Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 943 No one loves you, how pathetic

Chapter 943 No one loves you, how pathetic

When Xiao Baorui hurried to Fengluan Hall after receiving the news, Tang Huanxi, who was lying on the bed, was sweating profusely.

"Miss!" Xiao Baorui hurriedly held her hand and asked anxiously, "Miss, are you alright?"

"Xiao—" Tang Huanxi was in so much pain that she couldn't help herself, "It hurts so much!"

"Where's the imperial doctor? Where's Wen Po?"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty." Seeing this scene, Granny Feng, who is more experienced, was also a little nervous, and her teeth began to chatter involuntarily. "Just now, the civilian woman has already seen it. The empress seems to have an abnormal fetal position. Later, Granny Feng Here, let her correct the fetal position for the empress, and the empress won't be in such pain!"

Wen Po kept wiping the sweat off her face, and explained cautiously, "Empress Empress, don't be nervous, take a deep breath, and then temporarily conserve your strength."

"But I... really hurt..."

"May I ask you where the pain is?"

"Back!" Tang Huanxi gritted her teeth and explained anxiously, "It's like being stabbed with a needle, it hurts!"

When Xu Jiudi, who happened to rush back to the hall, heard these words, he suddenly became furious!

"Granny Gui!"

"The old slave is here!"

"Send someone to block Changle Palace immediately!"

"Why did you block Changle Palace?" Xiao Baorui asked with a puzzled frown when he heard Xu Jiudi's angry tone.

"Because someone performed witchcraft on the empress in the Changle Palace, causing the empress to suffer unbearably! If the Holy One doesn't believe it, you can send someone to investigate!"

Even though he had doubts, Xiao Baorui finally nodded his head seeing Tang Huanxi's face wrinkled in pain.

About half an hour later, Tang Huanxi was so painful that she passed out.


Tang Huanxi, who suddenly felt a tingling pain on her finger, couldn't help but gasped.


"Xiao Baorui?" Tang Huanxi asked in a daze.

"Good girl, don't sleep, use your strength, you must be safe!"

"Tang Huanxi, is it possible that you just want to sleep like this for the rest of your life? How many men in this world are really long-term lovers? If you really can't wake up from sleep, then the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty will take this opportunity to take Fanghua in their mansion All the young women who are just right will be sent to the harem, and then they will take turns occupying your husband!"

"Tang Huanxi, wake up!"

Next to her ear was Xu Jiudi's voice, which made her feel very close yet far away.

Tang Huanxi clenched her fists and struggled hard for the last time, as if all her strength had been exhausted.

In the end, I was too tired to keep my eyes open.

"It's not good, the empress seems to be bleeding!" Granny Feng carefully picked up the child, and inadvertently looked back to catch a glimpse of the unstoppable bright red blood, and shouted anxiously!


Xiao Baorui, who suddenly heard this word, suddenly went blank at this moment.

He thought of the dream that had terrified him for a long time. His whole body was like falling into an ice cave, and he couldn't hear other people's voices at all.

In desperation, Xu Jiudi immediately pulled a medical woman forward and said in a deep voice, "Find a way to stop the bleeding!"


"If you can't stop the queen's blood, I'll kill you!" Xu Jiudi looked at her, his eyes were stern and without any warmth.

After regaining her senses, Nanny Gui immediately took a step forward, took out a bottle of mountain spring water from under Tang Huanxi's pillow, unscrewed the cap, and handed it to her lips!
After an hour like this, Tang Huanxi finally got his life back from the Palace of the King of Hell!

"Don't worry, the emperor, the empress is a blessed person. Now the empress and the little prince, both mother and child are safe."

"Reward!" Until now, Xiao Baorui completely came back to his senses.

Xu Jiudi was supported by Caihuan and left the inner hall. She leaned on the beauty couch and took a nap for a while, feeling better.

The afternoon sun was just shining.

Inside the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Xiao Baorui looked at Chang Le who was kneeling down, with complicated emotions intertwined in his eyes.

"Why do this?"

"There is no reason, because I thought so, so I did it." Chang Le sneered, with strong mockery in his tone, "It's just that her life is too hard, so it didn't kill her."


Xu Jiudi suddenly took a step forward, facing her face without hesitation, bowing left and right!

Chang Le spat out a mouthful of blood, and asked with a sneer, "What the hell are you? How dare you hit me?"

"Why not?" Xu Jiudi sneered, "Changle, for a person like you, death is not a pity."

Ha ha.

Chang Le sneered and stopped looking at her.

Xiao Baorui, who was sitting at the top, got up suddenly, and walked to her side step by step, only one step away from her.

He looked at her with deep disgust in his eyes.

"Do you know why no one calls you Jingyuan after you entered the palace?"

Chang Le immediately lowered his eyes, and said in a cold tone, "To the emperor's brother, I am just a pawn. You need to use me to fulfill your good reputation of knowing how to repay your kindness, so as to gain the trust of the courtiers."

"Is this why you took revenge on the queen?"

"Of course not. I don't like her. What's so good about her? Why does she have everything? The supreme status, the wholehearted love of the husband, and the safety of both children? God is so kind to her, so don't disturb her. How can I get through this long and lonely time?"

"Your face is too ugly." Xu Jiudi looked at her unrepentant appearance, and accused her coldly, "Do you know why the Empress has always refused to teach you? Because you are too dirty .”

"What qualifications do you have to accuse me from the moral high ground? Xu Jiudi, is there any woman dirtier than you in the entire palace?" Chang Le suddenly raised his eyes to look at her with strong irony in his eyes, "Scorpio You're an idiot, do you think everyone else is an idiot? A worn-out shoe is actually worthy of the sisters of the current queen, and even loved by the emperor's courtiers. This world is too unfair!"


Surprisingly, this time it was Xiao Baorui who slapped her in the face.

Chang Le covered his face with an expression of disbelief, and then laughed loudly, "Brother Emperor, why are you so nervous? Could it be that you also had an affair with this broken shoe? Or do you mean we look like a glamorous person?" The empress is actually exactly the same as this broken shoe? They both have some shady pasts?"

"If you dare to speak nonsense again, I will have your tongue pulled out!"

Chang Le raised his eyebrows triumphantly, and didn't speak any more.

"Broken shoes are better than you, a princess. In terms of shamelessness, who is your opponent?" Xu Jiudi looked at her sad expression, and suddenly smiled, "Aren't you reconciled? You obviously have a good-looking appearance. Precious status, but no one loves you. Whenever you lie on the bed alone in the dead of night, you should be tossing and turning, right? But a person like you is doomed to be loved by no one from the beginning, tsk tsk, It's so pitiful!"

(End of this chapter)

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