Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 948 The Cold War

Chapter 948 The Cold War

In the early morning of the next day, Xu Jiudi hurried to Fengluan Palace.

Looking at Tang Huanxi's obviously haggard face, a flash of self-blame flashed across her eyes.

"Sister Jiudi?"

"Happy," Xu Jiudi sighed deeply, then took a step forward, and gently held her hand, with guilt in his eyes, "It's all my fault..."

"Sister Jiudi, it's not your fault." Tang Huanxi looked at her and said sincerely.

"You just gave birth, and your body is weak, so I wanted to hide it from you first... But I didn't want to create a gap between you and Xiao Baorui by doing this. Huanxi, in fact, the reason why I hid this matter from you , it's all my idea, you husband and wife must not have conflicts because of this matter!"

"Sister Jiudi, I don't seem to be able to forgive Xiao Baorui." Tang Huanxi took a deep look at her with a bitter smile in his eyes.

"How come..." Xu Jiudi glanced at her in astonishment, and when he thoroughly understood the whole ins and outs of the matter, he was instantly at a loss.

"So you have long suspected that Chang Le is not the real Xiao Jingyuan? Xiao Baorui knows it in his heart?"

"I told him that I was skeptical about Changle's identity. Later, Wuyou got close to her subconsciously, and gradually I didn't care so much about the past, but now that I think about it, I realize how wrong I was. Outrageous."

Jiangshan is easy to change, and nature is difficult to change, not to mention Changle almost killed himself in the Meilin.

"Happiness," Xu Jiudi was silent for a while, and finally looked at her and said earnestly, "Don't worry about this matter for now, the most important thing for you right now is to take good care of yourself and worry-free. The rest Leave things to me, don't worry."

"Also, you and Xiao Baorui are husband and wife. You have been together for so many years, how many ups and downs have you experienced? What kind of hardships have you not survived? Although what happened to Wuyou is very sad, it also makes people hate Changle But Huanxi, you must not hate the wrong person, Xiao Baorui, no matter what, he is Wuyou's father. At the beginning, he kept Changle, it must be out of some considerations. So you can't blame him blindly. What's more Your current status is different from the past, so you have to carefully consider many things, understand?"

Tang Huanxi lowered her eyes slightly, and her heart turned a thousand times.

One month passed in a flash, and it was a cold winter day in a blink of an eye.

As for Tang Huanxi, she hadn't spoken a word to Xiao Baorui for a full month and ten days.

Seeing more and more silver hairs on Xiao Baorui's head, even Nanny Gui couldn't bear it anymore.

"Your Majesty, I heard that the emperor approved the memorial at midnight last night."

Tang Huanxi did not speak, her expression was always calm.

Over the past month, under the careful care of Nanny Gui and Bai Ying, Xiao Wuyou's health has improved a lot.

"Your Majesty, the Second Prince seems to be feeling a bit unwell." Bai Wei said worriedly while holding the baby in her arms, "This servant looks at the Second Prince and seems to have a low fever."

"Please ask the imperial doctor to come and take a look."

"The maidservant has already sent someone to the imperial hospital, but the second prince has been crying all the time."

"Give me a hug." Tang Huanxi hurriedly hugged the child in her arms. Looking at the little face of the second prince who was wrinkled together because of the discomfort, she suddenly felt very uneasy, as if something was holding her. Heart, so uncomfortable that she couldn't breathe.

After hearing the news, Xiao Baorui rushed to Fengluan Hall together with the imperial physician.

The second prince did develop a high fever, but fortunately he discovered it in time, as long as the nurse took two or three soups, he would be safe and sound.

Hearing this, Tang Huanxi breathed a sigh of relief, and ordered Bai Wei to send the imperial physician away.

Nanny Gui took a deep look at Xiao Baorui, and finally took a step forward, and said softly, "Madam, the second prince is about to drink medicine. This old slave will take him down first, and come back later."


After Nanny Gui also left, there was no one else in the huge Fengluan Hall.

Xiao Baorui lowered his head, never daring to look at Tang Huanxi's face.

Even though he already thought she was going crazy.

But thinking of Wuyou, and thinking that he was the chief culprit of all this, Xiao Baorui wished he could slap himself twice.

Tang Huanxi took a deep look at him, and suddenly felt her eyes turn sore, and she began to cry silently.

She doesn't know how things have developed to this point, and she is also very sad.

She hasn't seen him for a month, and she misses him and complains about him.

In the past, what Tang Huanxi hated the most was the resentful woman, but now she feels that she has become that kind of person too.

The atmosphere of silence is almost suffocating.

In the end, Xiao Baorui couldn't help raising his eyes, and began to peek at her cautiously.

But when he saw the scene of her crying silently, his heart suddenly ached, as if someone had taken a blunt dagger and cut his heart vigorously!

Xiao Baorui immediately rushed forward and hugged her tightly without any explanation.

"My lady, don't cry!"

When Tang Huanxi, who was still forbearing, heard these words, she couldn't hold back anymore.

Originally, she was just sobbing softly, but gradually she began to cry heart-piercingly.

The tears, like pearls with a broken thread, never stop.

As for Xiao Baorui, his eyes were already red.

He raised his hand in a panic, trying to wipe off the tears on her face, but he couldn't wipe it off, and finally he kissed her anxiously, kissing all the tears on her face bit by bit.

The dark cloud that had been hanging over my heart for a long time finally dissipated.

Tang Huanxi raised her head slowly, turned towards him, and slightly grinned at the corners of her lips.

"Miss, are you smiling?" Xiao Baorui opened his eyes wide in surprise, excited like a child who has eaten candy, "I thought I would never see the smile on your face in my life."


"My lady, you're right, I'm a fool." Xiao Baorui lowered his eyes in pain, "If I wasn't too stupid, how could I have caused you and Wuyou to suffer so much? It's all because of my stupidity, lady , you hit me? You scold me? Just don't ignore me... okay? You haven't looked at me for a month and ten days, lady, don't you... don't you want me?"

Xiao Baorui at this moment is like a puppy that was abandoned, very pitiful.

Tang Huanxi slowly raised her hand, gently pinched his earlobe with both hands, and said seriously, "Fool, we are husband and wife, why would I not want you? The worry-free thing really hit me hard Daddy, I have resentment and dissatisfaction with you. But Xiao Baorui, why, why don't you turn around and coax me? You can actually not look at me for a month. Compared with me, you are the most ruthless that person."

"I'm not, I don't!" Xiao Baorui explained anxiously, "Actually, every night when you fell asleep, I secretly came to see you, but I was afraid that you would still be angry, so I didn't dare to wake you up. I think about it every day. , when will my lady forgive me, lady, have you forgiven me now?"

(End of this chapter)

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