Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 953 No Wan Wan 1

Chapter 953
Tang Huanxi patted his back lightly, comforting him gently, "Don't be afraid, Yijin, the queen mother is here, don't be afraid!"

"Mother—" Xiao Yijin was very scared, afraid that the dream would become a reality.

He hated the self in that dream, how could he become like that?
Tang Huanxi hugged him gently, then freed up a hand, poured a glass of warm water and handed it to him.

"Yijin, don't be afraid, the queen mother is here, drink some water first, and calm down."


Seeing Tang Huanxi standing in front of her safe and sound, Xiao Yijin felt a little relieved.

But thinking of that terrible dream, he was still a little flustered.


"What's wrong?" Tang Huanxi looked at him and asked gently.

"Mother, I killed someone." Xiao Yijin looked at her and clenched his hands nervously. He was really scared, afraid to see a little bit of disgust on Tang Huanxi's face.

"I already know." Tang Huanxi looked into his eyes and smiled, "Can you answer a question from your mother?"


"Why did you kill Chang Le?"

"She almost killed Wuyou! Today I didn't want to hurt her, but I saw that she didn't repent, and said that even if she had another chance, she would still choose to hurt Wuyou! So after she pulled out the gold When Chai was about to hurt someone, I drew the bow and arrow and aimed at her heart. Then I shot the arrow."

"Then do you regret it?" Tang Huanxi looked at him and asked softly, "If it happened again, would you kill her?"

Xiao Yijin was silent for a while, and finally nodded, "Yes."

"Yijin, the queen mother really doesn't want your hands to be stained with blood, but these are just the queen mother's delusions. You are not only the queen mother's son, you are also the prince of Dayong, the future prince, so your hands are destined to be stained with blood." Contaminated with blood. But if possible, the queen mother hopes that you will not kill people lightly, even if Changle deserves to die, she will be punished accordingly, and the law will punish her, I don't want you to take action, do you understand?"

Xiao Yijin's eyes became gloomy bit by bit, he lowered his head, and his tone was full of self-blame, "Mother, have I let you down?"

"Stupid child," Tang Huanxi stretched out his hands to gently rub his soft hair, and smiled, "You are the son of the empress, and the empress will never disappoint you."


"No, but." Tang Huanxi interrupted him, his eyes were like a torch, "Yijin, after the first month, mother hopes that you can go to the Great Buddha Temple."


"Listen to what mother said, Changle's death is inevitable, so don't take it too seriously. If you still feel uneasy, then go back to the palace and copy the Heart Sutra."

"it is good."

Tang Huanxi looked at him, his gaze became more and more gentle, "Recently, the government is not stable, and there are people from Xiliang who are watching secretly. You must protect yourself well, and don't go out of the palace if it is not necessary."

"Well, my son, please remember."

After Xiao Yijin left Fengluan Hall, Tang Huanxi also figured out a lot of things.

People can not escape from doing wrong?

What's more, for Changle, death is indeed not a pity.

Aftertaste floor.

Xu Jiudi looked at the woman who suddenly appeared in front of him, with a little doubt in his eyes.

"You are……"

"Wei Ping."

"Unheard of."

"The empress empress saved me in distress earlier, so I want to beg shopkeeper Xu to take me into the palace and let me meet the empress empress." Wei Ping looked at her and said sincerely, "I do have something very important. I want to tell the empress."

Xu Jiudi immediately lowered his eyes, covering the dark emotions in his eyes.

"Why should I believe you?"

"Miss Xu, I am also the woman who was deceived by Jia Zhengjing." Wei Ping looked at her and said with incomparable sincerity, "I was almost in prison at the beginning, but it was the empress who saved me. So I want to repay the empress for her kindness." .”

"Jia Zhengjing?"


Xu Jiudi was silent for a moment, and finally nodded slightly, "In that case, you can disguise yourself later, and then I will take you into the palace."

"Thank you Miss Xu."

Wei Ping breathed a sigh of relief, she thought it would not be easy to enter the palace.

Fortunately, Xu Jiudi was willing to help her once regardless of past suspicions.

She must let Tang Huanxi know the news sooner.

"Do you believe her?" Scorpio suddenly walked out of the screen, walked up to Xu Jiudi, and asked with a frown.

"Well, a woman's intuition tells me that every word she says is true."

"It's very difficult to bring an unidentified person into the palace."

"I have you." Xu Jiudi looked at him and said with a smile, squinting his eyes, "I don't think it should be difficult?"

Seeing her smiling like a cunning little fox, Scorpio immediately raised his eyebrows.

The slightly raised corners of his lips showed that he was in a good mood at the moment.

"By the way, the furniture in our yard has almost been added. After the spring, you can move in." Scorpio clenched her hand, looked her in the eyes, and smiled softly, "Our The wedding date has been set for early March."

"Scorpio, don't you really regret it?" Xu Jiudi suddenly looked up at him with some hesitation in his eyes, "What if—"

"Not in case."


"No but," Scorpio interrupted him forcefully, "Xu Jiudi, you are destined to be my wife in this life."

Xu Jiudi blushed instantly when he heard these words.

She bit her lip lightly, the smile on her face was like a water lotus, extremely shy.

"I hope there will be no more accidents in our wedding day."

"everything will get better."

At dusk, with the help of Xu Jiudi, Wei Ping entered the palace smoothly.

I saw Tang Huanxi who I hadn't seen for many years.

"The daughter of the people has met the empress empress, and the empress is safe."

"Sister Wei, get up." Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, her tone full of surprise, "Sister Jiudi just said that she wanted to take me to meet an old friend. I was still thinking, who is it? But I didn't expect it to be Sister Wei You, long time no see, how are you?"

"Back then I was lucky enough to be taken care of by my mother, but now Wei Ping is already a female catcher in the Gu Yucheng county yamen."

"My sister has become a police officer?" Tang Huanxi was extremely surprised.

"Well, by chance, I became a catcher." Wei Ping smiled softly.

Tang Huanxi looked at her expression seriously, and found that her temperament was indeed different from the past.

"Actually, the daughter of the people entered the palace this time because she wanted to give something to the empress." Wei Ping thought for a while, carefully took out something from her cuff, and handed it to Tang Huanxi, "Empress, take a closer look."

With a curious attitude, Tang Huanxi opened the roll of white silk cloth.

It's just that when she saw the blood on it and saw the contents clearly, she instantly turned pale with shock!
(End of this chapter)

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