Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 952 Aunt Changle, Farewell

Chapter 952 Aunt Changle, Farewell

The imperial palace, Changle Palace.

Chang Le looked at the two maids in front of him and suddenly smiled.

"It's really unnecessary for the empress to order you to supervise this palace." Chang Le looked at them, with a cold chill hidden in the depths of his eyes, "This palace has fallen into this situation now, so it's possible that the queen still thinks that this palace What kind of storm can the palace turn over?"

"The servants don't know if Your Highness the Princess can turn the tide." Chen Rui, whose alias is Rui'er, suddenly sneered, "It's just the king of Xiliang who has caused a storm. Not only has he broken some of the emperor's trusted wings, but now She also sneaked into the capital secretly, fearing that there would be a bloodbath at any moment. As the princess, as a native of Dayong, do you want to watch Tuobawei hurt me?"

Chang Le stared into her eyes for a while, and finally raised his lips and said, "You know everything about this Palace like the back of your hand! It seems that the Empress trusts you very much?"

"My servant has been favored by the queen, and now it is a kind of fate that my servant can serve as a princess. Therefore, this servant hopes that everything will be well for the princess." Rui'er looked at her and said with incomparable sincerity.

"Heh——" Chang Le chuckled, with indescribable sarcasm in his tone, "Well? From the moment I decided to enjoy the glory and wealth as Xiao Jingyuan's identity, I was doomed not to be safe in my life. Although I don't know why the Queen let the two of you stay, but let me tell you, there is no turning back when I start a bow, and I never regret my choice!"

In the blink of an eye, Chang Le suddenly pulled out the golden hairpin on his head, and stabbed in the direction of Rui'er!


A feathered arrow flew over impartially and hit Chang Le's heart.

Blood soon soaked the skirt of her chest.

Chang Le's eyes widened, unable to believe all this.

She died like this?

Xiao Yijin silently retracted the bow in her hand, her eyes were cold and without any warmth.

"Aunt Changle, farewell."

"You..." Changle never dreamed that she would die in Xiao Yijin's hands, she closed her eyes in pain, feeling a little unwilling to die.

Rao Chen Rui, who has gone through many vicissitudes, was also a little surprised when he saw this scene.


"If I didn't make a move just now, you will be the one who died." Xiao Yijin took a deep look at her, and her tone became more and more bitter, "You have lived in Changle Palace for so long, and you should also learn her words and deeds." It's gone. I can't tolerate her living another second."

After he finished speaking, he left.

The news that Changle was pierced by an arrow soon reached Tang Huanxi's ears.

It's just that when she learned that Xiao Yijin was the one who killed Changle, she felt a little uncomfortable.

"Mommy, did Yijin really kill Changle?" Tang Huanxi looked at Nanny Gui, holding the last hope, and asked cautiously, "Is it true?"

Seeing her flustered expression, Nanny Gui nodded slightly.

Tang Huanxi closed her eyes in pain, and her tone became more and more serious, "Yijin...is only five years old!"

"Your Majesty, the prince is the future heir." Nanny Gui took a step forward, took her hand lightly, and comforted her silently, "The prince is smart and assertive, not to mention that Chang Le first started to kill others. Only the prince will do it."

"Nurse, I don't want Yijin's hands to be stained with blood." Tang Huanxi smiled wryly, "When Xiao Baorui successfully ascended the throne, I was worried that Yijin's temperament would change. I admit that Yijin is smart, but sometimes His temper is too stubborn. Changle almost killed Wuyou this time, I know Yijin feels bad, but... But no matter how he is, he is just a child, how can he... How can he kill someone? ?”

"Empress, please calm down first." Nanny Gui immediately poured a glass of warm water and handed it to Tang Huanxi, "Empress, this old slave thinks the prince is right, but it's you, Empress, who has softened even more."

"Empress, if you are just an ordinary person, then your expectations will surely come true. But you forgot that you are the queen, and your son is the prince. The world is in such chaos today. One Tuobawei has already disrupted the whole world. In the Yong Dynasty, if the prince had no courage, he would have become a fish on the chopping board of others! Madam Madam, I know that you are kind and kind, but you must not forget that Princess Changle almost killed your daughter !"

Nanny Gui felt that Tang Huanxi had changed too much.

It is too easy to be soft-hearted, easy to be emotional, and start to become indecisive.

This kind of change is quite bad for a queen.

Tang Huanxi carefully savored every word Nanny Gui said, and finally lowered her eyes, and said in a low voice, "Mommy, I understand what you mean, I want to be alone for a while."

"Okay." Nanny Gui nodded, and then led all the palace people to retreat.

Tang Huanxi was the only one left in the huge Fengluan Hall.

She was lying on the table, her eyes full of confusion.

Has she started to be indecisive?
[Ding Dong, your refrigerator cutie is online! 】

[Little cutie, just now Nanny Gui said that I'm getting soft-hearted, what do you think? 】

【Master, if the person who killed Changle was Chen Rui, would you still be so worried? 】

[No] Tang Huanxi answered firmly.

[Yes, in fact, the master is not a soft-hearted person, and even the master thinks that Chang Le deserves to die.The master's tangled point is probably that the person who killed Changle was Xiao Yijin, so the master can't accept it? 】

【Yes. 】

【Master, in fact, although Xiao Yijin's fate is precious, he is not without flaws. 】

[How do you say this? 】

【The prince is paranoid. Although he has a lot to do in the future, he is too hostile and will eventually eat him back. 】

[Then is there any way to help him get rid of this hostility? 】

[Buddha said, everything has a definite number.The master doesn't need to worry too much, not to mention that when the master conceived Xiao Yijin, he passed part of the fairy soul to him, so he will be fine. 】

【Is it really going to be okay? 】

[Could it be that the master doesn't believe me anymore? 】Little cutie looks aggrieved.

Tang Huanxi nodded slightly.

There was a slight sound of footsteps, and Tang Huanxi raised her eyes in astonishment, and met Xiao Yijin's terrified eyes.



Xiao Yijin plunged into her arms, holding her tightly, never daring to let go.

An hour ago, he went to Changle Palace and killed Changle himself.

There was pleasure at the moment of killing, but after turning around and leaving Changle Palace, a touch of fear suddenly appeared in his heart.

Aunt Jiudi once said that he is the proud son of heaven.

But he didn't have to get his hands dirty.

After returning to the palace, Xiao Yijin had a long, long dream.

In the dream, he successfully ascended the throne three years later, but after becoming the emperor, his temperament suddenly changed, and he would kill people at every turn.

Violence and cruelty are the evaluation of him in history books.

He even killed his own brother, his sister and his mother with his own hands.

In the end Xiao Yijin was awakened, and he walked to Fengluan Hall in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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