." Xu Jiudi looked at her and said softly, "So this Su Xinci, you We will always meet."

"It's really a headache." Tang Huanxi smiled wryly, with a bit more complaint in her tone, "I used to hate this kind of occasion the most, but now I have to get stuck in it. I only hope that child Yijin can grow up soon."

"Yijin is less than five years old now, and you want to let him be crowned emperor?" Xu Jiudi's eyes widened, with an unbelievable expression on his face, "You thought it was beautiful then."

"Sister Jiudi, actually sometimes I think, if Xiao Baorui is just Xiao Baorui and not Murong Chen, how good it would be?"

Xu Jiudi didn't speak, but reached out and poked her forehead, "Don't think about these unrealistic things, for you right now, you just need to take good care of yourself, when Yijin grows up in the future, maybe our sisters The two of them can still wander the world!"

"Where is the general that day?" Tang Huanxi suddenly asked, "Could it be that he is not included in your future plans?"

"Nonsense!" Xu Jiudi rolled his eyes at him angrily, "Actually, I thought that I would never fall in love with anyone in this life, but I never thought that I would meet a Scorpio..."

"Why does my sister always look like a young girl when she mentions Brother Scorpio?" Tang Huanxi looked at her and asked curiously, "Sister, you two, who do you think will fall in love with the other first?"

"This question is meaningless." Xu Jiudi snapped his fingers, and then got up to leave, "I won't chat with you anymore, it's getting late, and Scorpio will rest tomorrow, so we have to leave the palace!"

"where to?"

"Aftertaste building!"

Looking at her handsome back, Tang Huanxi's eyes quickly flashed envy.

Sister Jiudi has the freest soul.

It's really enviable.

At that time, the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

After reading the list reported by Lin Xiao, Xiao Baorui's face was so gloomy that water could drip out.

"Just one Minister's Mansion of the Ministry of Industry has more than nearly 8 taels of silver and 1 taels of gold. It's really eye-opening!" Xiao Baorui tried hard to suppress the anger in his heart, and said with a sneer, " I remember that during the drought last year, Murong He held a public fundraising campaign, and Liu Bin only donated 2000 taels of silver at that time!"

"Please appease the emperor!" Lin Xiao immediately knelt on the ground and comforted him softly, "Most of the officials involved in the case are clean, only a very small part of them are corrupt. Five stones were dropped in the middle, but his political achievements are innocent."

"Lin Xiao, you have worked hard during this time." Xiao Baorui thought for a while, and said in a deep voice, "All the remaining officials who have not been searched will be handed over to Tang Lingtian, the commander on the right. You go to the prison of Dali Temple and accompany Shao Qing. Investigate the officials involved in the case together, compile their confessions into a book, and hand them all to me!"

"Wei Chen takes orders!"

After Lin Xiao left, Xiao Baorui looked down at the roster on the table, his eyes became colder and colder.

At dusk, Tang Huanxi brought Bai Wei to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

At that time, Xiao Baorui was still concentrating on processing the memorial.

Even when Tang Huanxi approached, she didn't even know it.

"It seems that the emperor forgot about the Shaqima that Baiwei sent over at noon?"

"Miss?" Xiao Baorui gently raised his head after hearing this familiar voice, "Why are you here?"

"If the concubines don't come, how can they see the emperor so forgetting to eat and sleep?" Tang Huanxi looked at him, his eyes were full of distress, "Mother Gui specially ordered the imperial dining room to prepare bamboo sun and old duck soup. Do you have time to have a drink with my concubine?"

"It's so late, my lady hasn't eaten yet?" Xiao Baorui frowned, and his tone became more and more fierce, "How do the people in Fengluan Palace serve you?"

"Before the emperor gets angry, why don't you think about yourself first? Huh?" Tang Huanxi went around behind him, raised her hand and gently kneaded his temples, "Did the emperor promise his concubine before that he would make good use of it?" meal?"

"I am too busy."

"Husband, I know you have been working hard during this time, but don't forget that if you wear down your own body, the consequences will be disastrous."

Xiao Baorui nodded obediently.

Then close your eyes and enjoy the benefits Tang Huanxi sent.

A quarter of an hour later, Tang Huanxi slowly lowered his hands, supported his shoulders, and asked softly, "How is it? Is it more comfortable?"

"It's much better, my head doesn't seem to hurt anymore." Xiao Baorui smiled softly, grabbed her hand, and said softly, "Miss, will you eat with me?"

"it is good."

Under Tang Huanxi's gentle gaze, Xiao Baorui not only used up a bowl of rice, but also drank two bowls of bamboo fungus and old duck soup.

Just when Xiao Baorui was about to drink a bowl, Tang Huanxi shook his head gently at him, "Don't overeat."

"Okay." Xiao Baorui put down the spoon in his hand, who was still not satisfied.

"Husband, go out for a walk with me." Tang Huanxi smiled and said softly, "The night in the imperial garden is still pretty good."

"it is good."

The two retreated to the left and right, only Xiao Baorui held her hand, and walked to the Imperial Garden in a leisurely manner.

At that time, the bright moon was in the sky, dyeing the entire imperial garden with a hazy brilliance.

The night breeze was blowing, and there seemed to be a faint fragrance passing between the nostrils.

"The moon waxes and wanes, and people have joys and sorrows."

(End of this chapter)

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