Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 954 It's Great

Chapter 954 It's Great

Tang Huanxi lowered her head and said nothing.

Only the hand holding the silk cloth trembled slightly.

Xu Jiudi noticed something unusual, and immediately took a step forward, gently holding her hand.


After Xu Jiudi called several times, Tang Huanxi gradually came to his senses.

"Are you okay?"

"En." Tang Huanxi nodded, then looked at Wei Ping solemnly, and asked calmly, "Sister Wei, where did you get this silk cloth?"

"I got it by chance." Wei Ping looked at her and said softly, "The eastern part of Guyu City is a slum. There was a murder case there before, and I got this silk from the home of an old woman." The nun is illiterate, but this silk cloth was a gift from her former master, so she has been hiding it under the pillow."

"Later, I saw the name of the current Holy Master on it, so I kept an eye on it. Later, my mother died of a serious illness, so I secretly hid this piece of silk cloth. But I didn't expect that there would be some unscrupulous people in the market now. Good news..."

"So I left Guyu City overnight and rushed to Kyoto as quickly as possible."

Tang Huanxi stared at her, trying to see a flaw in her face.

"Sister Wei, this matter is very important, so I would like to invite you to stay in the palace for a while."

Wei Ping thought for a moment, and finally nodded slightly.

After Nanny Gui took Wei Ping away, Xu Jiudi walked to her side, frowned and asked, "Do you trust her?"

"Xiao Baorui sat on the dragon chair with great difficulty, and I will never allow another accident to happen." Tang Huanxi lowered his eyes slightly, and said with a heavy gaze.

Xu Jiudi looked curiously at the silk cloth she held in her hand, "What's written on it?"

Tang Huanxi smiled wryly, then handed the silk cloth to her.

When Xu Jiudi finished reading the blood book on the silk cloth, he was shocked.


"Speaking of which, the ancestor emperor is really pitiful. Murong Ze is the child of the former empress who had an affair with the guards, even Xiao Baorui..."

Who would have thought that Concubine Lan Gui was pregnant before entering the palace?

However, the ancestor emperor loved Concubine Lan very much.

Not only did he deceive the original queen mother, but he even designed to change Xiao Baorui's birth date.

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Xiao Baorui finished reading the contents on the silk cloth, and there was no wave in his eyes.

Tang Huanxi took a deep look at him, then handed the silk cloth to the side of the candlestick, and then threw it into the charcoal basin on one side.

Soon, the silk cloth with blood written on it instantly burned to ashes.

"There may be no reason for it." Tang Huanxi frowned, and her tone became more serious, "I have already asked Madam Gui to send someone to secretly monitor Wei Ping, Xiao Baorui, I am worried that someone will use this incident to attack you. "

"It's okay." Xiao Baorui walked to her side, raised his hand to smooth her brow, and smiled slightly, "Lady, don't frown."

"Are you not worried at all?"

"Now that we have reached this position smoothly, what else is there to worry about?" Xiao Baorui raised his lips, and the smile on his face became brighter, "No matter what the other party's intention is, we just need to face it That's right."

"What's more, I'm more worried about that child Yijin now." Xiao Baorui sighed a little melancholy, "Yijin is smart and wise, but he still lacks in heart, lady, I'm worried that he won't be able to get around that circle."

"Although Changle's death was unexpected, it is reasonable. After all, our Wuyou has suffered so much..." Tang Huanxi said in a deep voice, "After the new year, I plan to take Yijin to the university. Stay in the Buddhist temple for some time, hoping to sharpen his mind."


Half an hour later, the people in the imperial dining room brought dinner.

Tang Huanxi accompanied Xiao Baorui and ate a small bowl of rice.

"Go and see Yijin when you have time, he still cares about your thoughts." Tang Huanxi looked at him and said softly.


"Now that Chang Le is dead, I don't know what Tuoba Wei will do next?"

"Although Changle in the palace is dead, Princess Changle in everyone's eyes is still alive." Xiao Baorui said softly, "Two hours ago, Chen Rui came to see me."

"What does she want to do?"

"She took a token to leave the palace and left the palace."

Tang Huanxi fell silent immediately.

Chen Rui, probably went to find Tuobawei.

At the end of the Xu Dynasty, Tuoba Wei leaned against the soft bed with half-closed eyes.

There was a slight sound of footsteps by his ears, and he immediately reached out to touch the big knife on his waist.


His knife deviated from Chen Rui's neck by ten centimeters.

"Long time no see, Eldest Prince." Chen Rui looked at him, his eyes were cold and without any warmth, "I never thought that we would meet again in our lifetime. It's really great."

"Chen Rui?" Tuoba Wei frowned tightly, his bearded face showed a surprised expression, "Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in Luoyang?"

"Why did you lie to me?" Chen Rui looked into his eyes and asked without answering, "Also, why did you kill my father?"

"Chen He?" Tuoba Wei lowered his eyes immediately, the eyes became deeper and deeper, "I didn't kill your father."


Chen Rui chuckled, with an indescribable sarcasm in his tone.

"I was too stupid and naive to be deceived by your few words."

"My feelings for you are real."

"Really?" Chen Rui lowered his eyes slightly, his voice could not conceal the disappointment, "But how did I hear that you are going to marry Princess Changle?"

"These are expedient measures." Tuoba Wei suddenly reached out to support her shoulders, and his tone became more and more gentle, "Ruier, please believe me, my feelings for you are true, my love for you has never been No change. Rachel, can you do me a favor?"

Chen Rui pulled the corners of his lips and squeezed out a bitter smile.

"What else do you want me to do?"

"How about you find a way for me to meet Princess Changle?"

"Me?" Chen Rui sneered again and again, "Now I've become a street mouse, how could I meet the aloof Princess Changle?"

"Rui'er, you used to be Concubine Rui, you must have an eyeliner in the palace, how about helping me?"

"It's not impossible to help you." Chen Rui suddenly smiled, but that smile was ironic no matter how you look at it, "What happens after I help you? How will you repay me?"

"How about I make you my side concubine?"

"It sounds very tempting," Chen Rui nodded lightly, then calmly took out the dagger hidden in his cuff, and quickly pointed it at Tuoba Wei's heart! "It's just that you think too highly of yourself. I never said I love you from the beginning to the end!"


Tuoba Wei never dreamed that he would fall into her tricks, he was so furious that he stretched out his hand to grab her by the throat!

(End of this chapter)

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