Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 967 Disappointment

Chapter 967 Disappointment
Fengluan Hall.

After returning to the palace, Tang Huanxi took a look at Xiao Wuyou, and then summoned Nanny Gui into the main hall.

"Nurse, you have taken good care of me since you came to me." Tang Huanxi looked at her with disbelief in her eyes, "It's just that I really don't understand why you want to reveal the relationship between me and Xiao Baorui. Whereabouts? Don't you really feel sad if you kill us?"

A look of surprise quickly flashed across Nanny Gui's eyes.

"She actually wants to kill you?"

"Is it true that Mammy doesn't know?"

"Your Majesty," Nanny Gui looked at her and knelt heavily on the ground, "I really don't know that she would want to kill you..."

"Mommy, who is that person?"

Nanny Gui sighed softly, her words were full of helplessness.

"Back then, Princess Nanxiang gave birth to a pair of twin sisters. The elder sister was the mother of the empress, He Dongxue. The other was Qiushuang. The old slave adopted her and raised her up."

"You mean, how could the man in black who assassinated us be my real aunt?"


"Since she is my aunt, why did she assassinate me?" Tang Huanxi recalled it carefully, her eyes full of puzzlement, "If I remember correctly, today when she was fighting with Xiao Baorui, she didn't hold anything back at all. , every move can be fatal!"

"This old slave is not too clear about this..." Nanny Gui sighed softly, "She was an independent person since she was a child, she left my side when she was 16 years old, and she didn't know where to practice I have done a lot of hard work. Two days ago, when the old slave went out of the palace to buy the dowry for Miss Xu, I saw her. At that time, she had been inquiring about the empress. The old slave originally thought that she wanted to recognize her relatives. I never thought that she wanted to assassinate the empress..."

Nanny Gui knelt on the ground, beat her chest and stamped her feet, regretting it.

Tang Huanxi took a deep look at her, and finally curled up her lips silently.

"Mommy, even if everything you said is true, I can't trust you anymore." Tang Huanxi looked at her and sighed softly, her words were full of melancholy, "Mammy once I have taught Ben Gong, and in the deep palace, the most rare thing is the word trust, and the most difficult thing to get is the word trust. I used to think that the nanny is a trustworthy person, but now, I can’t believe it anymore Mammy."

"It's not that this palace has never doubted Mammy's origin, but she always felt that Nanny treated Bengong and Wuyou sincerely, so she never wavered that trust. But this time, Mammy really let Bengong is extremely disappointed. Nanny is old and can no longer serve by Bengong's side. Because of past affection, Bengong is willing to give Nanny a chance to choose. Nanny wants to stay in the palace The same goes for pensions, and whether you still want to leave the palace, I will allow it."

Tang Huanxi walked to her side, raised her hand to help her up, and said with a gentle smile, "Mother, think about it."

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Tang Huanxi stepped into the hall with a disappointed face.

Seeing her expression like this, Xiao Baorui suddenly felt distressed, and gently hugged her in his arms.

"If you are uncomfortable, let it out. Don't hold it in your heart alone."

"Xiao Baorui, why are there so few trustworthy people in this world?"

"Fool, not everyone will be grateful for your trust." Xiao Baorui held her face in his hands, and gently kissed away the tears from the corners of her eyes, "How do you plan to deal with Nanny Gui?"

"I'm still soft-hearted after all," Tang Huanxi laughed at herself. "For the sake of past affection, I'm willing to give her a chance. I hope she won't live up to my trust."

"I hope." Xiao Baorui hugged her tightly, "Maybe the person behind her is the Princess Nanxiang?"

"What do you mean?" Tang Huanxi, who was feeling sad, suddenly realized something, "Is this what grandma meant?"

"These are just my guesses. No one knows what's going on." Xiao Baorui looked at her and said sincerely, "Maybe we should leave for Xiliang earlier. No matter what, we have to figure it out. The truth of the matter."

"Nurse Gui said that the person who fought with you was my aunt Qiushuang." Tang Huanxi slightly stretched her brows, and said softly, "Looking at her expression at the time, she probably wasn't lying. I'm just curious about Qiushuang and Ji Shitang What kind of grievance is there between them, how could she kill so many innocent people?"

There are 12 doctors and drug boys in Jishitang.

All were sealed with a sword.

The murder case quickly caused a sensation among the people.

At the feet of the Son of Heaven, a murder of such a vile nature actually occurred, and there was a lot of discussion for a while.

Xu Jiudi who heard the news suddenly entered the palace in a hurry.

"I heard that you were at the scene of the crime yesterday. Were you injured?" Xu Jiudi found Tang Huanxi, dragged her to check her back and forth several times, and was relieved to make sure she was not injured.

"I'm really fine." Tang Huanxi held his forehead helplessly and smiled slightly, "I'm really fine."


"Naturally." Tang Huanxi gently pulled her arm, and sat down on the soft bed beside her, "Sister Jiudi, aren't you planning to leave for Jinling today?"

"How can I leave with peace of mind when such a big thing happened?" Xu Jiudi patted her hand and said softly, "Why did Nanny Gui suddenly become ill? What happened?"

Tang Huanxi thought for a while, and explained the ins and outs of the matter concisely.

Xu Jiudi looked at her with a bit of astonishment in his eyes.

"You mean Nanny Gui is the princess of Nanxiang County, that is, your grandmother, who is now the Empress Dowager of Xiliang?" Xu Jiudi suddenly felt that his brain cells were not enough, "Is this impossible?"

"Indeed." Tang Huanxi nodded heavily, and then said with a smile, "Are you shocked? Actually, I was also surprised."

"Master Nanxiang is kind to Nanny Gui, that's why Nanny Gui revealed the whereabouts of you and Xiao Baorui?" Xu Jiudi thought for a while and asked curiously, "But this logic is a bit strange. It can't prove that you are the granddaughter of Princess Nanxiang, right?"

"what do you mean……"

"Huanxi, although your life experience sounds a bit bizarre, but when He Dongxue saw you that day, that kind of behavior was really strange." Xu Jiudi thought for a while and said softly, "Although I was not by your side at the time, From your narration alone, I can't see the joy of a mother finding her daughter who has been lost for many years. People are not grass and trees, can they be ruthless? If He Dongxue is really your mother, why did you feel when she saw you? Didn't she show joy from the heart at all? All she saw was your identity and value. If she was really your mother, then she was too ruthless."

(End of this chapter)

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