Chapter 949
Tang Huanxi looked into his eyes and nodded slightly, "Yes, I'm sorry."

"That's great!" Xiao Baorui was overwhelmed with excitement, picked up Tang Huanxi, and gave him three full circles, until Tang Huanxi begged for mercy in a daze, and he reluctantly let her go .

The cold war between husband and wife that lasted for more than a month finally melted completely at this moment.

As the winter solstice draws near, Fu Ling specially prepared dumplings with several fillings.

Tang Huanxi's favorite is stuffed with shiitake mushrooms and meat, but Xu Jiudi ate a lot of sauerkraut stuffed that others daunted.

"Sour and hot girl, I see that sister Jiudi's belly is probably a kid." Tang Huanxi looked at her and said with a smile.

"Actually, I don't care if it's a boy or a girl. It's a Scorpio. I always want to be a girl, but I see that it's hard for him to get what he wants." Xu Jiudi thought for a while, and said pretending to be deep.

"I really envy you, Huanxi, you are young and have both children, how wonderful!"

Tang Huanxi nodded lightly, "I also feel very happy to have a son and a daughter!"

In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Xiao Baorui looked at Xiao Yijin with a gratified light in his eyes.

"Now that Xiliang has bowed down to me, my son thinks that there are some accounts that we should settle properly." Xiao Yijin lowered her eyes to cover the fierce light in her eyes.

"Now that Tuobawei has become the leader of Xiliang, if the two countries fight again at this time, another battle will inevitably break out, so the veteran thinks that the prince's strategy is not advisable." Wang Yibo thought for a moment, and said earnestly.

Xiao Baorui was silent for a long time, and finally said in a deep voice, "I will carefully consider the prince's proposal, but now Xiliang is a subordinate state, so the prince does not need to appear in person to welcome guests, let the people in the Ministry of Rites handle it properly." !"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

After everyone else dispersed, Xiao Baorui kept Wang Yibo and Xiao Yijin behind.

Xiao Yijin looked at her teacher with puzzlement in her eyes.

"Master Tai Tu, why did you feel that the prince's proposal was inappropriate just now?" Xiao Baorui looked at him and asked straight to the point.

Wang Yibo took a deep look at Xiao Yijin, and finally clasped his hands together, bent slightly, and explained softly, "When you return to the Holy One, the old minister thinks that the prince is a bit hostile now."

"Teacher?" Even Xiao Yijin didn't expect that the teacher would comment on herself like this.

"The prince has been intelligent since he was a child, sensitive and eager to learn, and he knows everything about government affairs. The veteran knows that the prince is a perfect heir. However, the former veteran always thought that the prince is too perfect, and wisdom will hurt him. This is also true. The old minister has always been worried about things. But now the old minister finds that the prince is still too young. When dealing with things, he is not calm and objective enough, and sometimes he is too hostile. But now that he has discovered this, there is nothing wrong with it. "

"Teacher, why do you evaluate Ben Gong so much?"

"Prince, I have heard a little bit about Princess Wuyou, and I understand your urgency to deal with Tuobawei. But even if Tuobawei has done all kinds of bad things, now he is the king of Xiliang's subsidiary country, if You really killed him, have you thought about the consequences?"

"Consequences?" Xiao Yijin didn't think of this. When he thought of what Tuoba Wei had done in the Great Yong Dynasty, he wanted to tear it into pieces, so he really didn't consider the consequences after killing Tuoba Wei. matter.

"Although Tuobawei is insidious, he was able to stand out among the many children of the former Xiliang king and become the king of Xiliang. I think this person must be brave and resourceful. Now Xiliang has become my Dayong's son. As a subordinate state, the people of Xiliang are also the people of Dayong, the people of His Majesty. If His Majesty really hurt Tuobawei, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction among the people of Xiliang, and eventually it will arouse public anger, and the consequences will be even more disastrous. "

"But the crimes that Tuobawei once committed are too numerous to record. Are we going to let him go like this?" Xiao Yijin frowned tightly, her eyes full of unwillingness, "Teacher, please forgive the students for not agreeing with you!"

"The prince is too anxious. When did the old minister say that he would let Tuobawei go?" Wang Yibo looked at him with sincere eyes and said, "It's just that if Tuobawei is hurt on the land of the Yong Dynasty, it will not be good. But Everything that Tuoba Wei has done in the past deserves death, so the old official thought that he could use a roundabout way to deal with him, not to mention that the old official has a very good candidate here!"


"Chen Rui!"

When Chen Rui stepped into the palace again, he felt as if he had passed away.

It was only two years ago that she was called Empress Ruifei.

Unexpectedly, in just two years, the sea has changed.

When the little eunuch led Chen Rui to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, she immediately knelt down and saluted respectfully.

Xiao Baorui looked at her carefully, with some doubts in his eyes.

It was Xiao Yijin who spoke first.

"You want to marry Tuobawei as Changle?"

"Yes." Chen Rui nodded, and said neither humble nor overbearing.

"But why should I trust you?"

"Just because I could have been a concubine Rui with one person under one person and above ten thousand people, but in the end I became a beggar because of Tuobawei. Can you convince you with this reason, Your Highness the Crown Prince?"

Xiao Yijin frowned and said nothing, but there was still some suspicion in her eyes.

"I heard that you left Murong Hao in the Hexi Palace?"

"Yes." Concubine Rui nodded and smiled wryly, "Hao'er is the younger brother of King Hexi after all, not to mention that An Xiuhui has promised me that he will treat Hao'er well, so I have nothing to worry about. Now I I just want to kill Tuobawei with my own hands, and take revenge!"

"It's just your appearance. When Tuobawei sees you, he will reveal it."

"Your Majesty, this servant wants to see the empress, and this servant thinks that the empress has a solution."

Tang Huanxi, who received the news and came to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, felt complicated emotions in her heart the moment she saw Chen Rui.

She took a deep look at her and finally let out a low sigh.

"Actually, you can stay in Luoyang and live a peaceful life." Tang Huanxi looked at her and said softly, "The past can be written off, and you can start over. Why do you insist on getting involved in this muddy water? "

"I've been covered in mud for a long time, how can I wash it off easily?" Chen Rui looked at her, smiled slightly, and asked questions instead of answering.

In the end Tang Huanxi stopped talking.

Everyone has his own choice.

Chen Rui is a stubborn person, he won't change his mind after hearing his own words.

"Has Tuobawei seen Changle before?" Tang Huanxi thought for a while, then turned his gaze to Xiao Baorui's face, "Speaking of which, it's time for me to meet her too."

Now Changle has been imprisoned in Changle Palace.

Xiao Yijin taught her enough lessons before.

It's not that Chang Le never thought of biting her tongue to kill herself, but every time her teeth bit the tip of her tongue, she hesitated.

She was unwilling, unwilling to die like this.

Maybe one day, Tuobawei will come to rescue her?

With such expectation, Changle began to deceive himself and others to live a tormented life.

Until this day, she heard the harsh sound of the palace gate that had not been opened for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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