Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 956 Egg Yolk Crisp

Chapter 956 Egg Yolk Crisp

"I suspect that the accounts of the Huiwei Building are tricky." Xu Jiudi looked at her with a more serious expression, "After I became pregnant, all the business of the Huiwei Building was handed over to Qian Kun, the second shopkeeper. The shopkeeper single-handedly promoted him, so I think he should be a trustworthy person, but this account is really a bit embarrassing."

Tang Huanxi flipped through the ledger seriously, and finally raised her lips and smiled.

"Brother Pei is a man, I still trust, but this Qian Kun..."

"The relationship between Qian Kun and his wife is extremely deep. I sent someone to investigate and found that his wife has been bedridden for many years and often needs to take some expensive medicinal materials. In these years, Qian Kun basically gave him all the money he saved. Madam used up her medical treatment. Just three months ago, a famous doctor came to the Jishitang Medical Center in Kyoto, and that Dr. Liu is best at treating gynecological diseases."

"What a coincidence?" Tang Huanxi instantly understood what she meant, and immediately raised her eyebrows, "What's wrong with Mrs. Qian?"

"I'm not too sure about this." Xu Jiudi shook his head lightly, and then asked softly, "Huanxi, how do you plan to deal with this matter?"

Tang Huanxi immediately lowered her eyes, and after a long silence, she frowned slightly.

"A few days ago, my uncle wrote in a letter saying that he would come to the capital after a while, and it's time for him to come to the capital." Tang Huanxi thought for a while, then smiled slightly, "Is there anything wrong with a man who is not a sage? Trusting Qian Kun so much, I think he must have something to offer. I want to give him a chance."

"I guessed it." Xu Jiudi looked at her and smiled slightly, "You have always been kind, I hope this time, Qian Kun will appreciate your kindness."

"Don't bring up these troublesome things." Tang Huanxi changed the topic and said with a smile, "I have asked Gui Momo to go to the Department of Clothing Bureau to summon you, and you can try that new dress later." clothes! If it wasn't for me and Wuyou, I wouldn't have pushed your wedding date back and forth."

"Between you and me, why do you say such things?" Xu Jiudi glared at her angrily, just as Bai Wei brought Wuyou in, Xu Jiudi smiled instantly, and hurriedly hugged Xiao Wuyou in her arms. She kissed her on the cheek, "Xiao Wuyou, do you miss your aunt?"

"Think!" Xiao Wuyou narrowed her eyes and nodded, with a very cute smile on her face.

"My aunt misses you too!" Xu Jiudi really wanted to hug this cute little dumpling in front of her if she didn't have her belly up now.

"Seeing that Wuyou's complexion has improved a lot," Xu Jiudi carefully looked at Xiao Wuyou's face, and then asked her very gently about her recent diet and daily life.

Xiao Wuyou answered them all obediently.

"I had nothing to do a few days ago, so I went to the imperial dining room and taught Fu Ling how to make this egg yolk cake. You all have to try it?" Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, pointing to a plate of pastries in front of her, and softly laughed.

Xu Jiudi couldn't wait to taste it, then twisted a piece and took a light bite.

The taste is crisp and the egg yolk inside is very dense.

In an instant, the aroma of sesame and egg yolk was left between the lips and teeth.

Xu Jiudi couldn't stop immediately.

Watching her eat three egg yolk shortbreads one after another, Tang Huanxi personally poured a cup of warm scented tea and handed it to her.

"I just got the rose tea last year, taste it carefully."

"It tastes good."

"Huanxi, it's really a pity that you don't become a cook." Xu Jiudi gave her a thumbs up, "Sometimes I wonder if you were a chef in your previous life."

"Sister Jiudi, I am the queen."

"Well, you are the queen, but your cooking is really delicious." Xu Jiudi raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly, "The snow outside has melted a lot, do you want to go for a walk? I've been bored all day It’s too boring in this hall.”

"It's boring." Xiao Wuyou hurriedly nodded in agreement.

"Then what do you want to play?"

"I want to release paper kites!"

Wuyou immediately replied, "Mom, I really want to release paper kites!"

"The snow outside has just melted, and the road is still very slippery." Tang Huanxi vetoed her proposal, "Why don't we go to the Wangyue Tower for a stroll. I heard that standing on the attic of the Wangyue Tower can overlook the entire imperial city."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go!" Xu Jiudi immediately took Xiao Wuyou's hand and walked out excitedly.

Seeing her in such a hurry, Tang Huanxi couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

After Xiao Baorui finished reading the secret report handed over by Scorpio, the expression on his face seemed to be shrouded in a layer of haze.

"It's all the fault of Weichen's ineffectiveness, and Tuoba Wei took the opportunity to escape! Weichen implores the Holy One to punish him!"

"This matter has nothing to do with you, you get up first." Xiao Baorui looked at him and said in a deep voice, "Tuobawei is treacherous and cunning by nature, I am not surprised that he can escape."

"This matter, after all, is due to the negligence of my minister, which gave Tuoba Wei an opportunity to take advantage of."

"Where's Chen Rui?"

"Disappeared together with Tuobawei."

Xiao Baorui immediately narrowed his eyes, and fell silent thoughtfully.

A quarter of an hour later, he smiled and said, "Secretly search for Tuoba Wei's whereabouts, remember to do it quietly, and don't startle the snake! I want to see who else in the Dayong Dynasty secretly contacted Tuoba Wei. "

"Yes, I understand."

After Scorpio retreated, Xiao Baorui raised his eyes and snapped his fingers.

Hong Tao immediately appeared in front of him.

"How did Tuobawei escape?"

"Chen Rui secretly helped."

"Why didn't you stop it?"

"Your Majesty, this subordinate thinks it is a good thing for them to leave." Hong Tao thought for a while, then said in a deep voice, "Nowadays there are many rumors about you, which will definitely affect your reputation."

"I see, you step back first." Xiao Baorui gave him a deep look, but finally said nothing.

Moon Tower.

Tang Huanxi hugged Xiao Wuyou, stood on the attic and looked at the distant scenery, as if her eyes were full of tenderness.

"Since I moved into the Central Palace, I have been complaining about myself and thinking about how to escape from this prison. But I have never calmed down like this and watched the scenery of the imperial city seriously."

"Everyone says that the best things are in the palace, but you, Tang Huanxi, treat them like a shoestring." Xu Jiudi looked her in the eyes and smiled slightly, "Actually, thinking about it seriously, becoming a queen is not bad. At least I have you as a big backer, so it will be much more convenient."

"Sister Jiudi, what do you think of this world?"

Xu Jiudi was silent for a moment, and finally said softly, "Everything in front of me is covered with white snow, so it looks clear and bright. It's just that we don't know if there is any dirt inside."

"Yeah, it just looks sober." Tang Huanxi sighed softly, with unstoppable melancholy in her tone.

(End of this chapter)

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