Chapter 962
"Who said it wasn't?" Xu Jiudi looked at her, his tone full of jokes, "So, this Zhuang Yushi was your black fan at the beginning, but now he has become your die-hard fan!"

"Dare to ask my lady, what is the meaning of this black fan and this die-hard fan?" Scorpio suddenly frowned suspiciously, and cast a curious look at Xu Jiudi.

Xu Jiudi pointed to Tang Huanxi on the opposite side, and said with a smile, "Actually, I don't quite understand the meaning of these two words, but these are words that Huanxi once said. I think I should use them appropriately?"

"Very appropriate." Tang Huanxi nodded lightly, with a faint smile on his face, "I never thought that Zhuang Yushi would change his view of me because of mahjong. It's really...unbelievable."

"Nine pieces!" Xu Jiudi grabbed a card excitedly, and then shouted excitedly, "Zimo, I win! Hahaha, Huanxi, hurry up and give the money!"

Tang Huanxi, slightly dazed, realized that they were on the mahjong table at this moment.

This round, Xu Jiudi ate three families.

After several people fought for four rounds, it was midnight.

Because of Xiao Baorui's prior arrangement, they set off early and arrived at the Moon Tower.

As the New Year's bell rang, a gorgeous rainbow suddenly exploded in the sky.

It is colorful and beautiful.

Those bright fireworks are breathtakingly beautiful.

Tang Huanxi's eyes were all attracted by the scenery.

It's so beautiful.


A golden light flashed, and a pattern of a dragon soaring suddenly appeared near the sky.

At that time, the people who were visiting the Lantern Festival in the city of Kyoto were all shocked when they saw this picture.

One or two... Countless individuals.

They all knelt down on the ground devoutly and began to pray earnestly.

"You carefully designed these?" Tang Huanxi looked sideways at the man beside him, and then smiled brightly at him, "Tianlong Makoto, very good."

"Don't worry, lady, keep looking down." Xiao Baorui gently raised his lips, and then put his arms around her shoulders.

Following the direction of his finger, Tang Huanxi saw the scenery in the distance.

The pattern of a flying phoenix slowly emerged in the sky, and there was a gorgeous fireworks beside it.

Looking carefully, it seems to be a happy word.

"Like it?"

That gorgeous fireworks was deeply engraved in the depths of Tang Huanxi's memory.

At that time, Xiao Baorui was beside her ear, breathing like blue.

"En." Tang Huanxi looked at him, her crescent-like eyes were filled with emotion at this moment, "Xiao Baorui, I like this gift very much, so thank you."

Xiao Baorui suddenly leaned over and gently held her lips.

At this moment, it seemed that the whole world was quiet——

Xu Jiudi, who saw this scene from a distance, was also shocked.

"I think I finally understand why Huanxi would rather sacrifice the freedom she wants most to stay in the palace."

Such a free, easy and willful woman, if she didn't love Xiao Baorui too much, how could she wrong herself to stay in this small world?
"It's late at night, let's go back." Scorpio put a gray cloak on her shoulders, and his deep voice was full of tender care.

"it is good."

Xu Jiudi smiled sweetly at him.

The two left Moonwatch Tower side by side.

In the dead of night, heavy snow fell outside the window again.

Ruixue is a prosperous year.

In the early morning of the next day, all the courtiers and their wives entered the palace one after another.

At the palace banquet, everyone was talking and laughing at Yan Yan.

During the period, everyone laughed and laughed, so happy.

On the second day of the first lunar month, Xiao Baorui turned off all his affairs and took Tang Huanxi, Xiao Wuyou and Yiming to the Great Buddha Temple.

"Yijin probably didn't know we would show up yet." Tang Huanxi said with a smile, "A family should be together neatly, Xiao Baorui, how kind of you."

"Silly lady." Xiao Baorui squeezed her cheek with some distress, his gaze became more gentle, "Yijin is also my son, you are all my most important people, everything I do is taken for granted."

Tang Huanxi didn't speak any more, but slightly raised her lips.

Big Buddha Temple.

After staying in the Buddhist temple for half a month, Xiao Yijin felt that her mood had become much calmer.

More importantly, he no longer wakes up suddenly in the middle of the night because of nightmares.

Especially every time he discussed Buddhism with Master Liaowu, he felt very comfortable.

There is a feeling of peace of mind.


"Mother? Father? Worriless?" Xiao Yijin, who was copying the Heart Sutra, raised her eyes to see the person who suddenly appeared in front of her. Her eyes were full of surprise, and more of a surprise.

"Why have you lost so much weight?" After not seeing him for several days, Tang Huanxi's yearning for him was like a torrent of river, rolling on and on.

Although Xiao Yijin has lost some weight, her eyes are obviously more energetic.

"Brother..." Xiao Wuyou immediately opened her shoulders and gave Xiao Yijin a big bear hug, rubbing her furry head against his embrace, "Brother, I miss you so much!"

"I want to worry-free too." Xiao Yijin smiled and rubbed her head.

"Father, mother, it is the busiest time in the palace, why are you here?"

"Silly boy, we can't leave you alone in the Buddhist temple for the New Year!" Tang Huanxi pinched his little cheek and said softly, "And mother really misses you."

The smile on Xiao Yijin's face never disappeared from the beginning to the end.

Because the husband and wife left the palace in modest clothes, after notifying Abbot Wu, no one else in the temple was disturbed.

"Look at this handwriting, it seems that I have improved a lot." Xiao Baorui went around to the desk, carefully looked at the handwriting written by Xiao Yijin, and commented pertinently, "I always thought your handwriting was too sharp, but now look at it. It seems that I have restrained a lot. It seems that I have really grown a lot."

"Probably because of the peace of mind, so the written words are no longer so sharp." Xiao Yijin replied obediently, "Father, how are you doing these days?"

"Now the court is my trusted confidant, and everything is developing in an orderly manner. So everything is fine." Xiao Baorui looked at him, his eyes were full of worry, "I always thought that I gave you too much money. A lot of pressure, that's why you feel so nervous..."

"It has nothing to do with the father, it's all because of the minister himself." Xiao Yijin silently looked away, and her tone was a little ethereal, "Actually, I was in Changle Palace that day, and I might not have killed her. There was an impulse... At that time, I couldn't restrain that impulse, so I moved my hands."

"What about now?" Xiao Baorui looked into his eyes and asked softly, "Can you restrain yourself now?"

"I thought, I can do it."

(End of this chapter)

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