Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 957 Don't make trouble

Chapter 957 Don't make trouble

After the winter solstice, it is Xiaohan.

The temperature is getting lower and lower.

The second prince, Xiao Yiming, also fell seriously ill when the year was approaching.

Under Tang Huanxi's careless care, the second prince finally recovered.

Only this time, Tang Huanxi was sick.

Seeing her limply leaning on the couch, Xiao Baorui's eyes were full of distress.

"Is the soup prescribed by the imperial physician ready to drink?"

"I've already had it." Meeting his worried eyes, Tang Huanxi smiled obediently, "Why did you leave court so early?"

"There is nothing important in the court, so I will leave the court early." Xiao Baorui gently held her hand, and stretched out his hand to her forehead, "Why is it still so hot?"

"It's just a low fever, don't be nervous." Tang Huanxi looked into his eyes and said softly, "It will be fine when you sweat. But you, the weather is getting colder, you must take good care of yourself and don't get infected. wind chill."

"Miss, sometimes I really feel that I am useless." Xiao Baorui stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms, let her lean on his shoulder, sighed softly, his tone was full of guilt and self-blame, "I thought I can take good care of you and the children, but... the reality beats me time and time again."

"Don't think about it." Tang Huanxi comforted softly, "Xiao Baorui, in my heart, you are the best."

"Ma'am, why did you let Chen Rui and Tuobawei go on purpose?" Xiao Baorui was silent for a moment, and finally expressed the question in his heart, "Hong Tao said that you ordered them to go."

"Well," Tang Huanxi did not deny, "Xiao Baorui, now is not the best time to kill Tuobawei."


"Do you still remember the content on the silk cloth that Wei Ping gave us?" Tang Huanxi looked at him and changed the subject.


"Now there are some rumors about your life experience in Guyu City," Tang Huanxi held his hand instead, and explained softly, "Those rumors are half-truths and half-false, and they are often such ambiguous words. I don’t want your life experience to become the talk of the people after dinner, so I have to throw another matter to attract everyone’s attention, so that those people can stop those people from continuing to spread rumors about your life experience.”

After listening to her explanation, Xiao Baorui immediately understood her good intentions.

"My lady, thank you."

"You and I are husband and wife, between husband and wife, why do you need to say thank you?" Tang Huanxi pressed his face gently, and smiled softly, "I have asked people to arrange storytellers in various restaurants, and let them talk Xiliang spies have penetrated into the capital all over the place. So Tuobawei cannot leave the capital at all, not to mention that I have already made a deal with Chen Rui. Maybe when we find Tuobawei, we will only see one Corpse."

"Of course it is extremely inappropriate for the king of Xiliang to die in the capital of Dayong, but a spy from Xiliang with ulterior motives deserves to die." Tang Huanxi looked into his eyes and said very sincerely, "Xiao Baorui, you must work hard , take good care of the world belonging to the Great Yong Dynasty, and let the common people live a life of adequate food and clothing no matter what, can you do it?"

Xiao Baorui looked at her and nodded heavily.

"Happy, how lucky I am to be able to marry you in this life?"

"Fool." Tang Huanxi only felt a warm current flow into his heart, and the warmth spread all over his body in an instant.

In a blink of an eye, it is Laba.

Tang Huanxi ordered Poria to prepare a rich Laba porridge early in the morning.

Wake up in the morning, drink a bowl of hot Laba porridge, and feel refreshed from head to toe.

A quarter of an hour later, Xiao Yijin came to say hello.

"My son, please ask your mother to be safe,"

"Get up." Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, then waved to him, "Can I have breakfast?"

"Never." Xiao Yijin shook her head obediently, "Empress Mother, Father asked my son to leave for the Great Buddha Temple today?"

"Well," Tang Huanxi nodded, his eyes were full of tenderness, "Physician Yuan said that you have trouble calming down and sleeping. Silly child, haven't you come out yet?"

"My son..." Xiao Yijin bit her lip, then lowered her eyes involuntarily.

"What a silly boy." Tang Huanxi looked at him with distressed eyes, "So I will accompany you to the Great Buddha Temple and pray in the temple for three days."

"The queen mother also wants to go together?" Xiao Yijin's eyes quickly flashed a hint of surprise, but the surprise in his tone was unstoppable, "It's just a long journey from the imperial city to the Great Buddha Temple. Queen mother, you just recovered..."

"Mother, why don't you worry about you going to the Great Buddha Temple alone?" Tang Huanxi couldn't help but hugged him in her arms, her tone filled with slow distress, "Silly boy, mother knows where your heart is, but mother doesn't I know how to unravel you, so my mother is willing to accompany you to face it together."

"Mother..." Xiao Yijin's eyes turned red immediately, and her voice became more and more choked up, "Mother..."

"After a while, you will go back to the palace to pack up some simple salutes, and after Si Shi, we will set off together."

"it is good."

Seeing Tang Huanxi's expression, Nanny Gui couldn't help sighing, "The prince looks calm, but he's only five years old after all."

"Yeah, Xiao Baorui and I have always been too harsh on Yijin." Tang Huanxi said with some regret.

"Your Majesty is going to the Great Buddha Temple this time, do you want to take the princess with you?"

"Wuyou's body can't stand the toss, so I have to trouble you to take care of me." Tang Huanxi looked at her and said sincerely, "And Yiming, I don't plan to take him out of the palace. "

"Your Majesty, don't worry, this old servant will take good care of the Second Prince and the Princess. My Majesty, too, be careful when you go out."

"En." Tang Huanxi nodded, "By the way, the ginseng and black-bone chicken soup that I ordered the small kitchen to make last night, is it ready?"

"Looking at the time, it should be almost the same."

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Xiao Baorui finished reviewing the last memorial just as Tang Huanxi stepped into the palace.

"What delicious food did the lady cook? It smells so good?"

"The ginseng and black-bone chicken soup that started to be stewed last night." Tang Huanxi lifted the food box on the handle and said with a smile, "I specially brought it to share with my husband!"

"My lady is so kind." Xiao Baorui couldn't help but embraced her in his arms, and then kissed her on the lips.

"Sneak attack again?"

"Miss is wrong, I am the woman who kissed me openly and aboveboard."

Tang Huanxi gently raised the corners of her lips, and then planted a superficial kiss on his cheek.

"My lady..." Xiao Baorui was instantly attracted by her——

"Stop messing around." A quarter of an hour later, the flushed Tang Huanxi pushed away the person in front of him with all his strength, "If you keep messing around, the chicken soup will go cold."

"Okay, stop making trouble." Xiao Baorui looked at her with extremely gentle and affectionate eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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