Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 944 Believe me, how?

Chapter 944 Believe me, how?

Chang Le looked at Xu Jiudi, the smile on his face faded little by little.

The mocking smile in his eyes gradually turned into a terrifying light.

"Why, did you get stabbed in the foot by me?" Xu Jiudi saw her sudden change of expression, and instantly understood, "A princess with an outstanding appearance will be rejected by others, and a woman with a bad reputation will be cherished by others." More importantly, you must be very unbalanced in your heart, right?"

"you shut up!"

"At the beginning, I really couldn't understand why you targeted me, and thus the empress, but now I understand, because you are a poor wretch that no one likes and no one loves, so jealousy is like poison ivy. Your heart keeps spreading and growing. The emperor rejected you, and Scorpio also rejected you. So your heart was distorted. You know that your image in the eyes of the emperor and queen has been greatly reduced, so you deliberately approach Wuyou Princess, I want to send a signal to the emperor and empress, you have changed, you are the well-behaved Princess Changle.

Just when everyone completely believed that you had changed, your cursed doll was discovered by the princess, so you simply resorted to tricks and deliberately replaced the birth date on the doll with mine, because you can't love it, so it will be distorted .You know that the queen is going to give birth in two days, so you start at this time, you want to kill the queen, one dead body and two lives!
You have already got the love of Wuyou, so you want to gradually melt the emperor's heart, so as to get everything you want!From the very beginning, you never gave up on the emperor, right? "

After listening to her analysis, Chang Le suddenly looked up to the sky and smiled.

"This is a very interesting story, but there is one thing you must have never thought of." Chang Le suddenly said with a smile, "Do you know why Wuyou clings to me like that?"

"What did you do to Wuyou?" Xiao Baorui suddenly realized something, and immediately grabbed her by the throat.

"Brother Emperor, what are you afraid of?" Chang Le suddenly said with a smile, "I just often eat peanut candy for Wuyou!"

"that's it?"

"Of course not!" Chang Le smiled terribly, "I put a layer of Wushi powder on every peanut candy, so now I have no worries, I have to eat ten candies every day to be satisfied !"


Xiao Baorui, who was extremely angry, immediately kicked him away!

Chang Le only felt a pain in his chest and spit out a big mouthful of blood!
"Also, I almost forgot that Wuyou and the prince have a deep relationship, and they often leave peanut candy for the prince to enjoy!"

"Come here, deposit this person into the Dali Temple Heavenly Prison, and immediately cut him in half!"

The furious Xiao Baorui shouted angrily!
"Please think again, Your Majesty!" Xu Jiudi who had calmed down hurriedly said, "I implore the Holy Majesty to imprison Princess Changle in the palace first, and please play if you have anything to do."

Xiao Baorui took a deep look at her, and finally nodded.

After Changle was taken down, Xu Jiudi immediately said, "The prince has always been steady. With the prince's intelligence, he may have known the secret about peanut candy a long time ago. What's more, it is a troubled time, and it just happens that the queen gave birth to the little prince smoothly. It is not appropriate to see blood. I implore the emperor, for the sake of the little prince, stay safe and don't be impatient."

Gradually regaining his composure, Xiao Baorui nodded lightly, and then set off for Fengluan Hall.

For Tang Huanxi, the production this time was too thrilling.

When she woke up, it was already the next morning.

"Are you awake?" Xiao Baorui's face instantly caught her eyes, "Miss, are you tired?"

"Xiao Baorui, where's the child?"

"The child is very good, healthy, healthy, white, fat, and looks very much like you." Xiao Baorui touched her face with great pity, his eyes were full of self-blame and guilt, "Ma'am, I'm sorry, it's all my fault." , did not take good care of you."

"Don't be stupid, you can't give birth to me." Tang Huanxi looked at him and smiled softly, "How long have I been asleep?"

"I've slept since noon yesterday, and now it's the end of the day."

"Sleeping for so long?" Tang Huanxi raised her eyebrows and said softly, "Xiao Baorui, I'm so hungry!"

"Mommy has prepared ginseng and black-bone chicken soup, which has been kept warm on the stove. I'll serve it for you."


After Xiao Baorui left, Tang Huanxi felt that all her strength had been drained.

"Don't move around." Seeing her struggling alone, Xu Jiudi said angrily, "You almost had postpartum hemorrhage, and your body is still weak. The imperial doctor said, you'd better stay in bed for this month!"

"Lying in bed for a month?" Tang Huanxi suddenly showed a bitter face.

"Don't complain," Xu Jiudi gently held her hand, and comforted her softly, "Take good care of your body."


After being served by Xiao Baorui and drinking a large bowl of chicken soup, Tang Huanxi narrowed her eyes contentedly, "Where's the child? Let Mammy carry it for me to see."

Nanny Gui immediately hugged the second prince carved in pink and jade in front of Tang Huanxi.

"It's quite white, follow me." Tang Huanxi tilted her head slightly, and placed a light kiss on his cheek, "Stinky boy, I almost tormented your mother to death!"

"Bah, bah, bah! They're all mothers, and they're still so insecure? You're talking nonsense!" Xu Jiudi gave her an annoyed look, and then began to tease the second prince, "But the second prince is too stupid, if you don't know Some people thought he was going to be a princess!"

"My child with Xiao Baorui is naturally the most beautiful!"

"Look how proud you are!"

Xu Jiudi suddenly straightened her stomach, "With my looks, I believe the baby in my womb won't be too ugly."


Tang Huanxi couldn't help laughing, "Sister Jiudi, are you so unconfident in yourself?"

"I'm just not confident in my husband."

Tang Huanxi couldn't take it anymore, Sister Jiudi was so funny.

"Xiao Baorui, go back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to deal with government affairs first, and think about the child's name." Tang Huanxi gently held Xiao Baorui's hand, and said with gentle eyes, "Sister Jiudi is here to accompany me ,Enough."


After he left, Tang Huanxi looked at Xu Jiudi and smiled slightly, "Tell me, why did she want to kill me?"

"You are weak after giving birth, so you shouldn't think too much. If you believe me, leave these complicated things to me, how about it?" Xu Jiudi looked into her eyes and said sincerely.

"Tomorrow is your wedding day."

"I've discussed with Scorpio and postponed the wedding for a month." Xu Jiudi looked at her and said earnestly, "If I can't get rid of all the ghosts and monsters around you earlier, I don't dare to leave with peace of mind."

"Are you worried that Xiao Baorui will spare her life?"

"In the face of a poisonous snake that may kill people at any time, the best way is to hit it with one blow. If you let the tiger go back to the mountain, the consequences will be unimaginable. I can't let you take risks." Xu Jiudi looked at her and said softly, "Tang Huanxi , trust me, how?"

(End of this chapter)

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