Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 950 Not like a good person

Chapter 950 Not like a good person

Probably because I haven't seen the sun for a long time, when the hall was opened, Chang Le subconsciously narrowed her eyes. At this moment, she couldn't help praying in her heart, praying that she could see the person she met.

But soon, she discovered that the prayer in her heart was just a daydream.

The moment the palace door was opened, there was a strong smell in the air.

Only then did Tang Huanxi realize that Chang Le's feet were actually put on a pair of heavy shackles.

A look of surprise flashed across her eyes.

"Come here, untie the chains on her feet."


"It's okay." Tang Huanxi waved his hands, and then ordered the palace servants to take Chang Le out to wash up.

Changle, who had been imprisoned for nearly two months, finally took a comfortable bath.

But she is also very clear that her own death time has arrived.

After washing away the mess, Chang Le changed into clean clothes, walked carefully in front of Tang Huanxi, and then respectfully knelt down to salute.

"Get up." Tang Huanxi glanced at her, and then invited her outside the hall.

Although it's already winter, the acacia tree in the hall hasn't turned yellow yet.

She carefully looked at the surrounding scenery, and finally slowly raised the corners of her lips, "I never imagined that I would be able to take a closer look at every plant and tree in Changle Palace in my lifetime."

"Why don't you cherish that hard-won opportunity?" Tang Huanxi looked at her and sighed softly, "At the beginning, I really thought that you and Wuyou were destined, but in the end, you actually made a move on Wuyou."

Chang Le lowered his eyes, Xiao Wuyou's appearance suddenly appeared in his mind.

In the end, she smiled slowly, "My fate is not up to me. If it happens again, I think I will still hurt that poor child."

"Malicious and cruel." Tang Huanxi looked at her face and commented with a sneer, "You should be glad that Wuyou survived this catastrophe, otherwise you would have been cut into pieces."

"Your Majesty came here today to reminisce about the old days?" Chang Le frowned and changed the topic.

At the same time, Chen Rui has been carefully observing Changle's every move and every word and deed.

"Even if you hurt Wuyou once, it still can't change the fact that you are Xiao Jingyuan." Tang Huanxi suddenly felt a little disappointed, "Although I really want to kill you like this, if I kill you rashly, I'm afraid I can't kill you." To block the mouths of all the people in the world. What's more, the monarch of Xiliang has already handed over a name card, wanting to ask to marry you, I thought it over carefully, and finally made a decision."

"The empress doesn't really want me to marry?"

"Don't you want to marry?" Tang Huanxi looked at her and raised her eyebrows in surprise, "Xiao Baorui told me that the reason why you harmed Wuyou was because you listened to Tuobawei's bewitching. So as long as you are willing to do it for me, One thing, I will let you get what you want, I don't know what you want?"

"What does the Empress want me to do?"

Tang Huanxi thought for a while, then untied the purse from her waist, and then took out the small black porcelain bottle inside the purse.

"When Tuobawei comes to the capital, you can find a way to make him eat the pills in this small porcelain bottle. As long as you do it, I will let you marry in a good manner. What do you want?"

"Is this poison?"

"Not fatal."

"What are the consequences?"

"Once a man takes this medicine, it will be difficult for him to have children."

"Why does the empress think that I will agree to this deal?"

"Do you think you have the right to refuse?" Tang Huanxi looked at her and suddenly smiled.

Finally Changle nodded.

Tang Huanxi got up and was about to leave, but before leaving, two court ladies were left behind.

"They are Rui'er, Feng'er, and they will be your personal maids from now on, and will take good care of you."

"Thank you Queen Empress."

Tang Huanxi left Changle Palace, but in just half an hour, the situation of Changle Palace was different from the past.

Chang Le leaned against the window, watching the scene in front of him, his chest was unstoppably sore.

Power is indeed a good thing.

Fengluan Hall.

Xu Jiudi gritted his teeth, and resentfully gnawed on the mutton biscuits that Fu Ling had just made, feeling more and more unhappy.

"When I think that Changle can live a good life for a while, I hate it so much!"

"Sister Jiudi, you are becoming more and more like a child." Tang Huanxi shook her head helplessly, "Even if the prisoner is going to be delivered to the execution ground, he must be fed. Is that the reason?"

Hearing this, Xu Jiudi's eyes lit up.

"Huanxi, are you holding back some bad water? I knew you wouldn't make Changle feel better! That's the person who almost killed Wuyou, how could you just let it go like this?"

"Do I look like a pregnant woman?" Tang Huanxi looked at her and smiled helplessly.

"Anyway, he doesn't look like a good person."

Tang Huanxi felt so depressed that she wanted to cry.

Meeting Xu Jiudi's curious eyes, she simply revealed her plan.

"Changle must have had contact with Tuobawei in the past, otherwise she would not listen to Tuobawei so much. Now Chen Rui hates Tuobawei, so I thought about it and decided to change Chen Rui's disguise and stay in the Changle's side, so that she can figure out Changle's words and deeds, so that she will gain something."

"This is a good strategy. That Tuobawei really deserves to die!"

"He deliberately led Wushisan to the officialdom of the Yong Dynasty, in order to make those officials depraved and addicted. Fortunately, there are many outstanding talents in this year's autumn, and this has filled the gap in the officialdom."

"I don't quite understand the affairs of the court." Xu Jiudi bit off the last bite of sesame seed cakes, and thoughtfully said, "Huanxi, that Tuobawei worked so hard to set up such a big game of chess, doesn't he want to gain something? ?”

"what do you mean?"

"I suspect that this so-called marriage is a cover-up, and that Tuobawei must have other plans!" The more Xu Jiudi thought about it, the more serious the situation was than he imagined, "Since Dayong and Xiliang are no longer at war, there have been more capitals. At least a businessman from Xiliang, do you think that Tuobawei has already sneaked into the capital?"

Tang Huanxi was startled, and hurriedly got up and went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

At the same time, Xiao Baorui also received a tip from Hongluan Guard.

"It seems that the marriage that Tuobawei said is just a cover." Xiao Baorui frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Secretly monitor Tuobawei's every move, see who he will contact in private, and list them all. record."

"Yes!" Hong Tao nodded immediately, and then quickly disappeared.

Tang Huanxi hurried to the Hall of Mental Cultivation and expressed her worries.

Xiao Baorui gently held her hand, and comforted her softly, "Miss, don't be nervous."

"How can I not be worried? Tuobawei is a sinister poisonous snake hiding in the dark. We don't know when he will suddenly jump out and bite us!"

(End of this chapter)

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