Chapter 959
Xiao Yijin looked at the mother who suddenly appeared in front of her, her eyes were full of doubts.

"Mom, were you flying just now?"

Tang Huanxi laughed dumbfounded, then shook her head at him, "No."

"Mother, why do you call that fairy grandfather your senior brother? Could it be that mother is also a fairy?" At this moment, Xiao Yijin's mind was full of doubts.

"Want to hear a story?"

"Think." Xiao Yijin nodded firmly.

Tang Huanxi smiled, then took his hand and started to walk back slowly.

"Once upon a time there was a beautiful and charming Baihua Fairy, her name was Bairui..."

Following Tang Huanxi's eloquence, Xiao Yijin couldn't help but listened fascinated.

It wasn't until they returned to the wing room in the backyard of the Great Buddha Temple that Xiao Yijin realized that the Bairui fairy in this story was her own mother.

"Mother, it's all my fault." Xiao Yijin looked at her with self-blame in her eyes, "Mother, do you really want to lead a three-year practice in the Great Buddha Temple?"

"Well, your fate is born with evil spirits, mother can't just watch you fall into the abyss bit by bit." Tang Huanxi rubbed his fluffy hair and sighed softly, "Silly boy, you don't have to tell mother Say sorry. Remember, you're not sorry to anyone, remember?"

Xiao Yijin looked at her and nodded slightly.

There was nothing to say all night, and in the early morning of the next day, when the sky was still dark, the Buddha's voice sounded slowly.

Tang Huanxi took Xiao Yijin, changed into plain clothes, and then came to the main hall.

Both mother and son knelt on the gray futon piously, closed their eyes and prayed earnestly.

The monks did not stop chanting sutras until it was three poles high in the sun.

"Are you okay?" Tang Huanxi looked at Xiao Yijin who was pale, his eyes were filled with distress, "Are you too tired?"

"Mother..." Xiao Yijin looked at her and said weakly, "I feel very tired, as if my whole body has been hollowed out."

Tang Huanxi gritted her teeth and carried him on her back.

After returning to the meditation room in the backyard, Tang Huanxi told Baiying to take good care of him, while he went to preside over Wu's meditation room.

"Master Liawu."

"Why is the Queen Mother here?"

"Yijin... He suddenly felt uncomfortable when he was listening to the Buddha's voice. I wonder if the master has any way to resolve it?"

"His Royal Highness was hit by the evil spirit, that's why he was hit by the Buddha's voice." Liao Wu sighed in a low voice, then turned around and took a peace talisman from the table behind him, "This peace talisman was copied by the poor monk himself. Yes, and the poor monk has been wearing it for ninety-nine and 81 days. If His Highness the Crown Prince wears this peace amulet from time to time, it may be able to relieve His Royal Highness' discomfort."

"Thank you, Master!" Tang Huanxi clasped his hands together and bowed gratefully.

At noon, Xiao Yijin, who had been unconscious for an entire hour, slowly opened her eyes.


"Yijin," Tang Huanxi hurriedly took his hand, and asked with great distress, "How do you feel? Are you okay?"

"Mother, I'm fine." Xiao Yijin forced a smile, "Mother, I seem to be a little hungry..."

"Aunt Baiying has already gone to prepare a vegetarian meal." Tang Huanxi helped him up, then took a hot towel from one side, and gently wiped his face, "After a nap, do you feel better?"

"It's much better." Xiao Yijin nodded obediently, "Mom, I'm sorry, I made you worry again."

"Stupid child, the son is a hundred years old, and he is 99 years old. You are mother's son, how can mother not worry about you?" Tang Huanxi gently rubbed his head and smiled softly.

After another quarter of an hour, Tang Huanxi fed Xiao Yijin a small bowl of porridge.

"Do you still want to sleep?" Seeing his still tired appearance, Tang Huanxi said softly, "If you still feel a little tired, lie down and close your eyes and take a good sleep."

"it is good."

Tang Huanxi thought for a while, and put the peace talisman in his cuff on his chest.

"You sleep for a while, mother will go to the main hall to continue chanting scriptures and praying for blessings later."

"it is good."

At the same time, the Palace of Mental Cultivation.

Xiao Baorui frowned when he looked at Chen Rui who appeared in front of him again, and the black box she was holding.

"You said you killed Tuobawei?"

"Yeah." Chen Rui nodded, and said expressionlessly, "Tuobawei's head is already here, doesn't the emperor believe it?"

"Seeing is believing," Xiao Baorui said in a deep voice, "Since I have seen Tuobawei's head, how could I not believe it? Really, I never imagined that he would die in your hands."

Chen Rui lowered his eyes and didn't speak again.

Tuobawei's death is inevitable.

Between them, until death.

"Since you have killed him, the reward I promised will still count."

"The women don't want these rewards." Chen Rui shook his head and said, "The women only want a promise from the emperor."

"You said."

"The King of Hexi is young, so he doesn't do anything. Although An Xiuhui is open-minded, the women are always worried that Hao'er will be bullied in the future... So the women want to ask the Holy Lord to give Hao'er an extra title of Township Lord, as long as If Hao'er can be assured that he will have no worries about food and clothing in the future, the women will be satisfied."

Chen Rui's proposal was both unexpected and reasonable.

Xiao Baorui thought about it, and soon made a decision.

"Ning County, which is located in the northeast corner of Luoyang, is a beautiful place with beautiful mountains and rivers. I promise you that I will give Murong Hao the title of Ning County Lord. I don't know what you want?"

"The woman bows to the Holy Lord Long En."

After getting the reward he wanted, Chen Rui left the capital.

At that time, a rumor spread in the streets and alleys of Kyoto.

Today's son Murong Chen is not the blood of the Murong royal family, but the illegitimate son of Concubine Lan Gui and the former champion Lang Xiao Yulin.

There were many rumors, and there were more and more memorials to impeach Xiao Baorui in Yushi Taichung.

Xiao Baorui punished the two stubborn and upright censors with thunderous means, and spread the news that Xiliang spies had sneaked into the capital.

The enemy country is coming, and rumors are rampant.

No one among the common people has any doubts about the life experience of the current Holy Majesty.

At the same time, Tang Huanxi had been in the Great Buddha Temple for three full days.

In the blink of an eye, it was the end of the twelfth lunar month, and it was snowing heavily, covering the entire Dafo Temple covered in white snow, which was extraordinarily enchanting.

"Mother?" Xiao Yijin, who had copied another Heart Sutra, gently put down the red script in her hand, and looked up at Tang Huanxi.

"Looking at your eyes, it seems to be a lot calmer?"

"Well, I feel much better. I didn't wake up last night."

Ever since he killed Chang Le, he couldn't sleep often at night.

Sometimes, although the body is asleep, the consciousness is still awake.

That feeling is really uncomfortable.

"Tomorrow we will leave for the palace. Mother will come with you again in March when the peach blossoms are in full bloom." Tang Huanxi stretched out her hand to rub his head, and said with a gentle smile.

"Mother, I want to stay in the Buddhist temple." Xiao Yijin looked at her and expressed her decision.

(End of this chapter)

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