Chapter 942

"Huanxi, can I ask you something." At this moment, Xu Jiudi suddenly said.

"Sister Jiudi, she used such clumsy and disgusting methods to deal with you, don't you still want to plead for her?" Tang Huanxi looked at her expression, and instantly understood her intentions, "You know, according to the palace rules, What kind of crime is it to practice such witchcraft in the palace?"

"I know." Xu Jiudi looked at her and nodded earnestly, "But Huanxi, this doll was found by Wuyou's side. Once the news gets out, it will have an impact on Wuyou's statement. What's more, people Everyone knows that Wuyou likes to cling to this aunt Changle, if the world knows that Changle is vicious, what about Wuyou?"

Tang Huanxi immediately fell silent, and after a while, she whispered, "Wuyou is less than two years old now, let alone... even if she is forced to bear some bad reputation, after a long time, it will always dilute everything. .”

"Wuyou has always liked Changle very much. Why do you want to be such a villain and tear off Changle's ugly face in front of Wuyou?" Xu Jiudi thought for a while and persuaded softly, "It's better to leave this matter to I'll deal with it, I don't know what you want?"

"Sister Jiudi... Some people, no matter how well they pretend, their nature is hard to change!" Tang Huanxi looked at her, her tone unavoidably anxious, "I can't put you in danger."

"If you're worried, how about letting Nanny Gui accompany me to Changle Hall? We'll talk about everything when I come back."

Tang Huanxi looked at Nanny Gui helplessly, and Nanny Gui nodded towards her.

"Well, if she's still stubborn, don't blame me for being merciless."

Changle Hall is located in the southeast corner of the Imperial Garden, facing south, it is an excellent location.

After crossing the high threshold, Xu Jiudi saw the acacia trees not far away.

Today's albizia julibrissin is in bud.

Chang Le, who was kicking a ball in the courtyard, saw the person coming, and a look of surprise quickly flashed across his eyes.

"The housewife Xu Jiudi has met Princess Changle and Princess Wan'an."

"Yeah." Chang Le replied indifferently, then set his eyes on Nanny Gui, and grinned the corners of his lips obediently, "Why did Nanny come in person? Does the Empress have any orders? "

"Princess, don't worry. Your Majesty has nothing to say. The old servant accompanied Miss Xu to have a few words with the princess, and I hope the princess can back away."

Chang Le, who was puzzled in his heart, nodded slightly, and then ordered the others to retreat.

Xu Jiudi handed the box that Nanny Gui had been holding in her hand to Chang Le, with a slight smile on her face all the time.

"This is?"

"Princess, why don't you open it and have a look?"

A unease suddenly flashed across Chang Le's heart, and when she opened the box and saw the objects inside, she quickly lowered her eyes to cover the panic in her eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"The woman has no malicious intentions." Xu Jiudi looked at her expression and said thoughtfully, "If the woman really has any malicious intentions, then the princess can't stand here intact at this moment, can she? ?”

"I don't understand what you mean, nor what is in this box."

"Last night, the Empress Empress went to Princess Wuyou's bedroom, but she found that Princess Wuyou was holding this doll and refused to let go. So the empress became suspicious. She looked at the doll, but found that there was something else inside the doll. Even The women did not expect that someone would perform witchcraft on the women behind their backs."

"Xu Jiudi, what do you want?" Chang Le interrupted her forcefully, and sneered, "If someone wants to harm you, you can sue the queen, or your fiancé, and run to this palace to talk nonsense What is the purpose of talking nonsense?"

"Since the princess is unwilling to listen to the good words of the woman, the woman has no choice but to send this doll to the imperial court. I believe the emperor will seek justice for the woman!"

Xu Jiudi saw that she did not repent, and the last trace of pity in his heart disappeared.

She turned around, ready to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Chang Le suddenly shouted nervously, "This doll is mine."

"Princess admitted?"

"Yeah." Chang Le lowered his head and said in a low voice, "It was because of my fascination that I got your birthday horoscope from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and I made such a puppet under the instigation of Gong'e. Originally... Originally, I was just unwilling, back then the emperor brother obviously wanted to marry me to General Scorpio... It was my fault, in short, I apologize to you."

"Then why did the puppet end up in the hands of Princess Wuyou? Princess Changle, I think I need a reasonable explanation."

Chang Le immediately smiled wryly, "I really didn't mean it, that girl likes novelty things, and used to get some interesting toys from me, but last time she wanted to get that doll, I couldn't coax her When I came down, I was worried that the secrets inside would be found out, so I... just let her go, thinking that I would coax her back when she detested me."

Xu Jiudi didn't speak, but winked at Nanny Gui.

The latter immediately understood, nodded slightly, and quickly brought a candlestick.

That puppet doll became ashes in an instant.

"Princess Changle, I believe that you are kind at heart, I hope you don't let others down again."

Xu Jiudi took a deep look at her, then turned and left.

When the figures of the two people disappeared completely, the guilty expression on Chang Le's face disappeared instantly.

She turned around and walked into her bedroom, walked to the red sandalwood wardrobe with four seasons flowers in the corner, opened it gently, and suddenly a strange smile appeared on her face.

On the first three floors of the closet, there are all kinds of dolls in different shapes.

After leaving Changle Hall, Nanny Gui always felt a little uncomfortable.

"What's wrong with Mammy?" Xu Jiudi looked at her ugly face and asked with concern, "What's wrong with you?"

"I can't say it, but I just feel very uncomfortable in my heart," Nanny Gui said softly, "I just felt this way when I entered Changle Hall, and after I left, that unpleasant feeling became even stronger."

"Maybe this time, Tang Huanxi is right."

Some people are hard to change their nature.

"Miss Xu?"

"It's nothing." Xu Jiudi shook his head lightly, "Mommy, let's go back."

"it is good."

Fengluan Hall.

Tang Huanxi picked up a pen to copy the Heart Sutra, but after writing for a quarter of an hour, her heart still couldn't calm down.

Bai Ying stepped forward cautiously, and asked softly, "Your Majesty, there is chrysanthemum tea prepared in the small kitchen. Do you want to try it, Your Majesty?"

"No need." Tang Huanxi shook her head, then put down the brush in her hand, "Bai Ying, send someone to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to invite the emperor over."

(End of this chapter)

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