Chapter 964

When he suddenly heard this shameless words, the Daoist of the Three Realms almost staggered and fell off the auspicious clouds.

He raised the Buddha dust in his hand, and in the blink of an eye, Xiao Baorui stood beside Tang Huanxi.

"What did senior brother tell you?" Tang Huanxi looked at him with a smile in his bright eyes.


"No matter what he said, you don't have to care." Tang Huanxi held his hand calmly, and her tone became more and more gentle, "Xiao Baorui, I have always considered myself very lucky and very lucky to have met you in this life. Happiness. So stop thinking about it, you know?"

Hearing these words, Xiao Baorui burst into tears.

He lowered his eyes immediately, covering the emotions in his eyes.

The lady gave up too much for him...

"The reason why you came to the valley in the middle of the night is to show your affection in front of me?" Seeing their affectionate scene, the Daoist of the Three Realms glared at them angrily.

"Brother, I really have some doubts in my mind when I came here today, I want to ask my brother to answer my questions."

"But it doesn't matter."

Tang Huanxi thought for a while, and then revealed her plan.

The Daoist of the Three Realms took a deep look at her, and finally nodded gently, "You're right, you can't cross others, and if you want to break Xiao Yijin's fate as the lone evil star, he himself needs to put in some effort. It’s just that it’s too unrealistic for your family to abandon the entire imperial palace and court to practice in the world of mortals, right?”

"Dreams are still necessary, what if they come true?" Tang Huanxi smiled brightly at him.

"That's good." The Daoist of the Three Realms thought for a while, and said softly, "When Yijin was just born, I was worried that the evil spirit he was born with would backfire on you, so I specially put a spell on him. Now that he has Now that I can restrain my emotions, I think it's time for me to get in touch with that spell."

"Tomorrow Yijin will come in person."


Tang Huanxi thought for a while, then winked at Xiao Baorui.

The latter understood immediately and stepped back gently.

"You sent him away on purpose, do you want to ask yourself something?"

"Well." Tang Huanxi smiled, "Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from senior brother's eyes. Senior brother, Wuyou was killed by an adulterer before and took Wushi powder by mistake. Although he has completely quit drug addiction now, the imperial physician It is said that the foundation of Wuyou's body has been damaged, and when she is 16 years old, she may be... I want to know if there is any way to help her get through this disaster."

"Bairui, do you know why your son and daughter are so troubled?"

"Probably because I gave up the immortal soul myself, so the punishment left behind by the warning from heaven?"

"Since you already know, why do you insist on yearning for this world of mortals?"

"Brother, it's easy to enter the world of mortals, but difficult to get out of the world of mortals." Tang Huanxi sighed softly, his tone full of self-deprecating smiles.

"Bairui, don't you worry that one day you will regret it?"

"Even if I regret it, I will grit my teeth and bear the consequences."

"You, you, are still as stubborn as you were hundreds of years ago."

"Brother, isn't that the same? Brother has a soft heart and has never changed. Otherwise, how could he secretly help Xiao Yijin?" Tang Huanxi smiled, and said softly, "Brother, I just want to live a little longer and be able to see it with my own eyes. When a few children grow up, I will die without regret."

The Daoist of the Three Realms took a deep look at her, his eyes were full of pity, "It seems that you already know your physical condition?"

"Well, it probably won't last ten years."

"You really don't regret it at all?"

"From the moment I chose to stay with Xiao Baorui, I never gave myself a chance to regret it."

"It's been so many years, and you're still the same as before." The Daoist of the Three Realms sighed softly, "If that's the case, then feel free to do what you want to do, and don't let yourself down."


On the fifth day of the first lunar month, Xiao Baorui left the Great Buddha Temple with his wife and children.

"I want to visit Luoyang." Tang Huanxi, who was sitting in the carriage, suddenly said, "I received a letter from Brother Pei last month, saying that the Huiwei Building in Luoyang has officially opened. No matter what, I should go to see it in person." congratulate."

Tang Huanxi sometimes feels that the relationship between her and An Xiuhui is delicate

From tit-for-tat at the beginning to sympathy later, the relationship between women is indeed very strange.

"You really should go and have a look." If An Xiuhui hadn't given Xiao Baorui the list of officials colluding with Tuoba Wei, he wouldn't have been able to clean up the entire court in just one year.

"My lady, do you think she will forgive me?" Thinking of An Xiuhui, Xiao Baorui suddenly felt sad, "If it wasn't for me..."

"The past is over." Tang Huanxi gently held his hand, and said softly, "What's more, she would rather be An Xiuhui than Xiao Jingyuan, wouldn't she?"


"Xiao Baorui, there is nothing wrong." Tang Huanxi interrupted him forcefully, with heavy eyes, "Changle has passed away due to illness, and you have never let down the Jinling Xiao family. Don't put yourself in a cage full of self-blame and guilt Inside, promise me, okay?"

Xiao Baorui took a deep look at her, the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

Finally nodded with a smile.

Da da--

The carriage moved forward slowly, and soon arrived in front of the palace gate.

Xu Jiudi and Scorpio's wedding date is tentatively scheduled for the eighth day of the first lunar month.

Because Xu Jiudi had saved the Queen and Princess Wuyou, the emperor gave her permission to marry in the palace.

On the night of the seventh day of the first lunar month, Xu Jiudi, who couldn't sleep, chose to walk into Tang Huanxi's bedroom.

"Can't sleep?" Tang Huanxi was making an underwear at that time, seeing her tangled expression, she couldn't help laughing, "Sister Jiudi, don't tell me, are you scared?"

"Huanxi! Don't tell me if you see through it!" Xu Jiudi took advantage of the situation and sat beside her, hesitated for a while, and asked softly, "Huanxi, do you think he will regret it in the future?"

"You mean Scorpio?"

"Could it be that there are other people?" Xu Jiudi looked at her and said angrily.

"It's hard to follow a man's word. Since he has already decided to marry you, how can he go back on his word? If he really regrets treating you badly in the future, I will let Xiao Baorui dismiss him from his official position, and then hit him again. He is [-] big boards, how about it?"

"Huanxi, when did you become so cruel?" Xu Jiudi became anxious immediately, "You can't just bully him for no reason!"

"Tsk tsk, you haven't married yet, and you just protect your man like this?" Tang Huanxi put down the needle and thread in her hand, gently took her hand, and joked with a smile, "Sister Jiudi, do you know this Is there anything written on your face at this moment?"


"I am in Cao Ying and my heart is in Han!"

(End of this chapter)

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