Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 951 Snake hits 7 inches

Chapter 951
The more Tang Huanxi thought about it, the more she felt that this matter was weird. She looked at Xiao Baorui with worry in her eyes.

"Tuobawei acted insidiously, I am really worried."

"Miss, your guess is right." Xiao Baorui thought for a while, and then succinctly told the secret report brought by Hong Tao, "So the marriage proposed by Tuoba Wei must be a cover. I have already ordered, The patrols in the palace will be strengthened recently, just in case, the lady will not leave the palace for the time being, okay?"

"Yes," Tang Huanxi nodded obediently, but she was still a little uneasy.

If Tuobawei, a poisonous snake, cannot be eradicated sooner, she really can't feel at ease.

"Speaking of which, it's time for us to name the emperor. Qin Tianjian handed over a few good names, my lady, would you like to take a look?" Xiao Baorui looked at her solemn expression, and immediately changed the topic, "Yu, Rui, and the Ming character, I think it's not bad, what do you think, my lady?"

Tang Huanxi thought for a while, then pointed to the word Ming, "I think the meaning of this word is very good, Yiming, from now on the second child will be called Xiao Yiming."

"It's really good. When the second child cried, it was really a blockbuster."

Listening to him making fun of his own son in a serious manner, Tang Huanxi finally laughed.

Xiao Baorui gently held her shoulder, comforting silently, "Miss, don't worry, everything will be fine."


At that time, there was an aftertaste building in Kyoto.

Because Xu Jiudi had seen the portrait of Tuobawei beforehand, she could see the disguise of the bearded man in front of her at a glance.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

The bearded man looked suspicious and spent a lot of money, unlike a local in Kyoto.

Xu Jiudi thought for a while, and secretly instructed Caihuan a few words, Caihuan immediately understood, and hurried to the Ministry of Punishment.

Today's Scorpio is not only the left commander of the Yulin Army, he is also an assistant to Xing Yuan in the Ministry of Punishment.

The previous officials were involved in the case of Wushisan. Under Xing Yuan's investigation, a large number of officials who were not addicted to drugs were rescued.

Today's Minister of the Ministry of Justice is even more majestic in the court.

After hearing Caihuan's words, Scorpio's heart sank.

Immediately led a team of people to secretly surround the Huiwei Building.

It is night, the moon is dark and the wind is high.

The shadow of the tree outside the window swayed gently, Xu Jiudi sat on the stool and picked up a cup of tea thoughtfully.

"You said that he has been hiding in the Huiwei Building and can't go out. What exactly is he trying to do?"

Scorpio shook his head slightly, and a layer of confusion appeared in his eyes.

"I always feel that things will not be so simple." Xu Jiudi put down the teacup in his hand a little irritably, his eyes darkened, "Why don't we take the initiative and catch him by surprise first?"

"You can't scare the snake." Scorpio shook his head, "What's more, we are not sure that the bearded man is Tuobawei."

"It would be great if Huanxi is here, she will definitely find a way to catch the other party!"

When Tang Huanxi received the news that Xu Jiudi had entered the palace, she couldn't help but raise her lips, "Sister Jiudi, you must have overestimated me."

"Have you already thought of a good countermeasure?"

"If you want to lure a snake out of the hole, you have to hit the opponent seven inches away!" Tang Huanxi raised her lips and smiled slightly, "I have tolerated Chang Le for so long, and now it's time for her to die."

"What if Tuoba Wei doesn't come to rescue Princess Changle?"

"Isn't it just what I want?" Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, "Everyone knows that my sister-in-law doesn't like this little sister-in-law who appeared out of nowhere. If Changle died suddenly, in the eyes of others, Xiao Baorui and I There will inevitably be a gap between them, if someone takes advantage of this... Ben Gong thinks that Tuoba Wei will not miss such a good opportunity."

Princess Changle is ill.

Serious illness, serious illness, sudden illness.

Even the imperial physician in the palace was helpless.

The palace even released the imperial list, paying a lot of money to hire famous doctors for the princess.

Everyone started to discuss, first exaggerating about Princess Changle's background, and then bringing up the old story again.

It is said that Princess Changle was deliberately targeted by the empress, so she couldn't afford to get sick.

After all, the current queen is really jealous!
Aftertaste floor.

Xu Jiudi specially invited Scorpio to drink tea in the wing room next to the bearded man.

"I didn't expect Huanxi to be so vicious this time. It seems that this time she really killed Changle?"

"I heard that Princess Changle is pregnant." Scorpio suddenly said, "That's why the empress is furious."

"It's so?" Xu Jiudi looked surprised. After a moment of silence, she sighed softly, "It's a pity."

"I don't know whose child the princess is carrying..."

"Except for the eunuchs, guards and the emperor in the palace..." Scorpio, who knew he had made a slip of the tongue, immediately stopped talking.

The two looked at each other, and then looked at the wall behind the Babao screen in unison.

Tuoba Wei was extremely shocked.

He thought that Changle might be really sick, but he didn't expect that she would have Xiao Baorui's child?
If you can make good use of that child, you will definitely do a lot in the future.

So he immediately disguised himself and left the Huiwei building.

Hong Tao, who had been secretly monitoring his every move, immediately brought the news back to the palace.

Xiao Baorui couldn't help but raised the corners of his lips, and smiled slightly, "I think someone will fall into the trap soon."

"My son is afraid that this plan will not go so smoothly." Xiao Yijin thought for a while, and still expressed the doubts hidden in her heart, "Father, Tuoba Wei is a treacherous and cunning man, doesn't he have any doubts?"

"what do you mean?"

"We need to make two preparations. No matter what, we can't let him run away." Xiao Yijin thought for a moment, then smiled slightly.

"Tell me about your plan." Xiao Baorui looked at him and raised his lips curiously.

After a quarter of an hour, Xiao Baorui adopted his plan, "Since that's the case, I will give you full responsibility for this matter."

"Father, don't worry, my son will live up to his trust."


Fengluan Hall.

Xiao Baorui finished a bowl of old duck soup with bamboo shoots, and said thoughtfully, "Lady, after Tuobawei's matter is completely resolved, I plan to hand over all the matters concerning the emperor to the crown prince."

"Yijin is still young after all, can he do well?" Tang Huanxi looked at him with surprise in his eyes.

"He can." Xiao Baorui smiled, his eyes full of trust.

"Actually, the previous drug-related case of officials lost a lot of good generals, but when you think about it carefully, this matter is also a double-edged sword. I thought it would take at least three to five years to bring the court to justice. It saves a lot of energy and time to clean the place where the filth is hidden. I know you don't like to stay in the palace, so I plan to entrust everything to Yijin, and then take you to live in seclusion Shanlin, I don't know what the lady wants?"

"Okay." Tang Huanxi nodded with a smile, "Xiao Baorui, as long as there is you, it is home to me."

(End of this chapter)

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