Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 966 Weeping with joy

Chapter 966 Weeping with joy
The auspicious time has come, and the sound of firecrackers outside the hall is deafening.

Xu Jiudi looked at Tang Huanxi with tears in his eyes, and then smiled brightly at her.

Tang Huanxi took the red hijab from Nanny Gui, and put it on her head.

"Sister Jiudi, for the rest of your life, I wish you peace and prosperity, and a lifetime of worry-free life.

May you have three warm winters, may your spring not be cold, and wish you happiness and health for the rest of your life. "

Xu Jiudi, who was under the hijab, was already sobbing.

Half an hour later, Scorpio entered the inner hall, first saluted Tang Huanxi respectfully, then walked in front of Xu Jiudi, and unexpectedly hugged her in his arms.

Looking at this scene, Tang Huanxi slightly raised the corners of her lips, and tears of emotion shone in her eyes.

"Sister Jiudi, she is really beautiful."

"Your Majesty, Mrs. Hu will be happy." Nanny Gui comforted softly, "Your Majesty, there is no need to be sad."

"Probably weeping with joy."

Xu Jiudi and Scorpio's wedding was very lively.

Aftertaste building held a three-day flowing water banquet, during which there was an endless stream of people coming and going.

Tang Huanxi, who had changed into another outfit, and Xiao Baorui, who was beside her, looked at each other, and then went to the wing on the second floor together.

At that time, Qian Kun had been waiting for a long time.

"Caomin has seen the emperor, empress empress!"

"Treasurer Qian, please get up first." Tang Huanxi smiled gently at him, "How is Madam Ling's condition?"

"Thanks to Doctor Jin's help, my wife's health is much better." Shopkeeper Qian smiled gratefully, "Caomin was really stupid before, and almost ruined the whole Huiweilou. I beseech you to punish me."

"Haven't you already been fined half a year's salary?" Tang Huanxi looked at his trembling shoulders because of fear, and softly comforted him, "Master Qian, since you are someone that Brother Pei trusts, then I won't Nonsense. Even though you embezzled the money from Huiweilou before, there was a reason for it, so I don’t want to be too harsh on you. I’m just curious, how did the people from Jishitang find you?”

"It's a coincidence that one day when Caomin was reminiscing about the calculation of accounts in the building, a nobleman in luxurious clothes suddenly came to Caomin's side. He not only told Caomin's name, but also knew the reason for his wife's lingering illness all year round. Things. To be honest, although my wife has been sick for many years, there are really not many people who know about it, so the grass people were shocked at the time."

"Later, the man said that there was a famous doctor in Jishitang who was very good at diagnosing and treating women's diseases, so I went there admiringly, but the doctor's fee was too expensive, so Caomin secretly embezzled money from the restaurant."

"If that person knows your identity and the situation in your family at a glance, it is obvious that he has made preparations in advance, so he knows so much about your family." Tang Huanxi frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Master Qian, When did you come to Huiwei Building to be the shopkeeper?"

"At the end of last autumn, Big Brother Pei was in a hurry to go to Luoyang, and I had known him for many years, so he recommended Cao Min to Shopkeeper Xu."

"Are you from Kyoto?"


"The famous doctor in Jishitang, have you heard of it before?"

"No, I only heard about it at the end of autumn last year. The medicinal materials in Jishitang have always been very expensive, so if anyone in the family has a headache, they will not go to Jishitang..." Qian Kun patted himself in shock as he recalled "Is the person behind this here for the aftertaste building?"

"To be more precise, the people behind are here for me." Tang Huanxi squinted her eyes, smiled slightly, and then looked sideways at Xiao Baorui, "Husband, it seems that we have to go to Jishitang today no matter what. gone."

"Let's go then."

Before leaving, Xiao Baorui took a look at Qian Kun, "Knowing your mistakes can make a big difference, I hope you will not disappoint the Queen's trust in you."

"Caomin thank the emperor and empress for her kindness. From now on, I will definitely do my best and die!"

"Today, the empress and I are visiting in private, so don't disturb others. In addition, in the future, we can take care of ourselves!"

Qian Kun, who was kneeling on the ground, was extremely terrified.

It wasn't until the figures of those two people completely disappeared before his eyes that Qian Kun stood up slowly, but his legs were still trembling a little.

Jishitang is located on the left side street of the most prosperous center street in Kyoto.

"Lady, shall we go in openly, or sneak in?" Xiao Baorui looked at her and asked curiously.

"Go in directly, you can't be a thief in broad daylight, right?" Tang Huanxi couldn't laugh or cry when she heard this question.

The two entered the hall of Jishitang hand in hand.

Just the moment Tang Huanxi stepped on the threshold, she smelled an unusual smell in the air.

"Be careful!" Tang Huanxi lowered her voice and said softly.

"En." Xiao Baorui also noticed that the scene in front of him was a bit strange, and carefully held the soft sword pinned to his waist.

Tang Huanxi sensitively smelled the smell in the air. In addition to the strong smell of herbs, there was also a bit of blood.


The little drug boy who was grabbing the medicine with his back turned to them suddenly fell down.

A dagger was stuck in his chest, and bright red blood stained his chest red.

"The blood hasn't solidified yet, so something happened just now." Tang Huanxi took a step forward, inspected it carefully, and finally said with a frown, "Xiao Baorui, there was a fierce fight just now."

"Go to the backyard and have a look!"

Xiao Baorui firmly protected Tang Huanxi behind him, but the moment they lifted the curtain and entered the backyard, there was a loud noise in their ears, and the white smoke blocked their sight, making them unable to see at all. I don't know the way in front of me!
Xiao Baorui held Tang Huanxi's hand tightly, not daring to let go.


A white light suddenly whizzed past in front of his eyes——

Xiao Baorui immediately picked up Tang Huanxi and jumped into the air, avoiding the long sword's attack.

A moment later, Xiao Baorui fought fiercely with the man in black.

A quarter of an hour later, the man in black was wounded and escaped.

"It seems that our whereabouts have been leaked." Xiao Baorui and Tang Huanxi looked at each other, and they both saw the astonishment in each other's eyes. "Not many people know our whereabouts today..."

"It seems that that person is deeply dormant." After careful consideration, Xiao Baorui guessed the leaker behind him. He gently held Tang Huanxi's hand, and said with gentle eyes, "If you don't want to , there is no need to reveal her face."

"It's true that I can't bear it, but I'm more curious." Tang Huanxi forced a smile, "No matter what, we must understand the truth of the matter, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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