Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 947 Unforgivable

Chapter 947 Unforgivable
After listening to the little cutie's words, Tang Huanxi sighed silently in her heart.

【Master, don't be too depressed. Although you no longer have a fairy soul, you still have me! 】Little cutie squinted her eyes and smiled brightly,【And as long as you regularly exchange mountain spring water for consumption in the future, your body will still be stronger than ordinary people! 】

【Ok. 】 Tang Huanxi responded sullenly, and said no more.

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Xiao Baorui looked at Xiao Wuyou lying on the bed, his eyes were full of anxiety.

"Doctor, how is the princess doing now?"

"Your majesty, don't worry, the princess's high fever will only be caused by her physical discomfort. After tonight, the five stone powder in the princess' body will be completely cleared, so at this time, the emperor must not be soft-hearted!" Imperial Physician Yuan looked at Xiao Baorui , eyes full of sincere requests.

Xiao Baorui nodded lightly to express his understanding, then turned around and held Xiao Wuyou's little hand, reluctant to let go.

Don't worry, you must get through this well.


"Mother...Mother..." Wuyou, who had fallen into a coma, began to call Tang Huanxi unconsciously.

It was already midnight at that time, and there was only one candle flickering gently in Fengluan Hall.

Tang Huanxi, who fell into a nightmare, frowned tightly, and some fragmentary, terrifying, and bloody images flashed in her mind.

Wuyou... Her daughter Wuyou, how could she be so thin?
And Xiao Yijin, how could her son Yijin become so vicious and ruthless, beheading Gong'e at every turn?
What about Xiao Baorui?

Xiao Baorui has passed away?

A terrible and messy dream made Tang Huanxi break out in a cold sweat unknowingly.

An hour later.

When Tang Huanxi stumbled and came to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Miss?" Xiao Baorui looked at her with disheveled hair and a sad face, his heart was shocked, he hurried forward and hugged her in his arms, "Miss?"

Hearing his heartbeat, Tang Huanxi slowly raised her head, looked into his eyes, and asked word by word, "What's wrong with Wuyou?"

"Changle gave Wuyou powder..." Xiao Baorui looked away sadly, with deep self-blame in his heart, "Lady, I'm sorry, it's all my fault..."

Tang Huanxi did not speak, but took a deep look at him, then stepped forward, walked to the soft bed, lifted the quilt, and stretched out her hand to pull Wuyou into her arms, "Wuyou, don't be afraid. No matter what happens Whatever, Mom will always be by your side."

When Xiao Wuyou, who had already fallen into a nightmare, heard these words, she suddenly settled down.

When Nanny Gui found out that Tang Huanxi was missing in Fengluan Hall, she was shocked and led a group of palace people to search for Tang Huanxi's whereabouts. When she found Tang Huanxi's trace in Yangxin Hall, she was completely desperate .

Perhaps from now on, there will be a Chu River and a Han border between the emperor and empress.

The next morning, the moment Xiao Wuyou opened his eyes, he met Tang Huanxi's gentle eyes.

"woke up?"

"Yes." Wuyou nodded obediently, "Mom, I really want to have a long, long dream."

"I will have sweet dreams in the future." Tang Huanxi rubbed her hair lightly, and said softly, "After a while, mother will take you to live in another village on the outskirts of Beijing for a while, okay?"

"it is good!"

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

When Xiao Baorui finished listening to the imperial physician's words, his eyes widened in surprise.

"Physician Yuan, do you mean that even if the princess wakes up, the princess' body will be greatly damaged? It's hard to grow up?"

"Yes." Imperial Physician Yuan, the head of the Imperial Hospital, looked at Xiao Baorui and said tremblingly, "Five stone powder is extremely toxic. Now the princess has finally lifted her drug addiction, but all aspects of her body have been affected. If the precious and rare medicinal food is properly raised, there is only a chance of life, as for whether the princess can survive to adulthood, it is difficult for the old minister to determine now!"

Listening to the imperial physician's explanation, Xiao Baorui's heart turned cold little by little.

In the end, he waved his hand, turned away all the servants, and leaned on the dragon chair alone, closing his eyes in pain.

Da da--

There was a slight sound of footsteps.

Xiao Baorui slowly raised his eyes, meeting his son's insightful eyes.

He smiled wryly, "After all, I overestimated myself and thought that keeping Changle in the palace would be beneficial and harmless, but I didn't want her to hurt Wuyou."

"Royal father," Xiao Yijin looked at him and said with serious eyes, "Queen Mother, I'm afraid I've lost my heart to you."

"Why don't I know?" Xiao Baorui smiled wryly, "But now, I don't even have the courage to visit your mother."

"People are not sages and sages, who can do nothing wrong? Now that things have developed to the current situation, father and emperor should spend more time with mother and worry-free."

Xiao Baorui gave him a deep look, but finally said nothing.

In a blink of an eye, the sun was rising three poles.

Nanny Gui brought the medicinal food prepared by the Imperial Dining Room into the hall, seeing Tang Huanxi's silent expression, feeling uneasy.

"Your Majesty...but blame the old servant again?"

Tang Huanxi shook her head lightly, "Nurse, it has nothing to do with you. When Wuyou encountered this difficulty, it happened to be when I gave birth. I know that Nurse treats me sincerely, so it is understandable that Nurse chooses to hide me."

"Your Majesty's face is pale and her mood is hard to calm down. If your Majesty is not blaming the old slave, then she is blaming the Emperor, right?" Nanny Gui looked at her and persuaded softly, "Princess Wuyou was plotted against by Changle this time, and the most The one who is sad is the emperor, empress..."

"Changle is not Xiao Jingyuan." Tang Huanxi raised her eyes suddenly and interrupted her, "Nurse, Changle is not Xiao Jingyuan, the real Xiao Jingyuan is An Xiuhui."

Nanny Gui's eyes widened in an instant, full of shock.

"how can that be?"

"I have suspected for a long time that Changle and An Xiuhui's looks are eight or nine points similar, even the scarlet mole at the corner of their eyes is exactly the same. If Changle is really Xiao Jingyuan, how can she treat Su Wei? I had such great hostility when I met? I told Xiao Baorui more than once that Changle is not Xiao Jingyuan. He promised me to investigate, but then... Wuyou was... unexpectedly plotted against by Changle..."

Probably because she was too depressed in her heart, Tang Huanxi couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Mommy, Wuyou is my heart, now...now she may not live to be 16..."

"how can that be?"

"Don't you know the danger of Wushisan?" Tang Huanxi smiled wryly, "Mother, I want to convince myself to forgive Xiao Baorui, but this time, I really can't..."

Xiao Baorui, who happened to step into the hall, just heard these words.

After hesitating again and again, he turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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