Chapter 958

After drinking a small bowl of chicken soup with Xiao Baorui, Tang Huanxi looked at him and said with a smile, "In half an hour, I will be leaving the palace. Xiao Baorui, do you miss me?"

Xiao Baorui didn't speak, but gently hugged her slender waist.

"My lady, I can't bear you."

"I can't bear you either, but we can't let Yijin continue to be controlled by his demons." Tang Huanxi thought for a while, then said softly, "I should also go to Senior Brother Zhuan, I hope he can help Yijin get out of her heart sooner." Knot."

"It's definitely possible." Xiao Baorui said with firm eyes.

At dusk, the gray carriage stopped in front of the Great Buddha Temple.

The host Master Wu went out early in the morning to greet him.

"The poor monk has nothing to do with the Empress, Your Highness the Crown Prince."

"It seems that the master has already calculated that I will come here today?" Tang Huanxi smiled and asked softly without seeing the slightest look of surprise on Liao Wu's face.

"There were magpies on the osmanthus tree in front of the Buddhist temple to announce the good news this morning, so the poor monk thought that there must be noble people coming."

After hearing this explanation, Tang Huanxi's smile became even brighter.

Tang Huanxi took Xiao Yijin to the main hall, first knelt down to worship the Tathagata Buddha, then got up, and led by the little monk, went to the wing in the backyard.

After eating Su Zhai, Tang Huanxi looked at Xiao Yijin and asked with concern, "How do you feel?"

"Mother, I feel that my heart seems to be much calmer." Xiao Yijin said softly, "The environment here makes me feel very quiet."



When it was dark, Tang Huanxi took him to the back mountain.

It is the middle of winter, and most of the mountain roads in the back mountain are frozen.

So they walked very carefully.

Originally, it only took half an hour to travel, but the mother and son actually walked for a full hour and a half.

"Is it cold?" Tang Huanxi turned her head to look at him, with a bit of distress in her eyes.

"It's okay." Xiao Yijin said obediently, "My lady, where are you going to take me?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

After turning over the top of the back mountain, they came to a valley.

Outside the valley is the midwinter season covered with snow, but in the valley is a vibrant spring.

"Mother, is this a fairyland?" Seeing the scenery in front of her, Xiao Yijin's eyes were filled with amazement and surprise.

"Well, this is a fairyland." Tang Huanxi smiled, and then shouted loudly, "Senior Brother! Senior Brother! Senior Brother!"

Her crisp voice resounded throughout the valley!
After a while, an auspicious cloud slowly appeared in front of them.

When the real person from the Three Realms with snow-white hair and beard saw Tang Huanxi, a loving smile appeared on his face.

"Junior sister, long time no see!"

"Senior brother," Tang Huanxi looked at him with sincere pleas in his eyes, "Can you help me find out the fate of my son Yijin?"

The real person from the Three Realms then set his gaze on Xiao Yijin's face. After a while, he suppressed the smile on his face, and his eyes became deeper and deeper.

"You killed someone?"

"...Yes." Xiao Yijin nodded, because she was too nervous, her hands on both sides of her body were clenched into fists.

"Why didn't you control yourself back then?" The real person of the Three Realms looked at him and asked in a deep voice.


"Answer my question!" The Daoist of the Three Realms suddenly became very harsh.

Xiao Yijin looked at him, nervous and speechless.

Sensing that the matter was unusual, Tang Huanxi quietly blocked the person behind him.

"Brother, you scared Yijin."

The Daoist of the Three Realms didn't speak, but took a deep look at her.

"You come with me."

He flicked the fly whisk in his hand, and Tang Huanxi was immediately brought to the auspicious cloud by him.


"Don't talk, just watch carefully." The real person from the Three Realms pointed the whisk at Xiao Yijin who was standing there with a dazed expression, and shook it lightly.

Soon, many fragmentary and uninterrupted pictures appeared in front of Tang Huanxi's eyes.

Little Yijin grew up smoothly, but at the age of weak crown, his marriage was too bumpy.

The woman he likes will always die strangely.

Later, after Yijin ascended the throne, his temperament changed drastically, becoming more irritable and suspicious, and began to doubt everyone around him.

He even killed his own parents, and even killed his own brothers and sisters.

Finally became a loner.

In just a quarter of an hour, Tang Huanxi was terrified.

"How could Yijin's fate..."

"He is the chosen one, but his destiny is lacking after all."

"Brother, is there any way to make up for it?"

"Did you see that dark red light above his head?"

Tang Huanxi watched earnestly following the direction his whisk was pointing at, and finally nodded slightly, "I see."

"Bairui, because you are a fairy of Baihua, you have always had a fairy soul when you experienced reincarnation. Originally, you would die on your wedding night in this life, but you didn't want your soul to be intertwined in time and space in the two lives. In addition, Xuan Tie has been helping you in secret. That's why you have this life. If you passed away alone in this life, it stands to reason that you should return to the immortal class. But you insist on finishing this life..."

"I spent the reincarnation of the previous lives in a daze. But this life is different. I have too many people I want to protect."

"That child shouldn't be a human being in this life, but now he came because of you, so his fate will also be changed because of you." The real person of the Three Realms thought for a while and said softly, "There is still a part of your immortality in his body. So he was smart since he was a child. But now that he kills someone, that little fairy soul has changed color."

"Senior brother, can you change Yijin's fate like a lone star?"

"To untie the bell, you have to tie it. If you want to change his fate, you need to pay some price."

"Brother, please tell me!"

"You need to take him to a Buddhist temple to eat fast and chant Buddha for three years, and three years of hair cultivation, to get rid of the bad luck he was born with." The real person of the Three Realms looked at her and sighed softly, "During these three years, you must not kill. Rui, you are not a person in the world of mortals, if you leave now, it is not impossible..."

"I am willing to practice for three years." Tang Huanxi said with a smile.

"But now that you are in this world of mortals, you have a special status. Are you really willing to give up everything temporarily?"

"Senior brother, being a mother is strong. Since I brought him into this world, I should solve all obstacles for him." Tang Huanxi looked at him and said with a smile.

"Okay." The real person of the Three Realms nodded, "Since you have already made a decision, I won't say more. Next March, when the peach blossoms are in full bloom, remember to come here to find me again."

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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