Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 941 Foresight

Chapter 941 Foresight
Tang Huanxi narrowed her eyes and smiled, then shook her head gently, "I can't stand it."

Suddenly recalling the day when she and Xiao Baorui got married, the smile on Tang Huanxi's face became more obvious, "On the day when Xiao Baorui and I got married, I hanged myself."

"What?" Xu Jiudi immediately showed a black question mark face, and asked curiously while gnawing on an apple, "What's going on? Tell me?"

"You don't even like a man like Xiao Baorui? Then your eyes are probably not very good."

"Well, it's not only bad eyesight, but also very stupid."

"Bai Wei, you have to testify for me, I didn't say that your empress is a fool!"

Tang Huanxi tapped her forehead silently, and then smiled, "What I said is the truth, before I married Xiao Baorui, I was a fool!"

"Huanxi, I'm willing to listen with all my ears." Xu Jiudi looked at her with unconcealed curiosity in her eyes, "You know about my past, but I still don't know much about your past!"

"Really want to hear it?"

"I really want to!"

"That's right, in this long night, you always have to say something interesting to feel the time passing faster." Tang Huanxi rested her chin on her right hand, with a smile in her eyes, "But if you want to hear a story, shouldn't you also express it?"

Seeing her gesture, Xu Jiudi readily took out a 1 tael bank note from his pocket.

"Sister Jiudi, even if you are the richest man, you don't need to carry so many bank notes with you?"

"I'm going to stay in the palace for three days. In the face of a stingy queen like you, be prepared!"

"Not bad, not bad, very prescient!" Tang Huanxi gave a thumbs up silently, and then began to recall the past.

When she and Xiao Baorui met for the first time, the picture was not very friendly.

At that time, facing such an unfamiliar environment, she was a little apprehensive.

In addition, there are several excellent people in the Xiao family, so Tang Huanxi never dreamed that one day, she would fall in love with Xiao Baorui...

After solving a series of extreme relatives, they went hand in hand to solve the mystery of each other's life experience.

Then, step by step, after going through hardships and obstacles, he finally reached the position he is today.

After hearing her story, Xu Jiudi asked curiously in a daze, "Huanxi, do you really like the position of queen?"

"I don't know either," Tang Huanxi replied softly, "I know where Xiao Baorui is, so I should be there."

The husband and wife sing along.

Even if he is just a poor hunter in the mountains, she will be happy for it.

Love has never been divided into poor and low status.

Xu Jiudi was so sleepy that he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore, and within a moment, he fell into a drowsy sleep.

Tang Huanxi told Caihuan to take good care of her, then got up and left Fengluan Palace.

In the dead of night, the dew is deeper.

Bai Ying stood by her side, and asked with some distress, "Ma'am, it's half past time, maybe the emperor has already rested?"

"The scientific examination has just ended, and there are not many people in the court who are worthy of his trust. So he must still be checking the test papers of the candidates." Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, and said in a firm tone, "Order someone to go to the imperial dining room, and put the Send a bowl of white fungus pear soup to the Hall of Mental Cultivation."

"Ma'am, won't you go?"

"I won't go, so as not to distract him." Tang Huanxi smiled, "It just so happens that I don't feel sleepy, so I'll go and see Yijin and Wuyou."

"The prince is also helping the Holy Majesty to look up the examination papers in the Hall of Mental Cultivation recently!"

"What about worry-free?"

"The princess should have gone to bed early."

Tang Huanxi thought about it, and went to the palace where Wuyou lived by stepping on the moonlight.

What surprised her was that it was so late, Wuyou still didn't sleep.

"Mother?" The moment Xiao Wuyou saw Tang Huanxi, he subconsciously hid the things in his hands behind his back.

"Why haven't you slept so late?" Tang Huanxi, who saw her action, immediately smiled to cover the surprise in her eyes, stepped forward and gently rubbed her head and said, "Aren't you worry-free and sleepy?"

"At dusk, I fell asleep. So I'm not sleepy yet!" Wuyou looked at her and said obediently.

Xiao Wuyou, who was already one and a half years old, could speak very clearly.

"It happens that mother can't sleep either, so mother can talk with Wuyou, okay?"

"Okay!" Xiao Wuyou immediately nodded like a chicken pecking rice, "Mother, please wait for me for a while, I will clean up the things on the desk first."

"it is good."

Tang Huanxi walked around the screen, not following Xiao Wuyou.

"Your Majesty?" Bai Ying, who also saw clearly the objects in Xiao Wuyou's hand, frowned, and called softly, "Princess, she..."

"It seems that the people who serve Wuyou can be changed." Tang Huanxi lowered her eyes and said expressionlessly, "After Wuyou falls asleep, I will summon all the people who serve Wuyou."

"Slaves take orders!"

Listening to Tang Huanxi telling the story of Journey to the West vividly, Xiao Wuyou gradually couldn't hold back his heavy eyelids.

After she fell asleep, Bai Ying immediately found the doll that Wuyou had just hidden.

"There is a date of birth written in cinnabar on it." Bai Ying said immediately, "Look at this, maidservant, this seems to be Miss Xu's date of birth?"

"Is there only the horoscope?" Tang Huanxi narrowed his eyes, took the doll, and tore it apart vigorously.

After seeing the contents clearly, even Bai Ying couldn't help but gasped.

Inside the doll was an even more doll with the same birth date embroidered on it and a face that was [-]-[-]% similar to Xu Jiudi's. That face was depicted as a terrifying appearance bleeding from seven orifices!
"It seems that someone wants to use the princess's hand to deal with Miss Xu?"

"Send all the maidservants serving in the palace to the Punishment Division! Who has the princess had the closest relationship with these days? And where did this doll come from? We must investigate clearly!" Tang Huanxi looked at said solemnly.

When the sky was bright, the Department of Punishment had already had a result.

"Changle?" Tang Huanxi felt a little taken aback when she saw the name.

"How could Changle hate Sister Jiudi so much?" Tang Huanxi frowned, with a little puzzlement in her eyes.

Nanny Gui immediately took a step forward, and said softly, "Your Majesty, I'm afraid it's because of a word of love."

"What does Mammy mean?" Tang Huanxi raised her eyebrows slightly, her eyes full of doubts, "But it was Changle who rejected that marriage in the past!"

"Everyone has a different mentality towards feelings. Princess Changle looked down on General Scorpio at first, but as time passed, the emperor gave General Scorpio and Miss Xu a marriage. Princess Changle would be dissatisfied for a while and do such a wrong thing. , it's not surprising!"

"I thought she was sincerely repenting, but I didn't think that all this was just her performance." Tang Huanxi sighed deeply, with a bit of regret in her tone, "The emperor originally planned to be among the young talents in this year's scientific examination. It would be a pity to choose a good son-in-law as her son-in-law."

(End of this chapter)

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