Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 961 A Long Experience

Chapter 961 A Long Experience
Hearing this extremely familiar name, Tang Huanxi's eyes were full of surprise.

"Who are you talking about?" For a moment, Tang Huanxi thought she was hallucinating.

"Jia Zhengjing." Xu Jiudi sneered, his tone full of sarcasm, "The reason why he was willing to marry me, who was notorious, was to use the channel of Xu's Bank to open up the market of their Jia's Medical Center in Jinling .After we left, we lost contact with each other.”

"Ji Shi Tang belongs to the Jia family?" Tang Huan raised his brows curiously, "He deliberately approached Qian Kun, what exactly is his intention?"

"I don't know the details." Xu Jiudi shook his head lightly, "But I have already made it clear with Shopkeeper Qian that he has deeply realized his mistake. I hope this time, he will not Betray Huiwei Tower again."

"Are you still going to use him?"

"For Brother Pei's sake, I plan to give him another chance." Xu Jiudi thought for a while and said softly, "It's just up to him whether he should cherish this opportunity."

Tang Huanxi declined to comment on her decision.

"Have you tried the Fengguanxiapei made by the Department of Clothes Bureau? Does it fit you well?" Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, and changed the subject, "Now your belly is protruding, I specially sent someone to change it slightly. Touch the waist of the wedding dress."

"I tried it yesterday, it's very beautiful and beautiful." Xu Jiudi looked at her, his eyes were full of gratitude, "Huanxi, I still owe you a thank you."

If she hadn't personally pulled her out of the mud, Xu Jiudi would never have imagined that she would be able to live such a happy life.

Scorpio loves her very much and takes good care of her.

Now that she has a child, he even promised to carry eight sedan chairs to welcome him into the general's mansion.

Thinking of this, Xu Jiudi felt that a wave of honey was poured into his heart, sweet to his heart.

Seeing the smile on her face, Tang Huanxi also felt happy for her.

"It's fine if you like it." Tang Huanxi looked at her with sincere eyes, "If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have pushed your wedding date again and again..."

"Okay, the two of us will be thanked to each other." Xu Jiudi smiled heartily and said softly, "Today is New Year's Eve, Huanxi, what delicious food did you prepare for tonight?"

"Mandarin duck hot pot." Tang Huanxi said with a smile.

It was past noon, and in the huge imperial dining room, everyone was so busy that they kept their feet on the ground.

At that time, the Palace of Mental Cultivation was also decided by Eunuch Xiaofu, and he changed his attire, which looked a lot more festive.

"You have worked hard these days." After Xiao Baorui processed all the memorials in hand, he walked up to Eunuch Xiaofu, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, "Thank you."

"Slave is terrified!" When the flattered father-in-law Xiaofu heard Xiao Baorui's words, he almost didn't kneel down directly.

"Being able to serve the Holy Majesty is a blessing that I have cultivated in my previous life!"

"No matter what, I really thank you." Xiao Baorui looked at him and smiled slightly, "I specially asked the queen to prepare a hot pot for you alone, so you don't have to be on duty tonight, go back to your room and have a good time." Enjoy this New Years Eve."

"Thank you, my majesty, for your kindness!"

After Xiao Baorui left, Eunuch Xiao Fu gently raised his sleeves, and gently tapped the teardrops from the corners of his eyes.

At dusk, in Fengluan Hall, a special round table was full of people.

"I never imagined that I could spend a New Year's Eve in the imperial palace in my lifetime!" Qian sighed with emotion in a low voice, "This is really something that I can't even dream of!"

The others who heard this couldn't help laughing.

"Sister-in-law, you are really cute." Tang Huanxi smiled, and then set her eyes on Qian Zihan's face.

Qian Zihan is currently the No. [-] scholar, and now he has successfully entered the Hanlin Academy under the name of Han Ruyu when he was in college, and has become a Hanlin student.

"I haven't seen Zihan for a long time, Zihan seems to have lost a lot of weight?"

"Auntie, Zihan is not thin, but now he has developed the habit of getting up early every morning to punch, so he looks even thinner."

"That's right, he's actually strong." Qian Shi also explained with a smile.

After a while, the charcoal fire in the charcoal brazier in the middle of the table was burning extremely vigorously.


The special copper pot is filled with milky white big bone soup, which has been boiled at this moment.


Tang Huan greeted everyone with a smile, "Tonight is a family feast, there are no outsiders, so let's enjoy it freely!"

In order to make everyone feel at ease, Tang Huanxi insisted that Nanny Gui and the others go to other places to set up a table of identical hot pot.

The freshly cut lamb rolls and fat beef rolls are very tender.

There is also the hand-made shrimp slippery that she ordered Poria to prepare in advance, and the taste is very creamy.

Duck intestines, hairy tripe, sausages, and pee beef balls and fish balls.

Everything is Tang Huanxi's favorite.

In order to take care of everyone's taste, there are two copper pots on the table in front of me. In addition to the milky white clear soup, there is also a spicy pot that looks appetizing.

In less than half an hour, everyone ate heartily and felt extremely refreshed.

"It's been a long time since I ate hotpot so recklessly." After the hotpot meal was over, Tang Huanxi was still a little unsatisfied.

"The lady likes it, we will eat it in two days." Xiao Baorui looked at her, his eyes full of doting.

"it is good."

Seeing the couple's affectionate appearance, Xu Jiudi immediately shook his shoulders.

"It's so nasty! I feel goosebumps all over the place."

"Just now I saw that you like fatty beef rolls very much?" Scorpio suddenly put his arms around her shoulders, and said with a soft smile, "I will ask the cook in the mansion to make more of these for you to try."

"Tsk tsk, laugh at a hundred steps at fifty steps." Tang Huanxi glanced at her angrily, and his words were full of jokes.

"You and I are the same, so stop making fun of each other."

"Obviously it was Sister Jiudi, you laughed at me first." Tang Huanxi hugged Xiao Baorui's arm, her tone couldn't help being coquettish, "Why don't we play mahjong later, the loser has to promise the winner a condition, how about it?"


Mahjong was a new game proposed by Tang Huanxi a few days ago. Later, people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs actually made a pair of mahjong according to the drawing she gave.

As soon as mahjong came out, it swept the entire harem instantly.

"Speaking of this mahjong, I heard a joke, Huanxi, do you want to hear it?"

"Sister, tell me!"

"There is a Censor Zhuang at Yushitai, whose name is Zhuang Yan. He is very upright and strict. When he first heard that the mahjong was researched by the empress, he was going to go to the imperial court to impeach Huanxi. He solved a problem!"

"Oh?" Tang Huanxi's curiosity was instantly aroused, "What's the trouble?"

"Originally, the relationship between Zhuang Yushi's first wife and his other two concubines and Tongfang was not harmonious. Later, this Mrs. Zhuang fell in love with playing mahjong, and often took these younger sisters to play mahjong. She even treated Zhuang Yushi very kindly..."

"I didn't expect that mahjong has such an effect? ​​It's really a long experience."

(End of this chapter)

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