Chapter 955

Chen Rui felt that he could hardly breathe.

The taste of being locked in the throat is really not good!


Just when she thought she was certain to die, a black figure flashed quickly.

Tuoba Wei only felt that his eyes were darkened, and he lost consciousness in an instant!
After winter, the climate became colder and colder.

In the four corners of Fengluan Hall, there are charcoal basins.

The dark red charcoal fire warmed the entire hall.

Tang Huanxi handed the little Yiming in her arms to Nanny Gui behind her, and smiled slightly, "It's only been two months, and Yiming has grown up a lot."

"The appearance of the second prince is exactly the same as that of the empress, so cute." Nanny Gui hugged Xiao Yiming in her arms, and couldn't put it down.

"It's said that Xiao's mother is Xiao's mother, and Xiao's father is Xiao's daughter. It's true. That girl Wuyou is very much like Xiao Baorui." Tang Huanxi smiled slightly and said softly, "Seeing that it's getting dark, why is this stinky girl still talking?" Didn't come back?"

"My daughter just sneezed several times in a row, and I just thought, Mother must be missing me!" Before Tang Huanxi's voice fell, Xiao Wuyou had already bounced into the hall.

"Is it cold outside?" Tang Huanxi quickly held her hand, feeling that her hand was still warm, and then breathed a sigh of relief, "The weather is getting colder now, remember to add an extra cloak when you go out, just in case It’s not good if you catch a cold.”

"Mother!" Xiao Wuyou hugged her shoulder affectionately, smiled and said coquettishly, "I'm fine, I'm fine."

"You, you," Tang Huanxi reached out to poke her small nose angrily, her gaze was full of tenderness and indulgence, "Why do you insist on going to Changle Palace today?"

"Today is her first seven days." Wuyou, who is almost two years old, already understands a lot of truths.

Meeting Tang Huanxi's surprised eyes, Xiao Wuyou smiled softly.

"Mother, in fact, when she gave me candy for the first time, she hesitated."

Wuyou likes to eat sweets very much, but Tang Huanxi is afraid that her teeth will be broken, so she has some reasonable control over her diet.

The first time she saw peanut candy in Changle Palace, she was very happy.

"At that time, I was clamoring to eat, but she hesitated for a long time, and when she finally handed it to me, she cried."

Looking at such an innocent daughter, Tang Huanxi's eyes suddenly turned red, and she didn't know what to say.

"The queen mother originally thought that you could live happily and simply in this life. The queen mother didn't want you to see the sinister side of life, but... the queen mother still didn't protect you well after all, and she made you suffer so much."

"Mother." Xiao Wuyou held her hand obediently, her voice became more and more sweet, "It's not your fault, I feel very happy to be your daughter. This incident made me understand a lot Makes sense. So I don't blame anyone."

"Stupid child." Tang Huanxi pulled her into his arms with great distress.

Thinking of what Imperial Physician Yuan said after she summoned Imperial Physician Yuan privately.

She just felt that someone was digging into her heart bit by bit with a knife.

Such a kind and well-behaved daughter of hers could not live to be an adult...

"Mother, I'm really fine." Xiao Wuyou said with a cute smile, and even started to comfort Tang Huanxi in turn, "Mother, I heard from my eldest brother that after the Spring Festival, you are going to take your brother to live in the Great Buddha Temple for a while." ?”


"I want to go too."

"Silly girl, I was going to take you with me."

On the tenth day of the twelfth lunar month, a night of cold wind blew the entire huge palace white.

The imperial city covered with snow has a special taste.

Tang Huanxi knew that Xiao Baorui was always afraid of the cold, so she ordered Fu Ling to collect duck feathers a while ago, and then personally made a down vest for Xiao Baorui.

When Xiao Baorui put on that peculiar down vest for the first time, there was a trace of resistance in his heart.

Then I couldn't bear to take it off.

"The Ministry of Internal Affairs has already started to prepare the regulations for the various palaces for this year's festival. In addition, matters related to the palace banquet are also proceeding in an orderly manner." Nanny Gui looked at Tang Huanxi and said respectfully, "Madam, the clothing department has been prepared. I found the phoenix coronet Xiapei that Miss Xu wants to wear, do you want Miss Xu to try it?"

"According to the time, it's time for Sister Jiudi to enter the palace." Tang Huanxi raised her eyes and glanced at the hourglass in the distance, then raised her lips curiously, "Why haven't you come so late today?"

"Perhaps something has delayed it."

"By the way, mammy, is there anything unusual about Wei Ping's side?"

Nanny Gui shook her head lightly, "Miss Wei was a little uncomfortable at first, so the old slave specially asked Bai Wei to chat with her to relieve boredom, but now I don't find anything unusual."

"I hope it's because I'm overthinking everything." Tang Huanxi closed her eyes gently, feeling a little more apprehensive.

"Your Majesty is blessed with the same blessings as the heavens, and nothing will happen."

Xu Jiudi was supposed to enter the palace at Sishi, so he could have lunch with Tang Huanxi.

Unexpectedly, the trip was unfavorable, and the carriage broke down at the gate of the palace.

Fortunately, Scorpio came to pick her up.

It was already a quarter of noon when she rushed to Fengluan Hall with her stomach full.

"It smells like spicy boiled fish?" Before stepping into the main hall, Xu Jiudi smelled a unique aroma, "Go, walk, hurry up, this boiled fish will be eaten by Huanxi alone Already!"

"Sister Jiudi, do I seem to be someone who can eat alone?"

When Tang Huanxi suddenly heard Xu Jiudi's complaint, she gave her an angry look.

"Hey," Xu Jiudi smiled awkwardly, "Did I come too late?"

"Lunch just set."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Xu Jiudi couldn't wait to sit at the table, picked up the chopsticks and began to eat.

From beginning to end, there is no image.

Tang Huanxi suddenly raised her eyebrows and looked at Scorpio who was sitting on the other side, "Scorpio, do you want to think about it?"

"What does the empress mean by this?"

"Are you really going to marry Tian, ​​an imageless woman?"

"Jiudi is very cute and excellent in Weichen's eyes."

Tang Huanxi, who was forced to eat a mouthful of dog food, was immediately speechless.

"Beauty is in the eye of a beholder, this sentence is indeed true." Tang Huanxi gave Xu Jiudi a thumbs up silently, "Sister Jiudi, you are really good at controlling your husband!"

"It's each other!" While Xu Jiudi was eating with great interest, he did not forget to agree with Tang Huanxi.

After a hearty lunch, Xu Jiudi handed the ledger in front of her.

"These are the accounts of Huihui Building in the past three months."

"Sister Jiudi, the Department of Clothes has already prepared the clothes you will wear when you get married, do you want to try it?"

"That matter, don't worry." Xu Jiudi thought for a while, then said in a deep voice, "You should take a closer look at the accounts first."

Tang Huanxi raised her eyebrows suspiciously, and then began to check the accounts seriously.

A quarter of an hour later, she asked curiously, "Is the new dish launched recently not well received? Why has the profit shrunk so much this quarter?"

"I suspect that the accounts of Huiwei Building are tricky!"

(End of this chapter)

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