Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 965 An Honor

Chapter 965 Just as honored

"Huanxi, I'm really nervous." Xu Jiudi looked down at her swollen abdomen, and sighed softly, "I know he will treat me well, but I'm afraid that I will let him down."

"how could be?"

"Why not?"

"Sister Jiudi, don't think about it. If you don't sleep, you won't be the most beautiful bride tomorrow morning. Then you won't be able to overwhelm everyone. You must know that General Scorpio is now the celebrity around Xiao Baorui. , How many ladies want to go forward and become his woman! You can't lose your aura!"

Xu Jiudi lowered his head and carefully considered every word Tang Huanxi said, and finally nodded heavily and said, "Yes, you are right, but people can't see me clearly! I am Xu Jiudi who is both beautiful and intelligent." !"

"That's right, go back and rest!" Tang Huanxi patted her on the shoulder and encouraged her with a smile, "If you don't rest, it will be dawn soon!"

After coaxing Xu Jiudi away, Tang Huanxi also felt a little tired.

After a while, she raised her eyes slightly, and glanced at the somewhat empty main hall.

"Since you're here, why don't you show up?"


A fiery red figure suddenly appeared in front of him, like an enchanting lotus flower, like a dream and an illusion.

"Long time no see, Guren."

"This subordinate has seen the empress."

"Get up." Tang Huanxi smiled softly, "Why did you come to the capital suddenly? What happened in Luoyang?"

"Chen Rui is dead."

"Didn't the Holy Majesty already agree to her and make her son Murong Hao the township lord, so that she can get her wish?"

"She was poisoned and died after meeting Murong Hao."


"Yes." Honglian thought for a while, and took out the suicide note in her arms, "This is the letter that Chen Rui kept in his arms before he died."

"Does An Xiuhui know?"

"No one knows."

"Yeah." Tang Huanxi nodded in satisfaction, and sighed softly, "With An Xiuhui's style of handling things, she should be buried honorably."

"Your Majesty's words are very true. When this subordinate left, the Hexi Palace had already invited a mage to save Chen Ruichao."

Tang Huanxi lowered his head and opened the suicide note, the emotions in his eyes gradually lost.

The princess of Nanxiang didn't die, and even became the queen mother of Xiliang?
what on earth is it?

A gust of cold wind hit outside the window, blowing the candles in the temple flickering.

The dim lights made Tang Huanxi's face even more hazy.

When Xiao Baorui stepped forward, Tang Huanxi was still in deep thought.

"What's the matter, my lady?" Xiao Baorui gently held her hand, his eyes full of worry, "How could your hand be so cold?"

"Xiao Baorui, grandma is not dead yet..." Tang Huanxi raised her eyes slowly, her tone trembling, "She is the Empress Dowager of Xiliang."

"Miss?" Xiao Baorui frowned suspiciously, then took the letter she handed over, and quickly read it.

"This is?"

"The suicide note left by Chen Rui before he died." Tang Huanxi gradually calmed down, and said in a deep voice, "I think the reason why Chen Rui didn't hand this letter to you at the beginning was because he wanted to give himself a bargaining chip. It's just that she She didn't expect that she had been poisoned by the scheming Tuoba Wei, so she put this letter on her body before she died. I just want to understand, how could grandma become the queen mother of Xiliang?"

"Maybe these are just a trap?"

Xiao Baorui gently hugged her shoulders, and said softly, "A letter like this alone can't prove anything. If we want to know the whole truth of the matter, I think we need to go to the royal capital of Xiliang , in order to clarify the truth of the matter.”

There are many doubts about many things after Emperor Taizu led a group of people to create the Yong Dynasty.

"Okay," Tang Huanxi restrained his emotions silently, and smiled at him, "It's getting late, why don't we go to bed early."

"Well, go to sleep, lady, I will accompany you"

"Okay." Tang Huanxi nodded gently, and gradually fell into a sweet dreamland in his arms.

In the early morning of the next day, the entire palace was filled with joy.

Next to the Fengluan Hall is the Qingxi Hall, at this moment Xu Jiudi is being dressed up by several bridesmaids.


Xu Jiudi, who was washing his face, couldn't hold back his breath.

"Girl bear, it will be fine in a while!"

"It really hurts so much..." Xu Jiudi was in pain and wanted to cry. The moment Tang Huanxi appeared, he was so wronged that he wanted to cry.

"Happy, you are finally here... woo woo woo..."

"Sister Jiudi, today is your wedding day, how can you shed tears? This is unlucky." Tang Huanxi said with a smile, then took out the handkerchief in his arms, and gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, " It turns out that skin like curdling fat is such a painful thing.”

"Huanxi, you still make fun of me?"

"You all go down first!" Tang Huanxi smiled lightly, and sent all the other people in the hall away.

Then he showed the big chicken leg that had been hidden in the sleeve all the time, and it lit up in front of Xu Jiudi.

"Fried chicken leg!" Seeing the chicken leg, Xu Jiudi's eyes lit up instantly, and he immediately salivated, "Happy, we are indeed good sisters, only you know my heart best, woo woo woo..."

Xu Jiudi was still a little melancholy last night, but after Tang Huanxi opened the guide, he fell into a sweet dream in an instant.

It's just that when the sky was still dark, she was dragged out of the quilt by Caihuan because she had to put on makeup.

"I don't love you, I love my little nephew." Tang Huanxi pointed to her stomach and said with a smile, "Sister Jiudi, eat quickly, and continue to put on makeup after eating."


Xu Jiudi, who ate a big chicken leg, was instantly satisfied.

"It's strange to say that other people who are pregnant either like sour or spicy food, but this little guy in my stomach likes chicken legs very much! Especially the delicious fried chicken legs, Huanxi, do you think this little guy's taste is a bit tricky? "Xu Jiudi blinked and asked in a daze.

"It's a blessing to be able to eat." Tang Huanxi said with a smile.

At the beginning of Chenshi, Xu Jiudi finally changed into Fengguanxiapei.

Tang Huanxi walked around her a few times, looked at her carefully, and finally said with a smile, "It's so beautiful, like a fairy descending to earth."

"It is my honor to receive such an evaluation from the empress." Xu Jiudi looked at her, her eyes gradually turned red, "Happy, a thousand words and a bow, please accept my bow!"

"Sister Jiudi!" Tang Huanxi quickly refused, "Why is this between you and me?"

"If it wasn't for you, how would I be here today? Huanxi, you deserve my respect."

"It is my honor, Tang Huanxi, to be a good friend of Sister Jiudi."

(End of this chapter)

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