Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 940 Can You Take It?

Chapter 940 Can You Take It?

Looking at the hazy moonlight, Tang Huanxi suddenly had a feeling.

Sensing her sadness, Xiao Baorui held her hand tightly, "Miss?"

"Xiao Baorui," Tang Huanxi leaned into his arms, closed her eyes silently, and listened quietly to his heartbeat.

"My lady, I'm here. I've always been here."

"Ok, I know."

Tang Huanxi always felt cold in the huge palace.

Only by leaning in his arms can she feel warmer.

Sometimes Tang Huanxi wished that she would not be so affectionate, but she couldn't control her heart.

In a blink of an eye, the night grew thicker.

Xiao Baorui hugged her horizontally in his arms, his eyes were full of love.

"My lady, everything is settled."

"Ok, I know."

The two looked at each other and smiled, everything was in silence.

The golden autumn and September are destined to be a busy season and a harvest season.

Tang Huanxi received letters from An Xiuhui and Pei Zhonghou at the same time, and immediately raised her lips, feeling very happy.

"Why is your empress so happy?" Seeing the unstoppable smile on her face, Bai Ying was suddenly curious, "Did something good happen?"

"Well," Tang Huanxi nodded, "The land in the Hexi area is barren, so the grain output has always been low. When shopkeeper Pei left the capital, he also heard about the situation in Luoyang, so he specially brought some sweet potato seedlings there. Luoyang, and with the help of An Xiuhui, established a second sweet potato processing factory to make vermicelli."

"and then?"

"Then An Xiuhui gave me a third of the shares in Luoyang Huiwei Building, so roughly speaking, I should be richer than Sister Jiudi."

Both Bai Ying and Bai Wei opened their mouths wide, with disbelief on their faces.

"The net worth of your empress really exceeds that of the richest man in Jinling?" Nanny Gui was also a little surprised, "It's just a sweet potato, how can it reach such a level?"

"Mother, don't underestimate the sweet potato. This sweet potato can not only be eaten raw, but also cooked. If not, it can be processed into vermicelli noodles, hot and sour noodles, and cold salad vermicelli. Sweet potatoes are very useful!" Tang Huanxi's tone was extremely arrogant, "So don't underestimate sweet potatoes!"

"Your Majesty, you are really amazing!"

"By the way, sister Jiudi's wedding dress has been made?"

"A month ago, Ping'an and the others sent a letter, and they have already made all the Fengguanxiapei. Counting the time, it is time to arrive in Kyoto in these two days." Qian said while embroidering the pillow, "It's just that I have some I'm worried that Jiudi's belly is slightly swollen now, and I don't know if the clothes can cover it."

Just a month ago, when Xu Jiudi was having lunch with Tang Huanxi, when he smelled his favorite boiled fish, he threw up!

Tang Huanxi, who had already been here, immediately invited the imperial physician to check it out. Sure enough, Xu Jiudi was pregnant, and it has been nearly two months now.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, Sister Jiudi is slender, so she should be fine." Tang Huanxi said softly, "It's General Scorpio, he seems to be more nervous."

Because of the absurd things she did in the past, Xu Jiudi believed that she would never be able to get pregnant from the very beginning, but she never expected that Scorpio's fighting power would be so strong, and after only two times, she was pregnant!
"Do you feel any discomfort?" Near the Huxin Pavilion, Scorpio looked at her profile and asked worriedly, "Do you feel uncomfortable in your body?"

"No, don't be nervous." Xu Jiudi shook his head obediently, "I just can't believe that I can still be a mother."

"Silly girl, don't think about it." Knowing that she was thinking about the past, Scorpio rubbed her head and said with great distress, "The past is over, so don't think about it anymore."

"Sometimes I wonder if the reason why my first half of my life was so ridiculous is because God arranged such an excellent you for me early in the morning?"

"Silly girl, you are the best."

Chang Le, who saw such an affectionate scene from a distance, pinched his palm vigorously, letting the nails dig into the palm, drawing a layer of faint bloodstains.

Xu Jiudi looked back inadvertently, just in time to meet the resentful eyes that Chang Le had not withdrawn.

It seems that Princess Changle still harbors resentment.

Xu Jiudi frowned and began to worry about Tang Huanxi.

Archie -

Tang Huanxi, who was helping to embroider the mandarin duck and water pillowcase in the palace at that time, couldn't help but sneezed, "Sister Jiudi must be criticizing me!"

"Can you guess that too?" Xu Jiudi walked into the inner hall with the support of Caihuan, and rolled her eyes angrily when she saw Tang Huanxi, "It's just autumn, so don't catch a cold!"

Bai Wei hurriedly took a cloak and put it on Tang Huanxi's shoulders, "Your Majesty, don't be willful, it will be bad if you catch a cold."

"Come to think of it, are you going to give birth this month?" Xu Jiudi suddenly thought of something, and asked with some concern, "You should leave all matters related to my marriage to Nanny Gui and sister-in-law. !"

"Sister Jiudi, did the sun rise from the west this morning?"

"How to say?"

"You finally found out your conscience, you know that you love me!"

"Go aside!" Xu Jiudi didn't bother to say any more, this girl is a virtuous girl who climbs along the pole!

"Everything has been properly arranged at the imperial hospital. In addition, the old slave has hired two stable women into the palace with a lot of money, so the empress can rest assured that she only needs to wait for the little princess or the little prince to be born with peace of mind. " Nanny Gui said with a smile.

"Thanks to the stable Nanny Gui beside you, otherwise you would look like you, tsk tsk."

"Who can be as good-looking as me?" Tang Huanxi suddenly said with a smile, "I think I'm three points more beautiful than Peony!"

"You really know how to put gold on your face!" Xu Jiudi looked at her and couldn't help laughing, "Yes, your color and appearance are the best in the entire hall!"

"Have eyesight!"

Seeing the two people singing and joking with each other, everyone else present couldn't help laughing.

Unexpectedly, Fengluan Hall, which has always been solemn and solemn, can have such a harmonious and relaxed scene.

It's hard to believe.

Tang Huanxi, as her name suggests, will make the people around her happy no matter where she goes.

In mid-September, the scientific examination finally came to an end.

At this time, there were only three days left before Xu Jiudi got married.

Under Tang Huanxi's strong request, Xu Jiudi entered the palace with a colorful ring.

"Tsk tsk, you can hang an oil pot with your mouth up." Tang Huanxi joked with a smile while nibbling melon seeds, "It's just that we haven't seen each other for three days, can't you bear it?"

"Can you bear it?" Xu Jiudi put his arms around his chest and asked nonchalantly.

(End of this chapter)

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